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Children of Gaza-John Snow's message


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No, of course they're not. Is there a sarcasm tag for this thing?



If I knew what you were on about I might answer your point.


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 17:12 ----------


But it's a rather more realistic analogy than simplistic approach where you ignore all the casualties that Hamas have inflicted on the population of Gaza.


Well get on with it, provide all the evidence of friendly fire in order for me not to ignore. Friendly fire has always been a casualty of conflict anyway.

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If I knew what you were on about I might answer your point.


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 17:12 ----------



Well get on with it, provide all the evidence of friendly fire in order for me not to ignore. Friendly fire has always been a casualty of conflict anyway.


This might amuse you.




Seventy thousand Gazans from Khan Younis and Deir el-Balah were in the dark Sunday night after a Hamas rocket hit the power line that supplies electricity to those places. It's not clear when Israel Electric Company workers will be able to repair the system, but they are apparently in no rush to do so. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has asked the IEC not to risk the lives of its employees in trying to restore power to the affected sector in Gaza, an operation that could take hours.


As Operation Protective Edge enters its seventh day, many Israelis are demanding that the country take more aggressive action against Hamas in order to put a halt to the seemingly endless missile attacks from Gaza. One suggestion that has come up numerous times – including from MKs and Ministers like Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon – is cutting off electricity to Gaza,which Israel is still supplying. The Hamas missile, which hit one of the high tension wires that move power from Israel to Gaza, apparently made that a moot point, at least partially.


The Palestinian Authority currently owes the Israel Electric Company NIS 1.5 billion ($525 million) in unpaid bills for electricity. An examination of that debt by business daily Globes shows that the relative amount owed by Gaza was NIS 220 million ($62 million).


Last month, the IEC filed a petition with the High Court demanding to be allowed to shut off electricity to the Palestinian Authority until the debt was paid – or to allow the IEC to seize customs and aid payments collected on behalf of the PA to pay off its debt. That case is still pending.


Meanwhile, the IEC is still supplying electricity to Gaza, under orders from the government. The power is delivered to Gaza via 12 high-tension wires that are capable of delivering up to 120 megawatts of electricity. Experts say this is not enough for all the residents of Gaza, and in recent weeks residents have said that they have been getting electricity only 12 hours a day.


Along with the IEC's power, Gaza also receives electricity from a 140 megawatt generator which is under the control of the PA's Palestine Electric Company, which is run by Hamas operatives. The generator, which is currently operating, is maintained by a crew from German company Siemens. It had been damaged by IDF forces several times in the past, officials said.

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Well get on with it, provide all the evidence of friendly fire in order for me not to ignore. Friendly fire has always been a casualty of conflict anyway.


The terrorist groups in Gaza don't do friendly fire, they just fire and hope that someone is killed, if its Jews they calibrate, if its Israeli Arabs or Gazans they blame the Jews in the full knowledge that millions of gullible people will believe the lies.

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This might amuse you.


Why would it amuse me? That's an 'alchemist' response surely:suspect:




Seventy thousand Gazans from Khan Younis and Deir el-Balah were in the dark Sunday night after a Hamas rocket hit the power line that supplies electricity to those places. It's not clear when Israel Electric Company workers will be able to repair the system, but they are apparently in no rush to do so. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has asked the IEC not to risk the lives of its employees in trying to restore power to the affected sector in Gaza, an operation that could take hours.


As Operation Protective Edge enters its seventh day, many Israelis are demanding that the country take more aggressive action against Hamas in order to put a halt to the seemingly endless missile attacks from Gaza. One suggestion that has come up numerous times – including from MKs and Ministers like Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon – is cutting off electricity to Gaza,which Israel is still supplying. The Hamas missile, which hit one of the high tension wires that move power from Israel to Gaza, apparently made that a moot point, at least partially.


The Palestinian Authority currently owes the Israel Electric Company NIS 1.5 billion ($525 million) in unpaid bills for electricity. An examination of that debt by business daily Globes shows that the relative amount owed by Gaza was NIS 220 million ($62 million).


Last month, the IEC filed a petition with the High Court demanding to be allowed to shut off electricity to the Palestinian Authority until the debt was paid – or to allow the IEC to seize customs and aid payments collected on behalf of the PA to pay off its debt. That case is still pending.


Meanwhile, the IEC is still supplying electricity to Gaza, under orders from the government. The power is delivered to Gaza via 12 high-tension wires that are capable of delivering up to 120 megawatts of electricity. Experts say this is not enough for all the residents of Gaza, and in recent weeks residents have said that they have been getting electricity only 12 hours a day.


