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Children of Gaza-John Snow's message


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Does make you wonder doesn't it.


As time passes and the news crew teams move out of Gazza, will the shocking suffering of children and innocent civilians, become just another faded image, like those images in the past we've been shown of those children in the forgotten conflict in Syria!

I suppose that depends on two main factors: (i) how biased and sanitised is the reporting in the first place and (ii) how much empathy do you have as a person.


I mean, it's not as if the BBC has even reported the beheading of a 9 year-old little Christian girl and the crucifixion of her family by ISIS on a town square in Northern Iraq, never mind shown the videos of it shot and uploaded by ISIS on all the 'alternative' media à la Liveleak (and others) or, for that matter, the ongoing slaughter (there is no term better apt to describe it) of religious minorities in that area...is it?


And while all that's happening, let's not talk too much about the higher number of civilian casualties in Ukraine killed and maimed by, well...not too sure...either their national army, or the pro-Russian rebels, or the Russians over the border themselves: take your pick, all 3 have been proven to target civilian areas around Donetsk (and further afield) indiscriminantly.


I wonder which of these would have "trumped" the other, whether in the sensationalist stakes or political agendas, were all 3 being reported in equal terms and coverage?


Me? I don't wonder so much anymore. My cynicism and disillusions about humanity just increase a little more at a time.

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In the present conflict Hamas have inflicted 60+ casualties on the IDF. That would suggest the majority of death was at the hands of the Israelis, so the majority of blame can be laid at the Israelis door.


No it can't, If a building explodes because it contains terrorist rockets the resultant blast is the responsibility of those people storing the rockets and they are to blame for anyone that is killed.


The terrorist rockets are unguided and unsophisticated so many fall within Gaza, and they undoubtedly kill their own civilians.


Most of the dead are men of fighting age which suggests they were engaged in terrorist activities.


Hamas executed Gazan civilians for providing information to Israel.


Hamas chose the battle ground so are responsible for everyone that was killed.


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 14:14 ----------


Infants are not terrorists. Grown men on both sides are.


I agree, infants that are killed during war are regrettable but also inevitable casualties of a war that Hamas started, and I condemn the terrorists for causing their deaths.

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No it can't, If a building explodes because it contains terrorist rockets the resultant blast is the responsibility of those people storing the rockets and they are to blame for anyone that is killed.


The terrorist rockets are unguided and unsophisticated so many fall within Gaza, and they undoubtedly kill their own civilians.


Most of the dead are men of fighting age which suggests they were engaged in terrorist activities.


Hamas executed Gazan civilians for providing information to Israel.


Hamas chose the battle ground so are responsible for everyone that was killed.


Oh dear:roll:


Why oh why are you so interested in the well being of any human being? I would have thought this killing fell right into your lap, what with you having extreme thoughts on population control. More dead, less mouths to feed giving more resources to the survival of the fittest. A well known doctrine.

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Oh dear:roll:


Why oh why are you so interested in the well being of any human being? I would have thought this killing fell right into your lap, what with you having extreme thoughts on population control. More dead, less mouths to feed giving more resources to the survival of the fittest. A well known doctrine.


Typical extremist response, when all else fails just invent stuff and hope there are enough gullible people to believe it.

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In the present conflict Hamas have inflicted 60+ casualties on the IDF. That would suggest the majority of death was at the hands of the Israelis, so the majority of blame can be laid at the Israelis door.


That's a rather simplistic way of looking at it. That's a bit like a bus driver driving into a stationery truck and killing all his passengers, but because the majority of casualties were in the bus saying that the truck driver was at fault.

Some people start unwise conflicts. Like the Japanese attcking Pearl Harbor. The Japanese had far more casualties in the war that followed, so would you be blaming the Americans.

From what Ive read many of the Palestinian rockets are either shot down or land on homes in Gaza. I have no idea how many died as a result of this friendly fire but however many it was the blame is on those firing the things.

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That's a rather simplistic way of looking at it.


And yet you follow with surrealism...


That's a bit like a bus driver driving into a stationery truck and killing all his passengers, but because the majority of casualties were in the bus saying that the truck driver was at fault.

Some people start unwise conflicts. Like the Japanese attcking Pearl Harbor. The Japanese had far more casualties in the war that followed, so would you be blaming the Americans.

From what Ive read many of the Palestinian rockets are either shot down or land on homes in Gaza. I have no idea how many died as a result of this friendly fire but however many it was the blame is on those firing the things.


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 17:02 ----------


Typical extremist response, when all else fails just invent stuff and hope there are enough gullible people to believe it.


Extremism Smithy is when you have to keep reinventing yourself to spout the same tosh over and over .

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