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Rembering World War One, where's the Queen?

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Yeah I dont mind being a bit inferior to some people


Why do you trouble your little head so much about things you are not going to change?


Seriously? Read your own words back to yourself a few times. Yours is a slave mentality.


Whilst I wouldn't advocate most of the inflammatory language mjw47 has been using he has you bang to rights there.

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Yeah I dont mind being a bit inferior to some people


Why do you trouble your little head so much about things you are not going to change?


Every thing changes, that is one of the few constant things about life.


Russia, Germany, France and Austria all had Monarchies, but not now.


All of those Monarchies were related to the British Monarchy, it's called interbreeding. :)


Oh, and as you, a subject and serf have admitted that you are inferior to me, a free man, we'll have less of the 'little head' my little no mark. :D

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I don't bear them (nice people who call themselves 'royal') any malice, nor more than I would any loon pretending to be any fictional character (Spider-Man for example).


It's not anything personal against those individuals who claim royal status. They're just as deluded as anyone else who buys in to the fiction, though, I guess it's a very profitable fiction for some...


Just amazes me how people don't clearly see things for what they are!

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Every thing changes, that is one of the few constant things about life.


Russia, Germany, France and Austria all had Monarchies, but not now.


All of those Monarchies were related to the British Monarchy, it's called interbreeding. :)


Oh, and as you, a subject and serf have admitted that you are inferior to me, a free man, we'll have less of the 'little head' my little no mark. :D


Things are changing, and technology and social media, all have a part to play. The masses are becoming harder to fool and more aware, at an alarming rate. To be fair though, I guess it's something of a double edged sword, and technology works for whoever uses it, and is just as capable of deciving the masses, as it is enlightening them.


But for sure, change is constant...

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Spider man vs The Queen, I'll have a pint of what that guys drinking .... fictional characters ..... what the ..... oh it's Waldo :D


---------- Post added 06-08-2014 at 00:23 ----------


Things are changing, and technology and social media, all have a part to play. The masses are becoming harder to fool and more aware, at an alarming rate. To be fair though, I guess it's something of a double edged sword, and technology works for whoever uses it, and is just as capable of deciving the masses, as it is enlightening them.


But for sure, change is constant...


Yeah some need to change the record :D


The masses have never been so fooled, paranoia and nonsense all around ...... getting out of the house helps !

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It amazes me that some dont see the Monarch as the unifying force in this country, and jsut get buitter cos shes rich innit..

she would still be rich ig she was a private individual...get over the hatred.


There's no hatred whatsoever from me. :)


I have no problem with how things have shaped themselves over the centuries. Maybe there is something buried in our psychology, whereby most of us need someone to follow; kind of like bees needing a queen bee to be productive.


Human beings are social creatures, and the royal paradigm is one that's been around for a while, but as MJW says, all things change. That my friend, is the nature of things!

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Is it?

You think all are born equal then? :D


Yes I do, now I wouldn't expect someone with the mentality of a serf to understand, but I'll have ago anyway.


We are all just human beings, none of us is in anyway intrinsically in anyway 'better' than any other human.


Now this is where the less than bright get confused.


Some people are better than others at certain things, some people are better at sport, some are more intellectual, some more artistic, none of that counts in terms of being 'better' as in being of more worth than another human being.


Lionel Messi is a better footballer than you and I, doesn't make him 'better' as a human.


Stephen Hawking is a bit smarter than thee and me, doesn't make him 'better', just smarter.


We were all born with strengths and weaknesses, makes no difference we are all just fallible humans.


Can you appreciate that, or does your overwhelming sense of inferiority prevent you from accepting it?


By the way, no matter what your views, you are my equal in intrinsic terms.


Obviously, your a complete turnip in actual comparative terms. :D

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