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What happened to NAZI philosophy?

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By Odin's beard you have fallen for the Russian propaganda hook line and sinker haven't you?


It's one thing to decry the mainstream media and look for alternative sources, but to just parrot the party line of Russian state owned media is just as bad, if not worse, because unlike western media they are pretty much all state owned and state controlled.

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Joseph Goebbels once said, ...........if you repeat the same lie a hundred times it becomes a truth in the public mind,


One cannot dismiss the truth and logic of the NAZIS, and using their techniques is a popular practice for many politicians in powerful positions. Nazi practices it seems has not remained reviled, rejected, but has been updated, modernized, repackaged, thus retained.


Obviously certain aspects of Nazi practices have been rejected for public acceptance. So no death camps, mass extermination, but a great deal appears to be alive and kicking.


The USA reinvented torture as a practice, calling it rendition, so a nice word for torture is such an example. The mass killing of civilians is bad, but collateral damage is OK for mass civilian casualties. Orwellian double speak for traditional WW2 practices.



Hitler is a favourite bogey man to use. It was used on Saddam, then Gaddafi, remember? Not used on Assad, but recently PUTIN has got a lot of blame, thus suggesting something is on the back burner. PUTIN to blame, Putin Responsible, and so on, repeated over and over again, regardless of evidence, as the propaganda war gets fully under way. Its amazing what PUTIN does from wasting money on the Winter Olympics, remember? To invading Crimea, which he did not, but why question the lies, when its truth innit. He invaded, the army and tanks a firing and bombing like in Gaza, till he won the victory, kicked out the legitimate Ukraine government who with 5 billion dollar backing from Uncle Sam kicked out the elected government, thus being a legitimate government by popular demand. This decent government was not liked by people living in the East of UKRAINE, who shouted they wanted independence. So the illegitimate legitimised government, where the neo Nazis thugs, pull the strings, took their tanks, planes, tanks and such to the EAST to shut these voices up. They declared war on their own people for asking for autonomy. The people in the EAST did not take up weapons, advance with weapons or invade, threaten or try to take over the government in Kiev.. did they? They just shouted they wanted autonomy. So now with tanks, planes, the army is in the process of ethnic cleansing, as they in Kiev hate everything Russian, and the USA is all for it as they back them anyway, and want to provoke PUTIN into doing something so the real war machinery, called NATO can get to work. 1500 UK troops are now in Poland playing war games, on the Russian border, not to provoke of course!


So the Nazi practices were never expunged, but revived to suit political aims of deranged politicians that seem to want wars all over the globe for some reason or another. It got us out of the Great Depression and maybe that is the reason, the west is in financial ruins, printing money like confetti, getting deeper into debt?


Do you make all this up out of your head or pull an article from some obscure, out of the fringe far left publication with an editor who suffers from a bad case of persecution complex ? :D


Certainly you yourself have delusions that every known media source (other than the one you subscribe to of course) is lying through it's teeth, feeding false indormation to millions of gullible ignorant viewers all over the world.


You talk of Nazi propaganda but it seems the source of your partcular news comes from the opposite side of the same coin. To describe it as totally one sided and completely biased is putting it mildly.


Didnt Goebbels say something like "The only truth is the party truth... or the truth our Fuhrer speaks" ? Delete "Fuhrer" insert "Tsar Putin"


---------- Post added 31-07-2014 at 17:46 ----------


In a sane world a cease fire could work if Hamas agrred to let the United Nations in with engineers trained in the demolition of the tunnels. That would go a long way to solve a major problem. I dont condone the slaughter of innocent Palestinians. It's gone too far already. Hamas doesnt care about it's own people either. That's very obvious from their continued firing of rockets into Israel even though Gaza looks like a nuclear bomb was dropped on it.


I wonder how many people in the South of England would be prepared to put up with hundreds of rockets being fired from across the channel every week for any length of time


---------- Post added 31-07-2014 at 17:47 ----------


In a sane world a cease fire could work if Hamas agrred to let the United Nations in with engineers trained in the demolition of the tunnels. That would go a long way to solve a major problem. I dont condone the slaughter of innocent Palestinians. It's gone too far already. Hamas doesnt care about it's own people either. That's very obvious from their continued firing of rockets into Israel even though Gaza looks like a nuclear bomb was dropped on it.


