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Sheffield Ski Village On Fire Again Thread

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But a bit of understanding and decorum wouldn't go amiss from Kelblade.

As someone else said, she's only lost a day out, the owner and their staff have lost their livelihoods. :roll:

People like her, who are constantly "me, me, me" really need a good slap. Sadly it seems it's most of the population these days.

I agree that we all need a little understanding. 'She' personally hasn't lost anything. But this is kids footie team, she's probably a bit worried about the reactions from the dads when they realise that their little darlings won't be getting the party they've paid for and expect.


The kids will be disappointed and upset, but will soon get over it, yes. But you know what some parents can be like. It might not be pretty! :help:

Edited by rubydazzler
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Ignore everyone's negative comments. The people who work there are adults and will have a large group of colleagues to support them with the loss of their jobs. Unlike a child who has probably looked forward to their party all year.


Now this has to be a trolling post surely. Or maybe it's just someone without the ability to engage their brain before touching their keyboard. Children do not "look forward to their party all year" - that is nonsense. They might well look forward to it for a few weeks beforehand. As for the staff and their "large group of colleagues to support them with the loss of their jobs" - yeah, that'll pay the bills for sure.

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I agree that we all need a little understanding. 'She' personally hasn't lost anything. But this is kids footie team, she's probably a bit worried about the reactions from the dads when they realise that their little darlings won't be getting the party they've paid for and expect.


The kids will be disappointed and upset, but will soon get over it, yes. But you know what some parents are like. It might not be pretty! :help:


And that's the fault of the ski village owners because ?


oh wait it's not. Tip there is don't organise events if you're unable/unwilling to take a bit of heat when things go awry.

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I agree that we all need a little understanding. 'She' personally hasn't lost anything. But this is kids footie team, she's probably a bit worried about the reactions from the dads when they realise that their little darlings won't be getting the party they've paid for and expect.


The kids will be disappointed and upset, but will soon get over it, yes. But you know what some parents can be like. It might not be pretty! :help:


The parents will just have to understand,if not i would say well you do the job next year.Dont think she will have many wanting to do the organising.

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And that's the fault of the ski village owners because ? oh wait it's not.
How do you know that? Personally, I don't have an axe to grind, but as I said earlier, given the history of fires and vandalism there, they maybe should have had better security and/or fire precautions. How many times have things happened there over the past few years? This time it looks like it's the finish.


If it's the end of a popular local and visitor attraction, run down over late years due to lack of investment, I think it's a real shame. I don't know how many people actually worked there in proper full time jobs, rather than part time fillers, but it's terrible news for the employees.


But it's no good trying to divert the blame onto patrons who are only trying to minimise their problem with loss of venue. We can have sympathy for all, surely?


ETA: My first sentence is not intended to imply that I think the owners of SSV personally started the fire there and I can't see why anyone would infer that, given the rest of the post and the genera direction of the thread.

Edited by rubydazzler
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Why is it every post has to have some people who want to show how caring they are by slagging someone off who just wanted to know if it burning to the ground means the money goes with it or if insurance will cover it. Yes people have "lost jobs" but from what i heard, they were going to lose them anyway. It wasn't coping with the recession, everybody knew that, a lot of "fun" places are struggling right now. Losing a job is terrible and losing a business you owned is probably absolutely gut wrenching but ya know what ... it sucks for others too. It sucks for the people who have paid money to support the business and don't get what they paid for at the end of it. Get a grip stop being nasty and either answer the question or leave the person who posted the question alone. You are all acting like this person has walked up to the devastated owner watching his building burn and demanded their money back. No they asked here probably to avoid being jerks but wanted to see if anyone knew what the protocol was to ease their own worry.


While you are on your mission to prove how caring you are by picking on this person you might want to remember you have forgot someone else to feel sorry for. Big D's on langsett road depended on that place too you know. That will be another business lost if the ski village doesn't get back up on its feet. But no, lets keep slagging off this person who asked a simple question that you twisted out of control.

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Why is it every post has to have some people who want to show how caring they are by slagging someone off who just wanted to know if it burning to the ground means the money goes with it or if insurance will cover it. Yes people have "lost jobs" but from what i heard, they were going to lose them anyway. It wasn't coping with the recession, everybody knew that, a lot of "fun" places are struggling right now. Losing a job is terrible and losing a business you owned is probably absolutely gut wrenching but ya know what ... it sucks for others too. It sucks for the people who have paid money to support the business and don't get what they paid for at the end of it. Get a grip stop being nasty and either answer the question or leave the person who posted the question alone. You are all acting like this person has walked up to the devastated owner watching his building burn and demanded their money back. No they asked here probably to avoid being jerks but wanted to see if anyone knew what the protocol was to ease their own worry.


While you are on your mission to prove how caring you are by picking on this person you might want to remember you have forgot someone else to feel sorry for. Big D's on langsett road depended on that place too you know. That will be another business lost if the ski village doesn't get back up on its feet. But no, lets keep slagging off this person who asked a simple question that you twisted out of control.


I believe the question was answered, quite amicably as well. But a little thought both ways would be good, not just me, me, me....

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Don't let them wind you up. It's a tragedy for the staff who will probably lose their jobs obviously. But given the history of vandalism and fires at these premises, shouldn't the owners have had some better security in place?


The people criticising ...


If you could pass on your report to the Fire Brigade I'm sure it will save them a whole heap of aggravation with all that formal investigation stuff.

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Its very sad that this has happened, loads of people suddenly out of work. The main thing is that no-one was hurt.

But I do think some of you are being a bit harsh on kelblade, all she did was ask if people thought she'd get her money back. £350 is a hell of a lot of money, I'm sure theres going to be a lot of people who have booked there that are worried about the same thing.

Kelblade if I was you I'd just keep an eye on the website as I'm sure they will make some sort of announcement on there offering information for people in your situation.


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