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Why our boycott campaign against Israel makes sense #BDS

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The Palestinians are resisting an occupying force which is allowed under international law.

Stop stealing Palestinian land, water and building illegal settlements and then maybe there will be a chance of peace for israel.

Bombing the hell out of gaza is pushing peace further away.

The iron dome system is taking care of the rockets as it is the no 1 missile defence system in the world.

The rockets are the excuse the Israeli terrorists needed to massacre more Palestinians.


Fair point on the last two sentences. Think of the IRA at its worst in 70s and 80s - they've arguably killed more people than Hamas has. If the rockets were killing people they'd be totally justified in their actions - but as it is Israel really isn't. I'm not sure Israel as whole (not just the leadership) gives a toss. It is a country that expects it's near neighbours to have go and still, rightly, feels it's the victim from ww2. You aren't going to change a siege mentality that's already there by not buying bell peppers and some intel chips. It will get worse.


Thinking about the IRA and car bombs etc - why aren't we seeing wave after wave of suicide bombers in Israel? What ever the method (right or wrong) they have stopped that.

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My bold=

Yes and they were given funding, weapons and training by western countries too.


I agree that our government has made to very stupid mistakes regarding Islamic countries, so what should we now do about Isis?


---------- Post added 09-08-2014 at 22:26 ----------


Fair point on the last two sentences. Think of the IRA at its worst in 70s and 80s - they've arguably killed more people than Hamas has. If the rockets were killing people they'd be totally justified in their actions - but as it is Israel really isn't. I'm not sure Israel as whole (not just the leadership) gives a toss. It is a country that expects it's near neighbours to have go and still, rightly, feels it's the victim from ww2. You aren't going to change a siege mentality that's already there by not buying bell peppers and some intel chips. It will get worse.


Thinking about the IRA and car bombs etc - why aren't we seeing wave after wave of suicide bombers in Israel? What ever the method (right or wrong) they have stopped that.


Because Israel build a ruddy great wall round the terrorists to stop them getting into israel.


---------- Post added 09-08-2014 at 22:28 ----------


Casualties amongs the civilian population happen because Hamas chooses to concentrate it's rocket sites and military hardware in densly populated areas.


Why would an Israeli Kibbutz farmer be expected to take the tolerant attitude that no action should be taken against those who fire rockets because Palestinian casualties occur? Especially if his dwelling or a nearby school house are hit?


People dont like to be bombarded daily with rockets Duh !


Its a concept some are finding very difficult to grasp.

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Where have I ever said I support Isis then?

I don't agree with what isis is doing to the Christians in Iraq so please stop assuming I do.


---------- Post added 09-08-2014 at 20:33 ----------



I have iPad and iPhone that I use....


---------- Post added 09-08-2014 at 20:34 ----------



Under international law the Palestinians are allowed to resist the occoupying force of Israel......


Under international law. Israel will be allowed to wipe the floor with hamas and palestine and stop their daily rocket attacks.

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They are= http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli-occupied_territories

Read up about the subject you are debating, it helps! :)


OK let us assume it is occupied.


The only legitimate targets for resisting an occupation are military, yet Gaza intentionally targets civilians with its rockets.


Israel ended its occupation of Israel in 2005 and for a time Gazans were free to cross the border into Israel for work, goods flowed freely, people could come and go from Gaza as they pleased either through Israel or through Egypt. Israel maintained control of Gaza's sea lanes and airspace only to ensure armaments were not shipped into Israel that could be targeted at Israeli civilians, but there was no blockade on anything other than arms.


But then Gaza elected Hamas, Hamas went about slaughtering plenty of other Palestinians and started aggression against Israel, which is when Israel imposed a blockade. So the blockade is a result of Hamas aggression, not the other way around.

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What are you getting at retep? You're a slimy so and so.


Perhaps if those so called men hadn't been hiding among the women and kids there would have been fewer kids killed,

makes their supporters as bad as those so called men.

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The Palestinians are resisting an occupying force which is allowed under international law.

Stop stealing Palestinian land, water and building illegal settlements and then maybe there will be a chance of peace for israel.

Bombing the hell out of gaza is pushing peace further away.

The iron dome system is taking care of the rockets as it is the no 1 missile defence system in the world.

The rockets are the excuse the Israeli terrorists needed to massacre more Palestinians.


I'm not sure what hymn book you're reading from however it is common knowledge that HAMAS and Islamic countries want to eradicate Israel from the face of the planet. Lets face it being Jewish in a predominantly Islamic area must really be upsetting to them and you for that matter. At least the Israeli's have balls instead of hiding behind innocent people and covering their faces...battle dress what a load of tosh, more like scared to show their faces in public....


Exactly who was it who started with the rockets, I'll give you a clue there were 125 of them fired from Gaza without warning. Fireman Bob has proved you wrong on a number of instances, don't make a habit of it. Though you have got one point right about iron dome so don't let it go to your head. Also don't leave out the Mossad for counter-terrorism against your Islamic friends.


Oh if you use Facebook that's part Jewish owned as well!!

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OK let us assume it is occupied.


The only legitimate targets for resisting an occupation are military, yet Gaza intentionally targets civilians with its rockets.


Israel ended its occupation of Israel in 2005 and for a time Gazans were free to cross the border into Israel for work, goods flowed freely, people could come and go from Gaza as they pleased either through Israel or through Egypt. Israel maintained control of Gaza's sea lanes and airspace only to ensure armaments were not shipped into Israel that could be targeted at Israeli civilians, but there was no blockade on anything other than arms.


But then Gaza elected Hamas, Hamas went about slaughtering plenty of other Palestinians and started aggression against Israel, which is when Israel imposed a blockade. So the blockade is a result of Hamas aggression, not the other way around.

Some wont let this truth get in the way of their anti-Semitic rants.

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I agree that our government has made to very stupid mistakes regarding Islamic countries, so what should we now do about Isis?


---------- Post added 09-08-2014 at 22:26 ----------



Because Israel build a ruddy great wall round the terrorists to stop them getting into israel.


---------- Post added 09-08-2014 at 22:28 ----------



Its a concept some are finding very difficult to grasp.


Ask Harley? The Vietnamese might beg to differ?


---------- Post added 09-08-2014 at 22:38 ----------


Perhaps if those so called men hadn't been hiding among the women and kids there would have been fewer kids killed,

makes their supporters as bad as those so called men.


You've got it in for me haven't you retep?

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