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Castlegate/old Market area redevelopment

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The every day shoppers at Castle Market where never asked if they wanted the whole Market area eliminated .


The proof is now in the pudding as the new so called Market area on the very edge of Town is proving to be a disaster comparable with the World Student Games fiasco.


The majority of traders at the new Mall are now seeing the outcome of their folly in going along with the Council's daft plan to move to this ridicules site.


We will soon see a drastic reduction in the rents that they have to pay as they can not make a living due to the extortionate rates proposed.

This will leave the 16 million building costs plus the interest of aprox 50 million pounds firmly in the hands of the council tax payers of this City.


No one listened to the people that count most in this ongoing fiasco the Castle Market customers and the ****te will hit the fan.


Naysayers they are not indeed they are the very people that made this City World famous through the thousand years of working in the dust and ****e and then trading in the historical Market area.


You do rather miss the point, which is the shoppers of sheffield had long since given up shopping at markets and instead prefer supermarkets. Your precious castle market was already losing the council millions.

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The every day shoppers at Castle Market were never asked if they wanted the whole Market area eliminated .


The proof is now in the pudding as the new so called Market area on the very edge of Town is proving to be a disaster comparable with the World Student Games fiasco.


The majority of traders at the new Mall are now seeing the outcome of their folly in going along with the Council's daft plan to move to this ridicules site.


We will soon see a drastic reduction in the rents that they have to pay as they can not make a living due to the extortionate rates proposed.

This will leave the 16 million building costs plus the interest of aprox 50 million pounds firmly in the hands of the council tax payers of this City.


No one listened to the people that count most in this ongoing fiasco the Castle Market customers and the ****te will hit the fan.


Naysayers they are not 'indeed they are the very people that made this City World famous through the thousand years of working in the dust and ****e and then trading in the historical Market area.


Anyone would think castle market was a booming , glorious place to be that was harshly shut down whilst making thousands in profit for the traders and the council in rents !


Could've kept it open for another 20years and I'd never have used the place

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You do rather miss the point, which is the shoppers of sheffield had long since given up shopping at markets and instead prefer supermarkets. Your precious castle market was already losing the council millions.


I suppose it is possible that the new market was a mistake though. Maybe it should have just been closed and not replaced.

I'm working quite close to the new market building, and I've not yet had a reason to even go in for a look around.

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I suppose it is possible that the new market was a mistake though. Maybe it should have just been closed and not replaced.

I'm working quite close to the new market building, and I've not yet had a reason to even go in for a look around.


It is. The day of the market may have passed. Its a new place and so the stall holders need to be appropriate for that place. If they dont sell what people want then they wont succeed. The plans for the new cinema complex will also bring additional retail, which will increase footfall. We will know in x years time when the Moor has undergone most of the redevelopment. In the meantime I hope they rehabilitate the old space and greening some of it off will be an improvement from what it is now. Be interesting if they can use the river front. I always felt that area was neglected becayse theres too much traffic noise and pollution down there.

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You do rather miss the point, which is the shoppers of sheffield had long since given up shopping at markets and instead prefer supermarkets. Your precious castle market was already losing the council millions.

We are told it was losing around £700,000 per year, chicken feed when compared with the 60 or 70 million that has been lumbered onto the rate payers of this City for the new mall.,


And the Castle Market was a public amenity which the less well off citizens used as a meeting and shopping place.

Perhaps the £700.000 now saved can be donated to the arts or perhaps towards a couple of Councillors trips to some exotic far away destination to study how others run their City's.

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Oh no!!!!!!


Well with constructive responses like that you could end up working for the Council or, even better an officer in your own department.


And then !!!!!! front row seats at all the major City events !!!!,drinkies, expense paid trips abroad etc, this along with all the other grinning free loaders who we see when the goodies are being dished out.


By the way is Alan the ref still barred from the new Mall? I mean we must keep the place free from Sheffield characters as it just would not do to see actual street life in the South side.

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