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Children of Gaza-John Snow's message


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It's as if Hamas want a disproportionate response isn't it...........<wonders why>:roll:


Perhaps Israel should manufacture thousands of rockets with no guidance system and a high explosive warhead and just launch them at the civilian areas of Gaza. That seems to be a proportionate response. Attempting to hit rocket launch sites in civilian areas doesn't.

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Hamas has seen the worldwide condemnation of Israel. Gazan civilians mean nothing to Hamas, they're happy to see their civilians killed by Israel if it leads to further condemnation and isolation of Israel on the international stage, ie the more Israel is condemned the more it emboldens Hamas to continue the conflict.

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Hamas has seen the worldwide condemnation of Israel. Gazan civilians mean nothing to Hamas, they're happy to see their civilians killed by Israel if it leads to further condemnation and isolation of Israel on the international stage, ie the more Israel is condemned the more it emboldens Hamas to continue the conflict.


Spot on.........this has always been the case.

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Can I see the source for this? That's quite a claim!



I put a lot in there, not sure which bit or all you have issue with. You would be correct in that my claim...if that's the issue, that the Israelis actually designed Hamas as a concept is a false one. My inference was what Hamas became after interference and involvement with Israel and it's intelligence wing. I was hoping that was clear, considering the documented history, but obviously not. my bad no one else's.


There's information from academics including Israeli academics of the involvement of Mossad in its attempt to undermine Palestinian youth and it's struggle against oppression, with Hamas being a gateway.


If you want a source or admission from Israel or Mossad I'm afraid I can't provide that. Then again It would be a task to find an admission that Israel has nuclear weapons if the same question was asked. If Mossad gets involved it does it for a reason, one reason is not to hand out sweeties. It's infiltration backfired like many insurgencies backfire the West gets involved with. Arrogance coupled with poor intelligence, with vast amounts of buying Dollars can eventually work to your disadvantage. Al-Qaeda/Taliban being a prime example.

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Even the BBC is advising caution on swallowing the casualty figures, supplied by the Gazans, too willingly ... a disproportionately high number of young men amongst them, and a correspondingly low number of woman and young children if the attacks by Israel were as indiscriminate as is being claimed.




Why have the Gazan government started with the rockets again at the earliest opportunity and rejected any extension of the ceasefire? It makes demonstrations and talk of boycotts against Israel look a bit excessive now. We can see who's carrying on the offensive and it's not Israel, is it?

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Even the BBC is advising caution on swallowing the casualty figures, supplied by the Gazans, too willingly ... a disproportionately high number of young men amongst them, and a correspondingly low number of woman and young children if the attacks by Israel were as indiscriminate as is being claimed.




Why have the Gazan government started with the rockets again at the earliest opportunity and rejected any extension of the ceasefire? It makes demonstrations and talk of boycotts against Israel look a bit excessive now. We can see who's carrying on the offensive and it's not Israel, is it?


I don't think it ever was Israel. They just react after being attacked repeatedly. The same will happen again and the same propaganda ministry will spring into action to tell us about those poor peace loving Muslims who in reality never want anything but the complete destruction of Israel.

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I don't think it ever was Israel. They just react after being attacked repeatedly. The same will happen again and the same propaganda ministry will spring into action to tell us about those poor peace loving Muslims who in reality never want anything but the complete destruction of Israel.

I agree. Israel hasnt been the aggressor but unfortunately some anti-Semitic posters wont admit that Israel is the victim here.

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