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Aussie surrogate couple abandon downs baby

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what $h**s they must be - they go all the way to thailand to pick up their surrogate twins and leave the boy with DS in poverty with the decent woman who carried their babies.

About to be named (quite rightly) - wouldn't fancy being in their shoes!

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what $h**s they must be - they go all the way to thailand to pick up their surrogate twins and leave the boy with DS in poverty with the decent woman who carried their babies.

About to be named (quite rightly) - wouldn't fancy being in their shoes!


It's appalling behaviour. What to they think the child they did take will think of them when it finds it has a twin that it's parents abandoned?


At the very least they should be made to financially support the child (they can hardly claim it's not theirs) - at Australian rates rather than Thai ones as well.

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It's just wrong! That wee DS baby has as much right to a good and secure home as the other one. They are not fit to be parents if that's their attitude in my view and I'd not let them have the other one either whether they paid or not.


I have friends who have a wee DS lass (she's 11 now). She's brilliant. They have another child (older) who isn't but Liv is just the lovliest wee girl you could ever meet. You could not help but love her. How can they turn away from a wee baby in this way - it's not human!

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I repeat, sickening. Such contracts should be voided by public policy outlawing surrogacy for pay. I mean, if this isn’t human trafficking, what is it?


Legalised child trafficking.


Take the money out of the equation and it still leaves an interesting moral question. A woman who carries her own child can decide to terminate if certain conditions are found. Should that right extend to their biological foetus when carried in another womb?

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the whole idea of poor women carrying rich white people's children is a moral maze, but leaving a disabled child behind is like rejecting goods as substandard - it beggars belief and it's hard to think of the parents as any thing but dirt bags.

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This is the best thing that could have happened to the poor child. To be a parent of child with Down's Syndrome is a life long commitment and the last thing he needs are a couple of lame ass parents that will bail out of his life at the drop of a hat.


Hopefully he'll now get parents that'll give him the love and care that he deserves.

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This is the best thing that could have happened to the poor child. To be a parent of child with Down's Syndrome is a life long commitment and the last thing he needs are a couple of lame ass parents that will bail out of his life at the drop of a hat.


Hopefully he'll now get parents that'll give him the love and care that he deserves.


that's very wise mate, except that the baby has heart probs in a country where the poor die.

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