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Children of Gaza-John Snow's message


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Question: Which country alone in the Middle East has nuclear weapons? Answer: Israel



And yet they still killed fewer Muslim civilians in a one month military campaign to rid Gaza of terrorists, than the Muslims that are killed each and every day by those terrorists.

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Whereas you'd be the person apologising for the rapist.


It's usually the people who blame the victims who do that.


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 20:42 ----------


Weve never met and you dont know me so i assume you are trying to get under my skin. You wont. Also, what you said is utterly disgusting.


I'm pleased you react with such indignation, my comment was intended to demonstrate how utterly disgusting your post was.


Hamas must have trouble sleeping knowing they are responsible for all those lost lives. When i say they must have trouble i probably mean they have no trouble at all.

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Isn't what Israel are doing same as what Hitler did??


No it isnt.


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 20:47 ----------


It's usually the people who blame the victims who do that.


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 20:42 ----------



I'm pleased you react with such indignation, my comment was intended to demonstrate how utterly disgusting your post was.


It didnt work. It just showed you to be uneducated rude and aggressive. You dont like someone else's point of view? You attack them. Its sad really.

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"Nobody is defending Hamas" ...


Yes, by opposing action against Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza, they are defending them.


I think people are opposing action against innocent civilians, not Hamas. There is a clear distinction here, just as there is a clear distinction between Israeli citizens and their government.


You can oppose a government, an elected leadership, without being against an entire population.


I can object to Israeli military action authorised by the Israeli government, without being anti-Semitic.


On the other hand I can speak up for innocent Palestinian civilians without being pro-terrorist, pro-Hamas, pro-Islamic or pro-anything else you might wish to connect pro-human rights with.


I'm sure you get this simple point, but it does appear as if you are intent upon not coming close to recognising the validity of this standpoint ... ? I'll be happy for you to correct my impression.

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