I wonder how many people in the South of England would be prepared to put up with hundreds of rockets being fired from across the channel every week for any length of time

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Certainly you yourself have delusions that every known media source (other than the one you subscribe to of course) is lying through it's teeth, feeding false information to millions of gullible ignorant viewers all over the world.


This puzzles me, where is this "Great Truth" and "Font of all Knowledge" that appears to be denied to us? Is erebus the only subscriber to it?

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The Nazis were very important to the USA after WW2, who allowed thousands into the country, many of them with qualifications for mass murder, torture and such, a most important feather in the cap of the security services, who have exploited these talents to the present.


The USA was a fervent follower of EUGENICS, and it was only in the late 70's that the mentally disturbed and other unfortunates had the program of sterilisation stopped. Do not forget that it was popular for the dominant white population to string up on trees, people of a different colour. The land of the free was free for some but never all and remains so, although the goal posts have moved a bit.


The USA invented Al-Qaeda, trained and funded that group and many more since, to kill on their behalf, thus showing the outside media a clean pair of hands. These days it trained and funded ISIS, the group that love you-tube horror stories, and the funding has been for some time indirect, through Saudi Arabia. Terror cost money and the USA is the largest funding organisation of such groups in the world


But these assassination and murder groups are but one slice of the whole dirty loaf the US now employs. Since 9/11 it has relied more and more on highly trained mercenary organisations, that it can employ on its behalf to go into any country, kill, start revolutions, crowd panics as they shoot demonstrators as well as the police force, creating mayhem and fear in the population. They then install a right wing co-operative junta, who sometimes in free voting get 99% or more of the votes, such is US led democracy.


The US controls NATO, and NATO has usurped the UN, regarding itself as a higher and independent authority, and has become somewhat of a loose cannon. We all know about the need for a first strike, against enemies, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, which were simple but good training targets to get the message to the global civil population who runs the joint.


We all know US policy is also UK policy, as Israel now demonstrates, and has for decades. We are a client state, vassal state, or in words of common people a slave state of the USA, which has many bases in the UK and uses it to spy on its own indigenous population. Let us not forget the 150+ other slave states the US runs, though its military bases. One can never trust the people, they do the wrong thing, like when the Palestinians voted in a free election for HAMAS. The wrong kind of democracy yet again. We also know that UKIP has policies that the US does not like, so we can all look forward to Nigel having a series of defamatory MEDIA smears near the election, or maybe a sad accident, that gets him out of the way. He challenges US global policy, and such people have accidents, sad but true, just ask the CIA.


So all I speak of, is out there IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, as is the famous US doctrine, Gladio, and Gladio 2, which explains the Ukraine/Russia situation, and many others too. Let us all nuke Russia and China is a Pentagon song, but you knew that too.


I am not here to do the legwork for you, and the information is there for the genuine seeker of truths and facts. Some people on this site want others to do there job for them and then collect their wages, or doing their dissertation for them and getting nothing for it. Get real! The king is not wearing any clothes!!!!!!!!!!!

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This puzzles me, where is this "Great Truth" and "Font of all Knowledge" that appears to be denied to us? Is erebus the only subscriber to it?



The internet has made self-important sages of people who previously would have been locked up,or at least laughed at, probably for their own good.

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I wonder how many people in the South of England would be prepared to put up with hundreds of rockets being fired from across the channel every week for any length of time


Whilst I don't particularly want to get into an argument over this, I'd assume not very long. So I agree, we'd take action but I'd like to think we'd send in the SAS/Marines/whatever to go and eliminate these rockets without the need to shell 3 month old Pierre who is sleeping in his bed.

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Whilst I don't particularly want to get into an argument over this, I'd assume not very long. So I agree, we'd take action but I'd like to think we'd send in the SAS/Marines/whatever to go and eliminate these rockets without the need to shell 3 month old Pierre who is sleeping in his bed.


