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Sheffield Ski Village On Fire Again Thread

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I am sorry about your job situation.


Some years ago, one of my businesses was totally gutted by fire, it may be of some hope to you that I managed to pay key members of staff for nine months while the place was rebuilt. This was covered in the insurance I had, but this and other things were hard to find out, especially considering the stress and pressure of losing a business. Luckily I read all the small print and my broker helped me negociate with the loss adjuster (who would have left me with nothing given a chance)

I am sure the owner will have adequate cover, and key members of staff can be retained on merit, and may also be useful to help sort out the re-building etc.

Hope that helps.


Having been in the same position, my thoughts are with the staff and owner.


What an informative and helpful post, nice one :-) xx

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But a bit of understanding and decorum wouldn't go amiss from Kelblade.


As someone else said, she's only lost a day out, the owner and their staff have lost their livelihoods. :roll:


People like her, who are constantly "me, me, me" really need a good slap. Sadly it seems it's most of the population these days.


You utter idiot.

I know kelblade and take it from me she is never me me me. That young lass gives up her spare time to help run that kids football team. And puts in quite a bit of her own hard worked for cash to give these children a good time. she's also donated some of her money to pay for her young niece to go to tanzania next week for 8 weeks to teach sports at a kids orphanage. Do you do anything like this or just rant at people on the internet and telling them they " need a good slap" you should be ashamed of yourself.


keep up the good work kell and ignore people like this.

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You utter idiot.

I know kelblade and take it from me she is never me me me. That young lass gives up her spare time to help run that kids football team. And puts in quite a bit of her own hard worked for cash to give these children a good time. she's also donated some of her money to pay for her young niece to go to tanzania next week for 8 weeks to teach sports at a kids orphanage. Do you do anything like this or just rant at people on the internet and telling them they " need a good slap" you should be ashamed of yourself.


keep up the good work kell and ignore people like this.


Wishing SF had a "like" button again lol x

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Exactly who on Sheffield Forum do you think will know if you can get a refund?


Kinijohno here:


Hi. Im one of the duty manager's at the sheffield ski village. Anybody concerned over parties & lessons which are paid for, please contact vicky.lloyd@sheffieldskivillage.co.uk, vicky is the general manager and will do all her upmost to sort out all requests anybody as.

Thank you all for the concerns shown, and its great to see what a great community sheffield does have.

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Wishing SF had a "like" button again lol x


lol. trust me kellblade is a fiery little thing. I'm 6 foot and would no way dare try giving her a good slap lol. But believe me she has a heart of gold lost both my parents recently and she was a big help to me. has a heart of gold and can never be described as me me me.

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You utter idiot.

I know kelblade and take it from me she is never me me me. That young lass gives up her spare time to help run that kids football team. And puts in quite a bit of her own hard worked for cash to give these children a good time. she's also donated some of her money to pay for her young niece to go to tanzania next week for 8 weeks to teach sports at a kids orphanage. Do you do anything like this or just rant at people on the internet and telling them they " need a good slap" you should be ashamed of yourself.


keep up the good work kell and ignore people like this.


Well posted gazbdec, I have had some spats on this forum myself over they years, but this thread proves that SF has some self righteous, condascending gits with high and mighty 'holier than thou' attitudes and the moderators should take note, the lass only asked a bloody question :rant:

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lol. trust me kellblade is a fiery little thing. I'm 6 foot and would no way dare try giving her a good slap lol. But believe me she has a heart of gold lost both my parents recently and she was a big help to me. has a heart of gold and can never be described as me me me.



Reading it you could kind of feel her stress and worry about the loss of the party :( but most people would get the gist of things and know her concern was letting down the kids, when you have a huge heart (she obviously does), letting people down is not an option! :hihi:


She will have felt like she let all of them down, she hasnt, its obviously out of her hands, and yes, the kids probably will be upset for a while and then move on, but kellblade will feel bad, I get totally where she is coming from xxxxxx


PS. Us Bladettes have fire in our bones mate lol xx

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1) It's 'luck'.


2) Tough, you should have paid by a recoverable method.


3) I really don't care about your party, nor will the owner and staff at the Ski Village at this moment in time.


How unnecessarily nasty of you, never fails to amaze me how a keyboard and a pc screen turns some people into uncivilised, fearless bigots, I feel sorry for you.

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Reading it you could kind of feel her stress and worry about the loss of the party :( but most people would get the gist of things and know her concern was letting down the kids, when you have a huge heart (she obviously does), letting people down is not an option! :hihi:


She will have felt like she let all of them down, she hasnt, its obviously out of her hands, and yes, the kids probably will be upset for a while and then move on, but kellblade will feel bad, I get totally where she is coming from xxxxxx


PS. Us Bladettes have fire in our bones mate lol xx


All she wants to do is book the kids something else. The world would be a much better place for more people like her trust me. xx

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