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Whirlow Hall Farm Event


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Struggling for something to do on the weekend? Well.... There are 5 Bands playing in the barn at Whirlow Hall Farm on Sunday 3rd August – doors open at 4.00pm, first band on at 5.00pm.

Event will finish at 11.45pm.

Bar provided by Abbeydale Brewery (real ales) and BBQ by Whirlow


Event Sponsored by TDC... The Barn for one night will be converted into a stage with lights...


Money raised for the Master Cutlers Challenge, the beneficiaries this year being Sheffield Hospitals Charity (Jessops neo natal and sick babies) and Whirlow Hall Farm Trust (supporting inner city deprived children and children/adults with special needs.

Ticket now £10 each – bargain!!! Can be bought on the day...


Please contact billyd1997@gmail.com for more Info...


All Money raised go to charity


Please share this with friends\family as a great event for charity...



The money raised will also be going to:



Sheffield Hospitals Charities


raises funds to improve the care and treatment of thousands of local patients being treated for almost every type of condition at the Northern General Hospital, Royal Hallamshire, Weston Park, Charles Clifford Dental and Jessop Wing Hospital.

By taking part in the Master Cutler’s Challenge we are raising funds for the Jessop Wing, a neonatal intensive care, fertility and maternity unit.

The Jessop Wing Maternity Unit provides not just the best medical expertise, but also those small items of comfort which can make all the difference to families at one of the most difficult times of their lives.

Recurrent miscarriages, infertility, the birth of a baby prematurely or indeed a baby who needs lifesaving care at birth or immediately afterwards is something no parent imagines will happen to them or prepares for. Sadly though, every year hundreds of babies and parents need support and care from the Jessop Wing for exactly these reasons.

The Jessop Wing’s maternity, fertility and neonatal units are among the largest in the country, supported by some of the best equipment and specialist teams in the NHS. For example the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit provides amazing care for some of the most vulnerable babies, sometimes for weeks or even months. Your fundraising efforts will help enhance this care even further and every penny raised will help. Just £3 could buy a small dummy used for premature babies, £10 could pay for their tiny clothes and £2,500 could pay for a twin cot, which allows sibling babies to be cared for side by side.


Whirlow Hall Farm Trust Ltd


is an education and environmental charity based on a 138 acre working farm on the outskirts of Sheffield. They provide children and young people with an experience of farming, horticulture and the countryside. Each year they provide a range of sessions to inspire children and bring their studies to life, they particularly encourage schools and groups that experience financial and other disadvantages or special needs. We offer some supported volunteering placements and, through the Shaw Trust, subsidised employment for people with special needs. They are a classroom in the countryside.

They believe every child, whatever their background or circumstances, deserves an opportunity to learn and develop to their full potential. They aim to promote the understanding people have of where our food comes from and the environmental issues created by our strong dependence on farms. The team strives to provide access and opportunities for all children giving them the chance to work and interact with the environment in a positive, safe and stimulating way.

From ‘Where our food comes from’ programmes to physical activities including farm jobs, earth walks, pond dipping and pony riding, all our work is designed to engage young people in learning. Activities are designed to raise confidence and self-esteem, develop team work and communication skills, unlock potential and raise aspirations.

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