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Children of Gaza-John Snow's message


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Guest sibon
I hope it does...Im no fan of Isreal but im ever so glad lib tards dont teach my kids ...I bet you hate England dont you?


I love England actually.


So much so, that I write the language with fluency and care.:)

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Catching up .. as I have been offline for a couple of days. Blame EE (but that's another story)


There's so much heat in this discussion it doesn't help attempts to find common ground.


Here's one possible area of common ground: I don't think anybody is defending Hamas. Are they?


Once you start firing rockets across the border you have declared your intention to fight a war and shouldn't really be surprised if those across the border start firing back.




If hamas stopped firing rockets ...


Yes, Israel would find it hard to justify their actions.


hamas should not have started it [the conflict] using gaza as a battleground, and [i have] said what I think about that.


and that the actions of israel will only stop when hamas cease to attack them and israel think they are safe from further attacks.


I don't really support Hamas just so that you know.......


I'd probably not vote to have Hamas as my government seeing as how their strategy is keep firing these useless rockets and not providing any infrastructure to protect the population from the repercussions.


Hamas are part of the problem. Maybe they deserve more criticism than they are getting here, but I don't hear anybody defending them. Hands up those who ARE defending Hamas. Anybody?


The key criticisms of Israeli actions do not appear to be rooted in anti-Semitic, pro Islamic sentiment. Rather it's a humanitarian response:


... it's the one sided nature of this particular debacle that arouses global indignation.


... the issue isn't about rockets fired, it's the human consequences of where they detonate.


The fact is missiles from Gaza have relatively little consequence in terms of lost human lives,


the Israeli ones are killing thousands as we already know.


If it were the other way round my view would be exactly the same.


If you criticise Israei actions, that does not make you an enemy of Israel. Israel's closest allies have criticised their actions. That includes the US.


If you speak up for the suffering of innocent Gazan civilians (children and adults) that does not make you pro Hamas.


I'd say it's easy to stand up to your enemies - we don't care how our relationship is affected.


It's much harder to stand up to our friends. We need friends and we don't want to lose them.


It's the duty of those not directly involved in this conflict to stand up to our friends, not to lose them as friends, but to help them not lose us as their friends.


Most of us are appalled by the lies, the propaganda, the hatred and the civilian casualties.


As friends of those drawn into this appalling conflict we need to remind them of their own humanity.

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Guest sibon
Why does everyone know what everyone else does all of a sudden? This is getting very personal.


It is OK Jimmy. Mr Lucky Seven is an old customer with a new ID.


And a grudge. :D

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My bold=

Why not, I'm sure the Muslim brothers would chip in for a nuclear power station or two.

Israel needs to replace the only power station in gaza that it destroyed too.


Their Muslim brothers in Egypt don't give a toss about Gaza or it's people, they've sealed the border with Gaza for past few years, more so than Israel which does allow flow of goods across the border.


Israel does more for Gaza than Egypt does.

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Are you not getting tired of this?

You have been going round in circles for days now.


---------- Post added 05-08-2014 at 23:10 ----------



You truly are clueless to how the media works.


Is this an attempt to suppress the truth?


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 06:52 ----------


No shame on me, stalker.


Any nation who kills children indiscriminately, deserves international condemnation.


That is coming. Wait and see.


And what should be done about Gaza for attempting to kill children indiscriminately?


The list of countries that you condemn must also be very large, in fact most countries have been at war at some point and will have killed babies.


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 06:54 ----------


Do any of your customers know of your support for child killers?


At least your customers now know that you support terrorism and oppose those people that defend against it.


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 06:56 ----------


Why does everyone know what everyone else does all of a sudden? This is getting very personal.


Yes and that is how wars start, it starts with a disagreement, then people get angry and dish out insults and before you know it a fight as started.


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 06:57 ----------


I love England actually.


So much so, that I write the language with fluency and care.:)


But your twisted logic would make England baby killers.


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 06:58 ----------




Here's one possible area of common ground: I don't think anybody is defending Hamas. Are they?





Yes, by opposing action against Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza, they are defending them.

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Is this an attempt to suppress the truth?


No it's just you being silly again.


And what should be done about Gaza for attempting to kill children indiscriminately?


You don't think killing around 1800 people, injuring tens of thousands and destroying hundreds of homes is enough?




Yes, by opposing action against Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza, they are defending them.


I don't think anyone here has opposed action against against Hamas.

People are opposing grossly disproportionate action against Hamas which causes massive civilian casualties.


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 08:31 ----------


I love England actually.


So much so, that I write the language with fluency and care.:)


But your twisted logic would make England baby killers




Quoted for being the most bizarrely twisted logic I've had the displeasure of seeing so far this morning.

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So if the ceasefire holds just what did Hamas achieve for the people of Gaza?


They fired a lot of rockets at Israel and killed 63 Israelis. They also took Gaza a few decades closer to the stone age, which is presumably their ultimate goal.

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