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Children of Gaza-John Snow's message


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I think you jumped in a bit quick there, Mecky. I gave my idea above.


To be clear: A proportionate ("eye for an eye") response would be one where your show of strength is as great or slightly greater than your enemy's. By this definition Israel's response is disproportionate.


No it isn't, the idea of war is to bring your enemies (that term you seem to like) to the negotiation table or crush them. I wonder if you'd be singing the same song if the shoe was on the other foot, which is what you want incidently


i.e. this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-28686998 I don't see you commenting on this. Ok, it isn't Gaza but it's the same principle and it's also happening in other places.

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I think you jumped in a bit quick there, Mecky. I gave my idea above.


To be clear: A proportionate ("eye for an eye") response would be one where your show of strength is as great or slightly greater than your enemy's. By this definition Israel's response is disproportionate.


Might have to agree to disagree wih you on this.


Someone tries to hurt or kill me or mine then me NOT doing ALL I can to kill them and remove any possibility of them threating to repeat their action ever again, would be a disproportionate response.


Why do people so easily overlook things;

hamas started this conflict

hamas chose the venue

hamas have sworn to eradicate israel

If those things were not true israel would have not responded




Again I'm not saying that there was a lot wrong in gaza before this conflict began but violence is not the answer.


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Someone tries to hurt or kill me or mine then me NOT doing ALL I can to kill them and remove any possibility of them threating to repeat their action ever again, would be a disproportionate response.




...but violence is not the answer.


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Might have to agree to disagree wih you on this.


Someone tries to hurt or kill me or mine then me NOT doing ALL I can to kill them and remove any possibility of them threating to repeat their action ever again, would be a disproportionate response.


Why do people so easily overlook things;

hamas started this conflict

hamas chose the venue

hamas have sworn to eradicate israel

If those things were not true israel would have not responded




Again I'm not saying that there was a lot wrong in gaza before this conflict began but violence is not the answer.



Have you asked yourself who created Hamas? Then went on to suckle Hamas in order to destabilise secular PLO and Fatah by driving a wedge between both? Cynically Hamas was created as a charitable organisation by Mossad to "help the people of Palestine"...yeah right..Divide and conquer: the oldest military tactic in the book...

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Have you asked yourself who created Hamas? Then went on to suckle Hamas in order to destabilise secular PLO and Fatah by driving a wedge between both? Cynically Hamas was created as a charitable organisation by Mossad to "help the people of Palestine"...yeah right..Divide and conquer: the oldest military tactic in the book...


Can I see the source for this? That's quite a claim!

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Israel's military "solution" will only ever be short term. The Hamas' military "solution" was a non-starter. Neither side have won friends but I suspect Israel have lost many friends by their heavy handed disproportionate response.


The question was asked earlier what is a proportionate response?


Well if you believe (as I don't) in "an eye for eye" then your show of strength would be as great or slightly greater than your enemy's. In this confrontation, the numbers are far from comparable or proportionate.


That's because Israel succumb to the pressure from a very vocal minority that oppose a military solution.


If Israel had used the same weapons has Gaza in equal quantities, then there would far more casualties in Gaza.

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That because Israel succumb to the pressure from a very vocal minority that oppose a military solution.


If Israel had used the same weapons has Gaza in equal quantities, then there would far more casualties in Gaza.


You're really getting desperate Smithy, that post smacks of a bloke who's about to throw the towel in.

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No it isn't, the idea of war is to bring your enemies (that term you seem to like) to the negotiation table or crush them.


That's a disproportionate military response with political consequences. Even America are criticising Israel.



I wonder if you'd be singing the same song if the shoe was on the other foot, which is what you want incidently


What I want? A bit provocative! No it's not. I know it's a long way off, but what I'd like to see is a United Nations genuinely capable of mediating in such circumstances. However as there's no nation who has ignored as many UN resolutions as Israel, I know this is not likely to happen in the near future. Despite American criticism of Israel, I don't see their stance of providing substantive support to Israel changing to any great extent.


i.e. this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-28686998 I don't see you commenting on this. Ok, it isn't Gaza but it's the same principle and it's also happening in other places.


Also outrageous. There is no defence for this. I saw an old couple on the BBC news taking to the hills in fear of their lives - one making way through a rocky landscape on a zimmer.


Two wrongs do not make a right.


BTW my use of "enemies" ... do you have a preferred term for the relationship between Israel and Hamas? squabbling neighbours maybe?

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