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Only yourself to blame?

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An interesting OP and refreshingly well written at that. I've only ever fallen foul of the law twice; on the first occasion I was arrested for behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace ( I used the F word in front of a policeman who was arresting my friends) on the second for being drunk and incapable. The second was definitely a fair cop - I was unconscious in the road outside Bridge Street cop shop. The first was a bit harsh, but they let us out after a couple of hours. I was bound over in the sum of £50.

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Haha thanks Halibut. This made me laugh (no disrespect). You've experienced a bit of harsh justice but hopefully nothing too excessive. Maybe it's the expression "behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace" that's funny. Let's hope the banks don't catch on ... "spending in a manner likely to lead to an overdraft": £25 charge. Oh deary me, now you're actually overdrawn. That's another £25. Ah well, you've only got yourself to blame.

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