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Home repossession stopped by People Power!

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The Banks are trying to take a family home after they paid for it. The

Banks, Courts, and Bailiffs are all corrupt and will resort to any means to steal your homes.


Tom Crawford has been a law abiding, mortgage paying, thoroughly decent British gentleman all his life. He has paid his taxes and owes not a penny on mortgage but yet still, due to fraudulent and scurrilous action by Bradford and Bingley Building Society he, and his family, were set to be evicted on the 23rd July 2014 at 9am by one of the most notoriously heavy handed and heartless bailiffs from the Nottingham area, David Caress.


As you will see in this video - People Power put paid to his bullying ways and his true cowardly nature was exposed when the meat head failed to show his less than handsome face...


The kind of fraudulent repossession of people’s homes by the banks is happening more and more frequently and this corporate banking steamrollering must be sent a clear message from the people... That message must be NO!


Must watch.


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The Banks are trying to take a family home after they paid for it. The

Banks, Courts, and Bailiffs are all corrupt and will resort to any means to steal your homes.


Tom Crawford has been a law abiding, mortgage paying, thoroughly decent British gentleman all his life. He has paid his taxes and owes not a penny on mortgage but yet still, due to fraudulent and scurrilous action by Bradford and Bingley Building Society he, and his family, were set to be evicted on the 23rd July 2014 at 9am by one of the most notoriously heavy handed and heartless bailiffs from the Nottingham area, David Caress.


As you will see in this video - People Power put paid to his bullying ways and his true cowardly nature was exposed when the meat head failed to show his less than handsome face...


The kind of fraudulent repossession of people’s homes by the banks is happening more and more frequently and this corporate banking steamrollering must be sent a clear message from the people... That message must be NO!


Must watch.



There's 60 minutes of video there !


Anyway, they wont give up, and those people can't stand guard 24/7.

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Haven't watched the vid, but have read about the case online. It seems something's not quite right here. If he had an 'endowment mortgage', he'd have copies of the insurance policy and details of the payments he's made over the years. And if he hasn't kept his statements, his bank(s) will be able to provide them for him.


If he stopped paying the endowment at some time during the term, the mortgage would then be what we now call 'interest only' which obviously he is going to have to find some way of paying the capital sum back.


It says the mortgagor wrote to him in 2007 about this, so after 7 years he's still not sorted it out?

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The Banks are trying to take a family home after they paid for it. The

Banks, Courts, and Bailiffs are all corrupt and will resort to any means to steal your homes.


Tom Crawford has been a law abiding, mortgage paying, thoroughly decent British gentleman all his life. He has paid his taxes and owes not a penny on mortgage but yet still, due to fraudulent and scurrilous action by Bradford and Bingley Building Society he, and his family, were set to be evicted on the 23rd July 2014 at 9am by one of the most notoriously heavy handed and heartless bailiffs from the Nottingham area, David Caress.


As you will see in this video - People Power put paid to his bullying ways and his true cowardly nature was exposed when the meat head failed to show his less than handsome face...


The kind of fraudulent repossession of people’s homes by the banks is happening more and more frequently and this corporate banking steamrollering must be sent a clear message from the people... That message must be NO!


Must watch.



Except he cant prove he paid for it.

He claims to have had an endowment policy, but no evidence of it or the payments on it.

He hasnt paid off the mortgage. All he needs to do is provide evidence of the payments made and to whom plus details of his endowment policy.


He might have misunderstood, but still his version of events isnt backed up by evidence.

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If he stopped paying the endowment at some time during the term, the mortgage would then be what we now call 'interest only' which obviously he is going to have to find some way of paying the capital sum back.


It says the mortgagor wrote to him in 2007 about this, so after 7 years he's still not sorted it out?


It would always have been an 'interest only' mortgage.


If the endowment policy was taken out in 1988 then it's very likely that the value of it was less than the amount borrowed which would leave Mr Crawford still owing whatever is outstanding.


2007 was about the time that the likelihood of a shortfall became a great concern and letters should have been written to all who would have been affected.


It's also possible that he paid the mortgage off and somewhere along the line, the B&B and UKAR have lost all the paperwork but there should be a trail somewhere either in who has the Deeds and information recorded in the Land Registry.

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