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Castlegate/old Market area redevelopment

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You mean YOU weren't consulted. I doubt the council could have consulted those working in dust for the last thousand years, not without a Ouija board.


I bet your ancestors used to wander across Wiltshire, look at Stonehenge and grumble that it used to be all fields round here.

As long as they did not have a pencil stuck behind a well scrubbed ear and actually worked for a living I am happy with that

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A recreated castle frontage and drawbridge? Sounds like something from a tacky theme park.[/quote

They have all ready built one Turret on Exchange Street it is very impressive :(you would have thought the planners would have built some thing similar outside the Winter Gardens, just for effect that is.


---------- Post added 02-08-2014 at 19:48 ----------


You dont like joiners and carpenters either then?

Well I have many friends who followed that profession but! I have never known one who could hang a door in the middle of a field;)

That is why god made Sheffield's famous bricklayers.

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And so! You would make yet another corner of our City available so as to make the middle class incomers feel at home .


The people that built this City are being marginised by the new kids on the block, whole areas of what was once the working class strongholds are [have] now been taken over by the University's and the stay ons who then go into the professions, Crookes, Walkley, many parts of Heeley and Sharrow have been colonised by the middle classes who now have their sights on the traditional Market area so as to make one more district that will lose its soul and street life to prettyfication .


In other words another nail in the coffin of the very folk who built this City ,breathed in its muck and its grime and are now outcasts in their own areas.


Thank god for that. Its called progress. Its how cities evolve.


How dare you talk about the "middle class" as if its some kind of infectious disease that should be stamped out. Plenty of rough hands will shop in Hugo Boss, Selfridges and Waitrose. They certainly earn enough. Just as the man with the slick hair, briefcase and suit might actually be more in the LIDL and Poundland income brackets. Who are you to judge what "class" they are?


Life has moved on. Cuttsie - wake up! Nobody gives a toss about your precious "traditional market".


Low cost food for the so called working class people and such other guff you speak of has been available in plentiful supply for decades at this magical place called a SUPERMARKET. We the public voted with our feet and chose to shop there. They offer parking, late nights, full range, full service in a one stop shop. MARKETS DONT.


For markets to survive they have to offer something that supermarkets arn't doing. Quality, specialist, fresh products that people want to buy. It has to have a purpose for going. It has to be an experience. Service has to be personal and knowledgable.


What is your obsession with class and type. Who says that "working class" dont buy quality fresh produce from specialist suppliers. Who says that "middle class upstarts" dont buy Smartprice Noodles from Asda.


Soul and street life? Really?? Come back to reality. The 60s are over..........man....

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Cuttsie - Bless you but you really are living in the dark ages. People didn't want Castle Market because it was horrible not because they were middle class. Markets that don't sell things that you can't get anywhere else (supermarkets) are not going to survive anywhere.


I wasn't born here but I've lived here 30 years - long enough to see a fair bit of change and the demolition of castle market I personally will welcome. Will £5m be enough to re-generate the area properly and do a decent job - don't think so but we'll see.

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A recreated castle frontage and drawbridge? Sounds like something from a tacky theme park.


I'm thinking along those lines too - well actually thought it may be designed by a junior school kids competition winner.


but seriously here's a link http://www.archaeologicalresearchservices.com/projects/sheffcastle.pdf


p22 did make me laugh......


and I wonder how long it'll be before they rebuilding a replica on the foundations of the old jessops Edwardian bit that got knocked down to put up summat modern.and ugly


---------- Post added 02-08-2014 at 23:33 ----------


and I hope that they will let some of those other old buildings in the area survive survive

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