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Russell Brand vs Sean Hannity on Gaza

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Who said that?

He was merely pointing out the blatant bias and ignorance that SH was displaying.

I take it you didn't watch it then?,judging by your post.


---------- Post added 02-08-2014 at 23:32 ----------



He invited the 2 parties to discuss the situation,and sided with one.

He asked questions to one,and interrogated the other...fair?:roll:

Did you watch it?


What a lame response.


Why must he be even and balanced? Media outlets are seldom neutral on anything.


I doubt we'd even be having this thread if this was a very pro-Palestine reporter strongly questioning a very pro-Israeli. :roll:

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Correction, he is saying what some people think, you have no idea what everyone in the world thinks so you have no idea if what he says is reflected by the majority.


His message is nothing more than love, peace, tolerance and happiness. He's got access to millions of people. Why anyone would condemn Him for doing this is beyond me.


---------- Post added 03-08-2014 at 10:44 ----------


Correction, he is saying what some people think, you have no idea what everyone in the world thinks so you have no idea if what he says is reflected by the majority.


I think the majority of people throughout the planet would want peace, that's his message.

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His message is nothing more than love, peace, tolerance and happiness. He's got access to millions of people. Why anyone would condemn Him for doing this is beyond me.


---------- Post added 03-08-2014 at 10:44 ----------



I think the majority of people throughout the planet would want peace, that's his message.



I doubt that the majority would think that Israel should love and tolerate and be happy about the rockets being fired into Israel.

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Correction, he is saying what some people think, you have no idea what everyone in the world thinks so you have no idea if what he says is reflected by the majority.


correction - I read the papers - disquiet has turned to outrage across the globe - even senior politicians in the US and UK are distancing themselves (whilst re arming them) - opinion poll noted in papers this morning says that this massacre is opposed 2:1 my americans.


no one likes pics (did you see CH4 news friday?) of a baby in a faeces stained nappy, alone and in agony with an arm full of israeli shrapnel possibly manufactured in birmingham.


I genuinely think there will be a backlash this time, because the Israelis, fox news, the BBC can no longer choose which images we see and what facts we know - Vietnam all over again.

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correction - I read the papers - disquiet has turned to outrage across the globe - even senior politicians in the US and UK are distancing themselves (whilst re arming them) - opinion poll noted in papers this morning says that this massacre is opposed 2:1 my americans.


no one likes pics (did you see CH4 news friday?) of a baby in a faeces stained nappy, alone and in agony with an arm full of israeli shrapnel possibly manufactured in birmingham.


I genuinely think there will be a backlash this time, because the Israelis, fox news, the BBC can no longer choose which images we see and what facts we know - Vietnam all over again.


None of that changes the fact that you don't know what the world thinks, there is plenty of support for the Israeli campaign to rid Gaza of Hamas, just as there is plenty of opposition. What neither of us know is which group is in the majority.

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I doubt that the majority would think that Israel should love and tolerate and be happy about the rockets being fired into Israel.


no , but they are much more intolerant of a systematic, inhuman bloodbath in response - one that targets civilians and especially children.


If a fight occurs in a pub and the aggressor gets a kicking in revenge - that's understandable. If the aggressors house is torched, his children's throats are slit, his elderly mother is battered and his neighbours houses burned around them - then no one's going to support or understand it are they.

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no , but they are much more intolerant of a systematic, inhuman bloodbath in response - one that targets civilians and especially children.


If a fight occurs in a pub and the aggressor gets a kicking in revenge - that's understandable. If the aggressors house is torched, his children's throats are slit, his elderly mother is battered and his neighbours houses burned around them - then no one's going to support or understand it are they.


But if he stands in his house firing rockets at your house its understandable that most people would retaliate to protect their own family by firing back at his house, if his family die he only has himself to blame because he used his house as a shelter whilst firing rockets at your house.


Now if Hamas and there supporters marched on Israel for a fight I would expect them to be met by the IDF, and I would condemn the IDF if they bombed the homes, women and children of the fighters they just killed.

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But if he stands in his house firing rockets at your house its understandable that most people would retaliate to protect their own family by firing back at his house, if his family die he only has himself to blame because he used his house as a shelter whilst firing rockets at your house.


1000 plus palestinian civilians dead - around 250 children in cluding many babies.


half a dozen israelis.


I think it's interesting that you keep rolling out the stupid stance of the ultra zionists - it makes them, and you, sound psychopathic and without arguments - no one would condone the mass slaying of civilians on the grounds of minor, ineffective military resistance anywhere else - so why in Gaza? and opinion is changing - people I know and work with who couldn't give a monkeys about politics started to be troubled a while ago - they are now disgusted and angry at images of ruptured child corpses and grieving families - we had the IRA campaigns of the 70s and 80s - people actually died in that - the response wasn't to raze Derry City or put anti personnel shrapnel bombs into schools where terrified homeless people were praying for their lives with nowhere else to go.


I think the propaganda campaign you are part of is failing - I advise you find an argument that doesn't make people feel sick.


---------- Post added 03-08-2014 at 11:32 ----------


But if he stands in his house firing rockets at your house its understandable that most people would retaliate to protect their own family by firing back at his house, if his family die he only has himself to blame because he used his house as a shelter whilst firing rockets at your house.


Now if Hamas and there supporters marched on Israel for a fight I would expect them to be met by the IDF, and I would condemn the IDF if they bombed the homes, women and children of the fighters they just killed.[/quote


with respect,Bob, you're sounding foolish again - Hamas aren't going to march on israel and you know that - they aren't an organized army for a start and they can't get out even to work or fish in the sea beyond a few hundred metres. 2 million are crammed into a 2 mile wide strip of dust 20 odd miles long. they can't go anywhere - that's what the fighting's about - the only places they have to shelter are UN safe houses and the IDF are slaughtering them even there.


Is there any aspect of this 'war' that troubles you? perhaps you avoid seeing the images, reading the copy, educating yourself about world opinion because it would challenge your fundamental premise that Israel is incapable of doing wrong.

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no , but they are much more intolerant of a systematic, inhuman bloodbath in response - one that targets civilians and especially children.


If a fight occurs in a pub and the aggressor gets a kicking in revenge - that's understandable. If the aggressors house is torched, his children's throats are slit, his elderly mother is battered and his neighbours houses burned around them - then no one's going to support or understand it are they.


Especially children? Nothing like a biased post frank,children have been killed and wounded no doubt about that fact,but targets? no frank. Fox news are well known for these type of "interviews" and russell brand is right to show hannity for what he is,a right wing puppet.

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