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Sheffield Ski Village On Fire Again Thread

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This afternoon (25 April 2013) officers from the North East Safer Neighbourhood Team, have arrested a 15-year-old boy in connection with an alleged arson attack at the Sheffield Ski Village on Vale Road.

The incident occurred at around 8.30pm on Wednesday 24 April 2013, when a fire broke out at the ski village.


The 15-year-old remains in custody at this time.


Police are appealing for anyone with information which may assist the investigation to contact South Yorkshire Police on 101 quoting incident number 1134 of the 24 April 2013, or call Crimestoppers in confidence on 0800 555 111.


Well done KP Inspector.

I do hope you have the right cuprit, and that you can make it stick.

Unfortunately I think you may be on a hiding to nothing... when the YOT get on board and arrange some exciting adventures for him... which will not dissuade him from crime but will reinforce the idea that commiting crime get rewards.

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It's all very well bemoaning attempts to rehabilitate or understand, i.e. 'do-gooding' but frankly just launching a boot up their backside is lazy - that alone will do nothing but make the situation worse.


People aren't born little sods; this kid has done this because of a complete lack of good parenting, proper attention (and I mean proper attention, i.e. not molly-codling) and good conditioning, teaching him right from wrong and programming a sense of morals in to him. It sounds do-goody and it sounds like he's a robot/computer but it's exactly the way we've all been brought up, without it being obvious. Good boundaries and proper love & care.


So he definitely needs a boot up the backside, but he needs it to be delivered by someone he respects so he understands exactly why his arse is so sore. Otherwise, he'll just go burn down some more buildings.



Or, whip around on the forum, buy him an X-box?

Edited by AndrewC
People 'are not' born little sods
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It's all very well bemoaning attempts to rehabilitate or understand, i.e. 'do-gooding' but frankly just launching a boot up their backside is lazy - that alone will do nothing but make the situation worse.


People are born little sods; this kid has done this because of a complete lack of good parenting, proper attention (and I mean proper attention, i.e. not molly-codling) and good conditioning, teaching him right from wrong and programming a sense of morals in to him. It sounds do-goody and it sounds like he's a robot/computer but it's exactly the way we've all been brought up, without it being obvious. Good boundaries and proper love & care.


So he definitely needs a boot up the backside, but he needs it to be delivered by someone he respects so he understands exactly why his arse is so sore. Otherwise, he'll just go burn down some more buildings.



Or, whip around on the forum, buy him an X-box?



I agree with all you have written. But in effect what will happen is that the focus will be removed from true problem - crap parenting......

Are you aware that there are people out there employed to give parenting support/direction, but their hands are tied, because of the limitations of the Human Rights Laws.

imo The only solution is to bring back the 'Borstals' for the terminally criminal pshycopaths? Or boot camps where they would/should be taught self respect and respect for others?

All children need is to know the boundaries. If they don't receive this before they are 14, then I am sorry to say the 'system' has to provide it..

Edited by catpus
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First and foremost, let me just say I meant to say 'People aren't born little sods'


Or more to the point, you're nothing until the environment around you shapes you and the way you act. Bad behavior and a lack of respect are usually the result of lack of boundaries or figures of authority/to respect.



I'm not sure I agree with borstal though! Also, I don't think anyone is lost once they are past 14. People can learn or be moulded by their environment at any age.


The 'system' has a part to play, as do education systems and even workplaces (look at the way places like Starbucks improve their staff's outlook on life - not just by paying them - for a good example); but at the end of the day it has to be the environment provided by friends, family and most importantly, parent figures.



But in effect what will happen is that the focus will be removed from true problem - crap parenting......


Everything I was suggesting was along the lines of "provide a parent figure" basically, a good one at that. Anyway, too many people are too lazy with their kids. We all know how it is. Churn 'em out, let em run free. Don't give a crap about what they get up to, but then get really indignant and aggressive should anyone suggest you're not really doing your job.

Edited by AndrewC
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Well done KP Inspector.

I do hope you have the right cuprit, and that you can make it stick.

Unfortunately I think you may be on a hiding to nothing... when the YOT get on board and arrange some exciting adventures for him... which will not dissuade him from crime but will reinforce the idea that commiting crime get rewards.


Good news for the scroat in question. He might get to a prison where there is satalite tv and games consoles.


---------- Post added 26-04-2013 at 17:20 ----------


By all rights, he should be released apparently, he was just doing what kids do these days and it's all your fault as a police officer, if you fail to take responsibility then it must be the councils fault or the schools fault for having too many holidays and expecting the parents to look after their own children, and failing all that then blame the government for not funding more and more community projects that could be vandalised, burnt down, broken into or just abused.


What ever you, don't blame the parents for goodness sake!!!


With posts like this I do wish there was a like button. I never understand leftwing dogooders.


They say smacking is child abuse yet I was smacked as a child and never did anything like this.


They say its societies fault. Yet I suspect the scroat in questions mum has about three kids to three different (if you call them that) fathers.

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Shame we can't go to the parents and say "Your offspring has caused £xxxxx amount of damage, lets talk about a payment plan of how you're going to pay that back"

But that can be done. A criminal court has jurisdiction to make a compensation order, with or without another sentencing outcome.

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