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Why our boycott campaign against Israel makes sense #BDS

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Won't boycotting Israel also mean boycotting Palestinian produce or products, since most of their exports go via Israel?


No Israel too busy destroying the crops.Over 800,000 olive trees have been burned....yes they stood ground for 1000s years and guess who killed them. were they firing rockets?

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There has been some research suggesting that men in general are more likely to die in conflict than women, although no typical ratio is given.


it is not just 'in conflict'. It can be as passengers on mass transit like buses or tube trains in any society the men are going out to work while women are at home looking after baby and are not going to get blown up on any bus or tube and also less likely to be blown up in a pizza parlour. Most victims of terrorism are male, not female.

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Informative article here by an Israeli Oxford professor


what I would like Avi Shlaim to do is explain why, if there is such a bad humanitarian crisis in Gaza, why really key indicators like life expectancy and infant mortality are higher and lower i.e. people can expect to live for a longer time and kids not die so often before their 5th birthday, in Gaza than they are in a whole bunch oi neighbouring Middle East countries, like Egypt and Iran.


there are well over 150 million Egyptians and Iranians, but only 1.8 million Gazans. Gazans live longer than either Egyptians or Iranians, and Gazan children are less likely to die before their 5th birthday than Egyptian and Iranian children are. It is an odd kind of humanitarian crisis in Gaza when with most of the key socio-economic indicators, Gaza does as well or better than most of their neighbours.

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what I would like Avi Shlaim to do is explain why, if there is such a bad humanitarian crisis in Gaza, why really key indicators like life expectancy and infant mortality are higher and lower i.e. people can expect to live for a longer time and kids not die so often before their 5th birthday, in Gaza than they are in a whole bunch oi neighbouring Middle East countries, like Egypt and Iran.


there are well over 150 million Egyptians and Iranians, but only 1.8 million Gazans. Gazans live longer than either Egyptians or Iranians, and Gazan children are less likely to die before their 5th birthday than Egyptian and Iranian children are. It is an odd kind of humanitarian crisis in Gaza when with most of the key socio-economic indicators, Gaza does as well or better than most of their neighbours.


Its very likley to be things like this that help them live longer or survive childhood.


Gazan seven-month-old's life saved thanks to open-heart surgery in Israeli hospital. The baby, Odai Al-Kafarna was brought to Israel from Gaza by his grandmother Haniya in order to undergo open-heart surgery, according to theworld.org.



An IDF doctor’s life-saving actions averted a tragedy which may have struck a Palestinian family.


On Friday night, in the Palestinian village of Beitin near Ramallah, a month-old baby Palestinian baby started to choke in her home while playing with her sister. The mother brought the baby to an IDF checkpoint near the Beit El Division Headquarters. An IDF officer from the division noticed the panicking mother with the choking infant in her arms. He immediately called the nearest IDF doctor. Within a few minutes, Sec. Lt. Ben Tzanani and his team were at the scene and saved the baby’s life.



Even as Israeli air strikes are taking the lives of Palestinian children during Operation Protective Edge, Israeli doctors in Holon are laboring to save the lives of Palestinian children born with heart defects.




Over 14,000 tons of humanitarian aid were transferred from Israel into the Gaza Strip last week, the IDF announced on Tuesday in its weekly summary of COGAT operations.


"A total of 637 truckloads, consisting of 14,069 tons of humanitarian aid, were transferred into the Gaza Strip from Israel via the various crossings,"

According to the statement, the shipments consisted of hundreds of thousands of liters of fuel; 21 truckloads of milk formula and baby food; 897 tons of cooking gas, 66 truckloads of fruits and vegetables; 51 truckloads of wheat, 27 truckloads of meat, poultry and fish; 40 truckloads of dairy products; 117 truckloads of animal food; 37 truckloads of hygiene products; 22 truckloads of sugar; and 38 truckloads of clothing and shoes.




Despite the ongoing rocket fire by Gaza terrorists, Israel has not halted the entry of trucks into Gaza – and on Thursday, some 200 trucks carrying food and “basic supplies” entered Gaza. The government said that the trucks were allowed to pass through for “humanitarian purposes,” and were inspected and found not to be carrying any items or equipment that could be used to attack Israel.

Edited by firemanbob
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And Hamas is reasonable for any psychological problems they might develop.

Oh right, and here I was thinking it was Israel that was killing and bombing them all.


Your link is about a cease fire, is it the one that they were not involved in the talks of, the one Egypt and Israel cooked up on Gaza's behalf ?


They all know why Hamas are firing rockets, its because of the blockade and intolerable life that the Palestinians are having to live under it, any real cease fire is going to have to address the issue of the blockade but I am not sure if Israel is up to giving any slack to the leash they have them on.


Lets hope this new cease fire maintained and the blockade issue that's caused all this mess is part of the negotiations that brought it about.


---------- Post added 11-08-2014 at 08:20 ----------


Meanwhile, back on topic, people should keep this boycott up for how ever many years are needed to get Israel to have a proper dialogue about creating a functioning state for them.


We have all seen the cycle now, they go in, bomb Gaza every couple of years or so, then pretend to want peace and have some talks that bare no fruit while all along they are still taking land and building occupations on it and then its back to square one and they are back in to make sure they don't have to have peace or an Arab state.


These Boycotts need to see beyond whatever propaganda comes out next about peace talks, keep it up until there is some substance or its not worth doing.

Edited by clinteastwoo
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