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Forum Poem

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Your poems I have read to the 70 post

I really don"t know which I like the most

I thought I would add one I wrote in the past

Of childhood memories..please don"t be aghast


As a child I"d wonder what my life would bring

I"d laugh,play and ponder and loved to sing

Would I be a singer and sing songs like Doris Day?

Or would I have a family and grow permanently grey!

Childish thoughts and fears chased me through the night

Keeping company with my hopes for a future bright.


Shouts and quarrels from below stirred me from my dreams

Dad"s been to The Club again its fighting beer it seems

Mum she holds the babby close whilst the row proceeds

She yells and shouts and screams at him and his nasty deeds


"Pam,",she cries "come quickly, come and give a hand"

Dutifully I descend the stairs but could not understand

Why Dad,fists clenched,lunged then restrained his intent to hurt

Accusing her of hiding behind the Babbys skirt


As I sat dejectedly listening to the fray

I wished I was tucked up in bed,for school it was next day

Dad he laid upon the couch sleeping off the booze

I curled up in the easy chair trying to have a snooze


Mum,she sat alone, pondering all the things he"d said

Until the daylight dawned and we crept upstairs to bed.

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A poet I am not and never will be,

But writing allows my emotions to run free,

My head is in our fields of flowers in full bloom,

While in reality I sit here, sinking in gloom.


I dream of a city of all love and no hate,

Where my children need nothing to follow their fate,

Where life in Sheffield means happiness and success,

While in reality I sit here, my world in a mess.

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Well, shiver me timbers and saxon's me name

The old forum poem is live once again

Gangan has grabbed it and brought it to life

Let's hope that the forum's peots are rife.


There has to be poems or where would we be?

Life would be such a drag,said she


Poems keep our minds and thoughts a-flowing

They satisfy and start hearts a-glowing


I wonder if there will be anymore?

Come on you poets..don"t be a bore!

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When I was in Sheffield before "82

I wrote a verse and the following"s not new

About a statue in the square

But I don"t know if it"s still there..


King Ted he stands in Fitzalan Square

Viewing the world with a solemn stare

He"s been there now for quite some time

The proof of which is the soot and the grime


Passersby are neat and clean

Cars and buses they all gleam

Roadsweepers clear away the litter

As Ted stands there just feeling bitter


Should we see a king who looked like Ted

There would be quite a lot to be said

He can"t speak out "cause he"s made of stone

But if he could he"d have a good moan


So come on you folk who have the power

To give King Ted a bath or a shower

Please clean up the place in Fitzalan Square

And remove from Ted that disdainful air!

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The swoop of a bird casts a shadow before me,

I glance up and watch it's sharp movements with envy.

Gliding with skill through the tips of the trees,

Halting to rest on the gentle spring breeze.


I walk on down the path with a feeling of awe (sp?)

So open the space yet at ease and secure.

The whispers and rustling of creatures unseen,

In a vastness of woodland, a carpet of green.


A faint trickle of water, it's sound pure and clear,

Cleansing the mind of lonliness and fear.

The warmth of the sun enticing new buds,

An afternoon spent in Wharncliffe woods.

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I’ve given up on divine inspiration

Hunting for rhymes offers much less vexation

I’ll use Sheffield Forum as the source for my verse

As ideas go, I know I’ve had worse


I looked through the sections and trawled through the groups

Thinking ‘this should be easy, like jumping through hoops’

This place is a goldmine of wisdom profound

Erudition and wit to inflame and astound


I browsed ‘Sheffield Discussions’ and ‘Technical chat,’

‘Jobs and Employment’, sought help from expats

It all came to naught, I think I will cry,

All I’ve achieved is acute RSI.

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I’ve given up on divine inspiration

Hunting for rhymes offers much less vexation

I’ll use Sheffield Forum as the source for my verse

As ideas go, I know I’ve had worse


I looked through the sections and trawled through the groups

Thinking ‘this should be easy, like jumping through hoops’

This place is a goldmine of wisdom profound

Erudition and wit to inflame and astound


I browsed ‘Sheffield Discussions’ and ‘Technical chat,’

‘Jobs and Employment’, sought help from expats

It all came to naught, I think I will cry,

All I’ve achieved is acute RSI.


The talent is endless, the subjects so wide

At the last line above, I laughed til I cried!

For starting this thread Saxon you should be praised,

That I'm making this scan, I'm truly amazed :thumbsup:


If you're looking for info, or want to make friends,

If joining a group is a means to an end

By scanning the forum you could do what I've done,

Join the online community, go on, its fun! :hihi:

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