Along with the IEC's power, Gaza also receives electricity from a 140 megawatt generator which is under the control of the PA's Palestine Electric Company, which is run by Hamas operatives. The generator, which is currently operating, is maintained by a crew from German company Siemens. It had been damaged by IDF forces several times in the past, officials said.


Hamas takes out a power cable where previously the IDF took it out several times.


Anything else to "amuse" us with?


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 17:30 ----------


The terrorist groups in Gaza don't do friendly fire, they just fire and hope that someone is killed, if its Jews they calibrate, if its Israeli Arabs or Gazans they blame the Jews in the full knowledge that millions of gullible people will believe the lies.





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And they don't just fall on Palestinians in Gaza.


Gaza rocket hits Palestinian home in Bethlehem


Minutes before a Gaza ceasefire took hold at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Hamas launched a salvo of long-range rockets into Israel, calling them revenge for Israel's "massacres". Sirens went off as far north as Jerusalem's outlying areas such as Ma'ale Adumim. There was no word of casualties.


One rocket hit a house near the Palestinian West Bank town of Bethlehem, police and residents said.




During the day Wednesday, 140 rockets were fired from Gaza, indiscriminately destined for Israel. According to Israel Defense Forces, 81 hit Israel, 9 were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system, and 50 fell short within the Gaza Strip. Thirty-six percent of the rockets intended for Israel fell short in Gaza.


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 18:03 ----------


Israeli response to Gaza rockets wholly justified

On July 23, Colonel Richard Kemp, former commander of UK forces in Afghanistan, said on the BBC's Moral Maze programme that the (then) 600 Gazan fatalities showed Israel's extreme care in avoiding hitting civilians.


In his opinion, if not for this care, the expected death toll would most likely have been 6,000 or even 60,000. If Israel were deliberately targeting civilians, as Mr Shawcross implies, then the figure would probably be nearer 600,000 so it is clear who is really responsible for the human tragedies in Gaza and it is certainly not a result of any deliberate policy of Israel.


The way Hamas has been behaving by locating rocket launchers in heavily populated civilian areas, and using them to randomly target civilians in Israel, is certainly a double war crime for which it should be held to account.


In contrast Israel's response has been extremely measured, especially that it forgoes the tactical advantage of surprise by warning civilians of impending attacks on military targets in their neighbourhood so that they can move temporarily to a safer location.

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The terrorist groups in Gaza don't do friendly fire, they just fire and hope that someone is killed, if its Jews they calibrate, if its Israeli Arabs or Gazans they blame the Jews in the full knowledge that millions of gullible people will believe the lies.


Which word were you intending to use?


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 18:18 ----------



The way Hamas has been behaving by locating rocket launchers in heavily populated civilian areas, and using them to randomly target civilians in Israel, is certainly a double war crime for which it should be held to account.



Where else could they deploy them?

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In contrast Israel's response has been extremely measured, especially that it forgoes the tactical advantage of surprise by warning civilians of impending attacks on military targets in their neighbourhood so that they can move temporarily to a safer location.


Stay away from basic military logistics, you're a dangerous fool to yourself and anyone around you. If the Israelis used their so called tactical advantage of forewarning the civilians of an imminent attack on military targets, then it's only reasonable that Hamas would equally be forewarned and move all their equipment..even the Israelis would know that, that being the case the target would be a waste of munitions.

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Calibrate? There used to be a poster on here with dyslexia. He had very similar opinions and spelling mistakes to yours.


Sheffield has a population of 551,800 people, in South Yorkshire 1,340,000 people, the UK 64,000,000, so I have no doubt that some of these people will make similar errors when typing.


So back on topic.


UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has expressed his "alarm" after rockets were stored in a UN-run school in Gaza, and then went "missing".


A spokesman for Mr Ban said the UN chief was "outraged" at the placement of the weapons and says this has happened at least twice so far in the current fighting.


"Those responsible are turning schools into potential military targets, and endangering the lives of innocent children, UN staff and anyone seeking shelter," the spokesman said in a statement.


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 18:29 ----------


Stay away from basic military logistics, you're a dangerous fool to yourself and anyone around you. If the Israelis used their so called tactical advantage of forewarning the civilians of an imminent attack on military targets, then it's only reasonable that Hamas would equally be forewarned and move all their equipment..even the Israelis would know that, that being the case the target would be a waste of munitions.


Yes so they loose a massive military advantage by trying to avoid civilian casualties.

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