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Burials at home, what do you think?

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Given the numbers of bodies involved and limited land available, what is the most ecological option? Is burning bodies worse for the environment than allowing them to decompose slowly in reed baskets, underground? Sorry if this is getting rather graphic.

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Is it even legal?


Yes but it is only legal in some cases http://www.naturaldeath.org.uk/index.php?page=home-burial .


For the record its not something that I was planning for myself or anyone in my family, I was surprised to see it on the news and think that its quite interesting.


If you have your own property, meet the criteria, planning on the house forever being lived in by family and have the space then its perhaps a rather nice thing to do...if a bit unconventional and strange (to some) I just wondered how other people would view it :)

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i think its a great idea but Taxidermy would be much better you could take them with you every where you go, they could live in the shed or even your living room, just a quick dust down and bobs your uncle


My uncle Bob's very much alive and kicking at the mo, but I'll bear your suggestion in mind. Thanks! :thumbsup:

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A woolen shroud with an apple tree planted on top of me would be my preferred manner of burial. From the earth to the earth.


Plus anyone eating apples would be taking a part of me with them :D


My OH favours cremation then a firework display of her ashes over Whitby harbour.

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I think honestly it's a bad move as sometimes something dreadful happens and bodies are getting dug up in ppl's gardens I think it's saying ok to murderers to commit crimes and bury body's in there own gardens but I think we all should be cremated and I no some ppl are against cremation but it helps with problems about space in cemeteries and no-one then get away with burying ppl in gardens so it won't be as easy for murders ect .....

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After watching the news yesterday I have been giving this a lot of thought and wondered what other people think.


Would you like to bury your loved one in your garden/land? or do you think it not right and prefer the more conventional burial/cremation?


Personally my mind is not made up and I can see for and against, its quite nice to have your loved one close in a place that they loved to be, but what if one day you had to sell the property, not a lot of people would want someone buried in the garden :|


What do you think?


I think this is a great idea.Provided you make sure they are dead first.

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Do you really think that someone won't have died once where your house and garden are standing? My bet is more than one will have at one time.


If that's what people want to do and as long as regulations are followed so nothing is contaminated, then who are we to stand in the way?


By the way, whoever said it was a 'cheap alternative', I don't call reducing your house value by 20k a cheap alternative but that's just narrow-minded folk for you.(not the poster who made the comment but the amount of people who are put off buying) :(

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