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Should we close the UK borders to West Africa?

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Good point. Terrorists will stop at nothing.


Is it inconceivable that the 400 girls are currently housed on the missing Malaysian airplane, being infected with various diseases including Ebola and are about to be released in a western city?


In 2001, if you had said that 19 terrorists had been taking flying lessons in how to take off, but not to land an airplane, were to hijack planes and fly them into World Trade Centre, the Pentagon etc, that later a man would be caught trying to explode a bomb in his trainers and another in his underpants, would you have thought that this scenario was a daft as the one in my first paragraph?

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To be frank the only way you will get it is sex or kissing or looking after a loved one IE bodily fluid... How many people come to Sheffield from West Africa?



I believe in no borders, we are all human yes? Our country did a lot of bad in the world, will i lose sleep that they come? No..


I used to love eating meat but then i looked in to people killing the animal, them screams put me off.. i do not want to eat what i would not kill.

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And how would you close the borders?

Get the UK Border Agency to do their jobs!



---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 11:25 ----------


By not letting anyone with West African passports into the UK from wherever they are coming from?

Alan - couldn't agree with you more, providing UKBA actually become effective!



---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 11:30 ----------


Quite right, the level of illegal immigration into this country has already lead to increases in tuberculosis and other diseases we haven't had to deal with for many years.


We have no resistance to Ebola and other diseases emanating from primitive areas. We are doomed I tell you, doomed.

Quite right Alan - we "thought" TB had been eradicated, but it's back thanks to immigration!


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To be frank the only way you will get it is sex or kissing or looking after a loved one IE bodily fluid... How many people come to Sheffield from West Africa?



I believe in no borders, we are all human yes? Our country did a lot of bad in the world, will i lose sleep that they come? No..


I used to love eating meat but then i looked in to people killing the animal, them screams put me off.. i do not want to eat what i would not kill.

Can't understand this saidfrog! I'm not against sex or kissing, and I agree not many will come to Sheffield from Africa.

No borders - you ARE kidding aren't you? We've far too many people here already. Non meat eater? Do you work in an abbatoir to hear the "screams"?



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Is it inconceivable that the 400 girls are currently housed on the missing Malaysian airplane, being infected with various diseases including Ebola and are about to be released in a western city?




---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 11:46 ----------


Quite right Alan - we "thought" TB had been eradicated, but it's back thanks to immigration!



not sure anyone with any sense thought TB had been eradicated...


are we going to stop people from the UK living and working abroad and if they do never let them back as they are just as likely to be infected with TB as anyone else.


TB is problem due to the rise of antibiotic resistant strains which is largely a result of the western worlds misuse of antibiotics than anything else.

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---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 11:46 ----------



not sure anyone with any sense thought TB had been eradicated...


are we going to stop people from the UK living and working abroad and if they do never let them back as they are just as likely to be infected with TB as anyone else.


TB is problem due to the rise of antibiotic resistant strains which is largely a result of the western worlds misuse of antibiotics than anything else.


TB had become virtually non existent in the mid fifties. Nothing to do with Anti biotics but as a result of inoculation.


Foreign travel was not an issue due to inoculation. The open borders policy has allowed those who did abuse anti biotics and whose actions have lead to the development of resistant strains to bring their diseases with them.


The western world through its inventiveness research and development has controlled this disease, misuse by others from foreign lands has lead to these problems.

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OK, so 1400. That's still not 'countless' is it?


And it's still not likely to happen in that way over here because we've got better hygiene, better access to clean water, better separation of sewage from drinking and washing water and better education as to the cause of the disease.


we will just have to hope your correct, I'm not so sure - these poor people certainly hope your right -

Ebola: Several Britons across the UK quarantined at home after returning from West Africa - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/11014177/Ebola-Welsh-national-who-returned-from-West-Africa-a-week-ago-in-quarantine-at-home.html

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we will just have to hope your correct, I'm not so sure - these poor people certainly hope your right -

Ebola: Several Britons across the UK quarantined at home after returning from West Africa - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/11014177/Ebola-Welsh-national-who-returned-from-West-Africa-a-week-ago-in-quarantine-at-home.html




The Ebola outbreak has now been declared an "International Emergency". Thought you all should know.

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To be frank the only way you will get it is sex or kissing or looking after a loved one IE bodily fluid... How many people come to Sheffield from West Africa?QUOTE]


Don`t forget the act of being sneezed on (as reported in the media).


They don`t need to specifically come to Sheffield. Once that plane touches down at Heathrow, and an infected person walks through arrivals, then its out there.


Even the doctors there are catching it, and look how much protection they are wearing. If it comes, it won`t come through the door that is being watched. Some guy will fly from W Africa to somewhere else in the world, infect another person and they will fly to another unsuspecting country.


EDIT: Just seen this in the news (hope it is not what they think).


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