Artillery is no respecter of gender or age. The Hamas people who launch these rockets do so in very close proximity to civilian dwellings. It's of no interest to Hamas the number of civiians maimed and killed. Things are working out just fine for them. Public sympathy is now firmly on the side of the Palestinians. Israel has been universally condemned in the UN and across the world public demonstrations demand the cessation of hostilities. All well and good but it doesnt solve the problem which wont go away of Hamas and it's rockets. As soon as a cease fire comes into being and a period of peace and calm comes about it wouldnt be very long before the rocket fusilades start again and John Kerry embarks on yet another pointless trip to the middle east on another useless attempt to try to restore peace. If Hamas hopes to get the rest of the the neighbouring Arab counties on it's side they

re wasting their time as they should by now realize. Hamas is hated and loathed by Egypt and probably by the rest for that matter


From the news it appears that 90 percent of Israelis are behind Netanyahu so the war may well go on with further destruction and bloodshed and perhaps in a few months while they battle it out the world will move on to other issues.

After all Assad didnt give a toss about world opinion when his military were at war with the rebels. He's still there, far from defeated and how often do you hear Syria mentioned on the news these days?


---------- Post added 01-08-2014 at 00:45 ----------


The Nazis were very important to the USA after WW2, who allowed thousands into the country, many of them with qualifications for mass murder, torture and such, a most important feather in the cap of the security services, who have exploited these talents to the present.


The USA was a fervent follower of EUGENICS, and it was only in the late 70's that the mentally disturbed and other unfortunates had the program of sterilisation stopped. Do not forget that it was popular for the dominant white population to string up on trees, people of a different colour. The land of the free was free for some but never all and remains so, although the goal posts have moved a bit.


The USA invented Al-Qaeda, trained and funded that group and many more since, to kill on their behalf, thus showing the outside media a clean pair of hands. These days it trained and funded ISIS, the group that love you-tube horror stories, and the funding has been for some time indirect, through Saudi Arabia. Terror cost money and the USA is the largest funding organisation of such groups in the world


But these assassination and murder groups are but one slice of the whole dirty loaf the US now employs. Since 9/11 it has relied more and more on highly trained mercenary organisations, that it can employ on its behalf to go into any country, kill, start revolutions, crowd panics as they shoot demonstrators as well as the police force, creating mayhem and fear in the population. They then install a right wing co-operative junta, who sometimes in free voting get 99% or more of the votes, such is US led democracy.


The US controls NATO, and NATO has usurped the UN, regarding itself as a higher and independent authority, and has become somewhat of a loose cannon. We all know about the need for a first strike, against enemies, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, which were simple but good training targets to get the message to the global civil population who runs the joint.


We all know US policy is also UK policy, as Israel now demonstrates, and has for decades. We are a client state, vassal state, or in words of common people a slave state of the USA, which has many bases in the UK and uses it to spy on its own indigenous population. Let us not forget the 150+ other slave states the US runs, though its military bases. One can never trust the people, they do the wrong thing, like when the Palestinians voted in a free election for HAMAS. The wrong kind of democracy yet again. We also know that UKIP has policies that the US does not like, so we can all look forward to Nigel having a series of defamatory MEDIA smears near the election, or maybe a sad accident, that gets him out of the way. He challenges US global policy, and such people have accidents, sad but true, just ask the CIA.


So all I speak of, is out there IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, as is the famous US doctrine, Gladio, and Gladio 2, which explains the Ukraine/Russia situation, and many others too. Let us all nuke Russia and China is a Pentagon song, but you knew that too.


I am not here to do the legwork for you, and the information is there for the genuine seeker of truths and facts. Some people on this site want others to do there job for them and then collect their wages, or doing their dissertation for them and getting nothing for it. Get real! The king is not wearing any clothes!!!!!!!!!!!


So were they of great use to the Soviet Union. How do you think the Soviets managed to launch Sputnik in 1958? LIke the Americans they brought a whole team of Hitler's rocket experts to work in the Soviet Union. The space race was on. The Soviet fore runner of the KGB, the NKVD recruited many a former Gestapo agent also into its ranks. They were able to do a lot of work in fine tuning torture tactics used by Stalin's thugs in the Lubyanka


Maybe you should really get more involved in post WW2 history than just parroting propaganda from Russia Today and Isvestia which are state owned.


The bad wasnt all tilted to one side as your childish opinion suggests. The US had McCarthy and his vile attempts to destroy the US Constitution but you had Stalin until 1950, the Gulags and countless thousands worked to death in the mines of Siberia

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How can one whinge about the needless killing of people?


I notice the op didn't mention nazi division of muslims recruited from the Caucasus because of their common hatred of Jews, but cut straight to recent times.




I'd rather get out of a depression without going to war thanks.

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