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New Yoga Website..

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Hello there friends,


Our new website has gone live…


It is Yoga Nature Sheffield's 10 year anniversary this year and to celebrate as well as having a party on 6 September (find out more on the homepage of our new website) we have designed from scratch a new website.


This new version is much more user friendly, easier to read and you can access class info, timetable, workshop details and more all at a click of a button. Please do have a good exploration http://www.yoganaturesheffield.org.uk but if you are stretched for time I would strongly recommend at least glancing at the following pages…


In the about section – About Yoga - you will find an absolutely brilliant article on the history of yoga and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, it is a must read;


Still in the about section – About the teacher – you will find info about me but more excitedly some info about Ben’s yoga journey and what his role is going to be when he completes his PhD. Ben is going to be doing a lot more of the admin and also getting more involved in workshops and retreats. Hurrah!


The Media page is outstanding and is very context rich, you will find galleries here and youtube clips. Plus we are hoping to add some recordings of classes here through “soundcloud” but at the moment you get to hear the joyous laughter of a Kookaburra;


In the classes section you will find the Autumn/Winter term schedule of workshops;


Finally we now have a blog page and on this page you will find an article on why it is important to meditate, the deity of the month and a small snippet on why the humming bee breath is good for you. We will endeavour to keep this updated on a monthly basis.


We are really proud that every photo used on the website is one of our own or one of our friends or families, not one stock photo has been used. So the website is as pretty much as handmade as you can get in a virtual/cyber canvas! In particular the stunning photos of coots and ducks have been taken by my brother who lives down under. We hope you enjoy our new website.




Jo x


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