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Forum Poem

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A smoking ban across the land?

So let's look at the facts

Less hospitals

To cure our ills

Cos we've lost the smokers' tax.


But hey, what's this? Avast, behold

They've had a great idea

Let's not be rash

We'll still have cash

Let's slap the tax on beer.

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GM crops, what do you think?

Are they good or do they stink?


Post you thoughts, it's up to you.

Would you like a GM stew?


Some think they're good, some think they're bad,

Some think it's all a crazy fad.


I'd like to hear from both sides,

On this forum no-one hides.


Some contraversial posts from t020,

And some punches you'll want to throw.


So post away, you might just find,

With GM foods you have peace of mind.

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GM foods may not be bad

When you get down to it

Compared to things

From Burger King's

And what their chefs do to it.


I've had stuff from KFC

And though you think me barmy

I'm still alive

I did survive

So nothing else can harm me.


And anyway, these GM folk

Who do they think they are?

I may be thick

But should'nt they stick

To making GM cars?!!

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This forum's here for everyone

But there's one thing I can bet ya

You offend

And we will send

DaBouncer round to getcha!!


Break the law by dropping names

And you will come a cropper

Duty bound

We'll send around

The Spook, cos he's a copper.


If these two blokes don't sort you out

We still won't give up tryin'

Cos in will come

The merciless one

The Foxxx will leave you cryin'.

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Where's me quids gone, what's this Euro?

EU flag looks ****e!

Straight cucumbers

Metric numbers

Driving on the right?


Brand-name changes every where

The Frogs we try to please

Once was JIF

Now its CIF

Ain't that a disease?!!!

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from brightside i wander

down hills and oer yonder

to see desolation ,not meadowhall wonders

impress me it never

upset me forever

i think of the steel and the jobs that were forever

to see them fine statues

and kids with no values

hanging around them no respect and no thankyous

understand they will never

respect them,yeah "whatever"

the hardships men suffered to build us this city

now stands on its ruins

shops ,cafes and kids chewing




lots of love pretty woman ;)

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I’ve watched my father tame the fire

Seen my dream sing to me; lifting me higher

He stopped for moment to say nothing new

“Son, dreams for people like you, never comes true”


I’ve watched artists create a great painting

And I stared at them while they close their eyes dreaming

I too started to do some soul searching

Dreaming for someone in this world to pull through


I’ve walked in this life as if life was a tavern

Leaving behind loved ones who were uncertain

Of they’re own lives and I tried, as I always do

But their hearts have been asleep for too long to pull through


I’ve watched the clouds fly by while I was crying

Tears fell as I looked up to the sky, wonder where God is hiding

To ask why He gave me a voice in a world that’s sleeping

To suddenly find someone gives me the stage and opening the great curtain

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I may add verses here today

Just thought I'd let you know

I'm still around

And duty-bound

And got no place to go.


My inspiration I must find

On threads that are here posted

I'll have a ball

And read them all

Whilst eating brown bread, toasted.


So in the meantime all of you

Might like to have a go

But keep it clean

Know what I mean?

Or Geoff will let you know!!

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Running slowly, breathing's hard

Feeling like a lump of lard

Cough, wretch, splutter, gasp and gag

God I think I need a fag.


Matches ready, fag in gob

Lean on tree just like a yob

Nonsmokers stare and scowl a bit

But I don't care, don't give a ****.


And while they scowl in my direction

As if they are folks of perfection

I laugh out loud, my thigh I slap

As they walk straight into a pile of cr@p.


So off they go and step indoors

With dog poo on their nice clean floors

My crafty fag they will forget

But the dog owner they'll hate, I bet.

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Here's a thing that leaves me thinking

Now help me here, please do

When there's only one fool in there

Who're they chatting to?


The chat room's what I'm talking 'bout

I don't go in there much

But when you're on your own in there

How do you get in touch?

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