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Sheffield Ski Village On Fire Again Thread

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I believe the question was answered, quite amicably as well. But a little thought both ways would be good, not just me, me, me....


i don't believe the poster ever tried to imply they were just thinking about themselves. They were actually thinking about a bunch of kids ... if you have kids and have ever let them down you will know how bad they can be. Imagine THAT amount of kids being let down at the last minute .... my 10 year old was on one for 2 hours this morning because i got a date wrong on meeting some friends and he has to wait till next weekend ... there is no way i would want to be in that persons shoes today.


And just incase people want to start barking at me:


There is also no way i would want to be in the ski village owner and workers shoes today. Nor Big D's. I wouldn't even know where to begin sorting that mess out.

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If you could pass on your report to the Fire Brigade I'm sure it will save them a whole heap of aggravation with all that formal investigation stuff.
I know you'd do almost anything to get attention, but why do you spend your valuable time looking for my posts, so you can add some idiotic comment? I'm sure a man with your undoubted abilities and talents could find something far more interesting to do. :rolleyes:
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Rubydazzler, don't flatter yourself that you merit special attention. If you didn't behave like a silly girl you wouldn't be singled out, but meanwhile, don't jump to conclusions when people's livelihoods, businesses and (in your opinion from a position of total ignorance) liberty are in the balance.



Kelblade, try your credit card company.

Edited by Tony
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All i did was ask a simple question i did not expect abuse and slagging off , all i wanted was a bit of advice but no silly people after twist things around and try and make me look daft :loopy: thanks to you who got what i was saying :)


the way you asked made you look insensitive.


if i was coming round to your house for tea and your kitchen had just burned down, me asking what i'm going to do about my tea would come across a bit bad.


i know you didn't mean it that way but that is how it came across.

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Hopefully for the kids they will have found somewhere dryer and warmer to enjoy the day.

I dont think i would have wanted to be outside i n this weather.

My feelings go out to everyone who i wondering about their jobs .

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There was a nterview on radio sheffield with the manager this morning bat around 8am ish, I didnt hear the whole interview, however, it appeared they had asked to come on radio sheffield so they could let people know what was happening. One of the problems could be that the co tact details for prebooked parties could be in the building also the means of gettiing onto the net to update the website could also be in the building - this is a lesson to all busnises . Make sure you have access to contact detials and ways to update your website.


The other thing to remember is that the last the local press were saying is that the cause of the fire is still under investigation so all the comments about arson could be premature.


I hope that those people who have lost jobs get sorted and the op is able to arrangge some thing for the disapointed children and she gets the money back.

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