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Castlegate/old Market area redevelopment

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They know due to the history of the castle that they won't find much. After it was made untenable it was finally ruled that the castle should be demolished. I believe an earl attempted later on to rebuild the castle however soon decided against it after seeing what a bad state it was in. The castle was then completely raised to the ground. I'm sure they will find the foundations and little sections as they already have however will they find enough to justify it becoming an historical tourist attraction? The only way I think the could make it such a place of interest would be to build some new bits and falsify it a bit.


One positive coming out of this is they might not find much castle however when they dig away they could well discover some important finds which might help us discover new things about Sheffield history.


I agree with Castle Market being ceased and defiinitely don't believe it was untimely in the slightest. The place was run down and in a right state.

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They know due to the history of the castle that they won't find much. After it was made untenable it was finally ruled that the castle should be demolished. I believe an earl attempted later on to rebuild the castle however soon decided against it after seeing what a bad state it was in. The castle was then completely raised to the ground. I'm sure they will find the foundations and little sections as they already have however will they find enough to justify it becoming an historical tourist attraction? The only way I think the could make it such a place of interest would be to build some new bits and falsify it a bit.


One positive coming out of this is they might not find much castle however when they dig away they could well discover some important finds which might help us discover new things about Sheffield history.


I agree with Castle Market being ceased and defiinitely don't believe it was untimely in the slightest. The place was run down and in a right state.


The new one is a credit to the city, clean, bright and welcoming.

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I dont care if they find much. I dont expect they will because if you do some research then the destruction was pretty through. Its a shame history robbed Sheffield of what would have veen an amazing landmark.


What will be nice is to see some green space round there as the whole area became a dump. The whole are including Fitzallan Sq could do with redeveloping. If they change it into offices, hotels or university buildings, then so be it as long as they are clean and well kept.

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This is just a reannoucement of what they said 6 months ago but with a budget attached, however last time they said there would be offices, bars and so forth have they given up on this and are going to just have a park and abandon the area to a newly imagined tourist industry? Sounds like another canal basin waiting to happen.

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It's a rather odd announcement, as Geared points out, this has been on the books for ages (many years in fact, it was firmly on the agenda with the last LibDem council as well), they have had lots of time to find the money so presumably this is an announcement to sort of confirm that the intention is there from all sides.


What I don't understand, yet again, is that this land is valuable, I love the idea they are excavating the castle and then turning it into green space, but I didn't hear anything concrete about including third parties to actually develop the surrounding area, nor have I seen anything concrete about an upgrade of the whole infrastructure in that area (which is necessary).


Regarding the Basin: One of the reasons to unlock this area is to improve access to the basin, I think it could work rather well if executed properly. If however they think they can do it with 5 million pounds, than they are dreaming.

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