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Children of Gaza-John Snow's message


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Even the children?

You'll atleast admit that children don't vote for Hamas?


But what to do about the children of Islamist terrorist fighters and leaders, bombing their fathers means their is a chance of killing the children, not bombing the fathers means the fathers lives to commit terrorist acts and their children grow up to be terrorists because of the indoctrination they live with.

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I don't think not wanting to bomb children is trolling.


.... and what is it good for?


Huh, Absolutely nothing, Apart from death and misery. You would think this is enough to put Hamas off from starting one but no. At it again firing rockets trying to murder innocent Israelis, At least they can count on the support of people like your good self. After all its only Jews they are murdering.

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But what to do about the children of Islamist terrorist fighters and leaders, bombing their fathers means their is a chance of killing the children, not bombing the fathers means the fathers lives to commit terrorist acts and their children grow up to be terrorists because of the indoctrination they live with.


So you agree..kill the kids.

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The % of under 25 gazans is NOT 75%. Thats just another lie amongst many lies told to make it look like palestine is the victim.


Out of interest if so many palestinians dont agree with hamas, so many of them didnt even vote them in then why arent they doing something to get them out? Why are they blaming it all on the Jews?


The action that Hamas has taken is supported by the majority despite the fact they the Majority didn't actually vote them into power, there was an interview on BBC news in which a Palestinian man said his youngest sons would one day avenge the deaths of his elder sons that had been fighting for Hamas, and the cycle goes on.

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For hamas their sacrifice of gaza citizens has begun to pay off. Anti-semitism is on the rise elsewhere in the world jews and syngogues are being attacked as far away as germany (nothing new there) as thousands of gullible people blame israel for the casualties caused by the situation hamas contrived and continues to do.


As expected hamas broke the latest ceasefire they could not wait 3 hours for it to end they just had to break it. Such was their impatience to add to the number of gaza citizens that have become casualties.


Obviously in the opinion of hamas not enough people from gaza have become propaganda useful statistics yet.


Perhaps it is time for israel to deploy mossad and rid gaza and the world of hamas altogether as it has become clear now that the only solution to the gaza conflict hamas will recognise is a violent one.


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