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Forum Poem

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Our National Anthem needs updatin'

Why not now, why are we waitin'?

On this thread's the place and time

Cos after all, its got to rhyme.


So here we go, let's have a shot

Put minds in gear, see what we've got

This rhythm we don't need heed

Just lots of lovely verse to read.


With hands on hearts and be upstandin'

Simple prose, not too demandin'

Keep it English, proud but clean

And for God's sake DON'T include the Queen!!

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Now steady on, don't get in a tiz

There's really nowt wrong wi our Liz

To sing an anthem wi' out her name

Why, that would be a right daft game


She is our monarch when all's said & done

Tho' you may think she's not much fun

She's been our Queen these fifty years

That's lots of waving, handshaking and tears


She's unelected, that is true

But that's because her blood is blue

We don't want a politician on the throne

Let's salute the Queen and not her drones

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To the tune of 'Hope and Glory'

Here's my first attempt

Hope it don't offend you lot

No offence is meant.





England's industry-free

We are useless at football

But how we really love thee.


Rover went to the Germans

Jaguar sold out to Ford

All the things we were proud of

Bought by someone abroad.


Clowns who sit at elections

Titles that don't mean a thing

Earls, Dukes, Barons and MPs

Come on all of you sing.


Land of dope and whingers

English woman and man

Praise this home of our fathers

While it goes down the pan.

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I get your point there Mojo mate

Its not our Liz I wish to slate

I, like you, respect the lass

She's done us proud these long years past.


Her name to mention would be fine

But surely not in every line

Our present anthem's not much fun

With 'Queen' in three lines on the run.

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And now here is the final verse


And yes, it will include the Queen

I've patriotic twinges.


All hail the QUEEN and her offspring

Charles, Anne, Andrew and Ed

We're all certain of one thing

She should have had gold-fish in-stead.

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markham, a request ?

for it is at your bequest

we slave and pore,

and tap our fingers sore.


we've come this far,

let's raise the bar!

move our eyes,

towards the skies.


leave anthems behind,

soar with our minds,

in ether capacious

(and quotes ingracious).


once upon I time,

i saw you alter the rhyme.

not far to go now,

before we let it all flow now!


quatrains and triplets -

tercets and couplets -

rhyming conventions -

and bold inventions.


to express our collective

prime directive.

meaning is sought,

but infrequently caught.


on our lines of verse,

purple or terse.

lets escape the norm,

and play with the form.


swap the rhyme

from time to time

and try something new


you may find

it crosses your mind

to do the same thing too


of course, it's your call, I know that.

you've started so now you'll finish

but perhaps you'd step up to bat

and continue with a flourish?

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Ok Phan, I'm back again

With you I do agree

I'll bend the rules

So all you ghouls

Can contribute, with me.


Your verse, your beat, its up to you

Just try to keep it clean

So type away

Let's start today

Believe me, I'm still keen.


Maybe if we add a verse

For every forum thread

A line or two

From all of you

Before we go to bed.


For instance chaps, example here!

The one about CAT CRAWLIN'

Hit little brats

With baseball bats?

That really is appallin'.


And what about the blonde haired lass

Who tries to scrounge our cash?

We must keep clear

We live in fear

In case we get a rash.


And what of using words like SCUM

So free and off the cuff

When other words

Describe these turds

Like BUM or SOD or CHUFF!

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Well, Foxxx and me we disagreed

On benefits and fraud

My pants turned brown

So I backed down

Its over. Thank the Lord!


What future doth this forum hold

If all of us agreed?

We'd more or less

Just all say 'Yes'

Then there'd be nowt to read.


So here I say, with hand on heart

Long may OUR forum last

We'll have our say

Each brand new day

Leave squabbles in the past.


Oh, by-the-way, I quite forgot

How do we pronounce SCONE?

The same as GONE

That rhymes with JOHN?

Or just like TELEPHONE?

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