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Why our boycott campaign against Israel makes sense #BDS

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Ironically Marx was a Jew.


false. No he wasn't. Karl Marx was not a Jew.


Karl Marx would have been a Jew, had his mother been a Jew, but she wasn't.


Marx's father however WAS a Jew who converted before Karl was born, however the fact that Marx's father converted, means nothing as even if Marx's father had not converted and remained a Jew, then his son, the author of Das Kapital Karl Marx would still not have been a Jew as his mother was not a Jew.

Edited by blake
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And when the Israeli farmers lose their UK orders they will be straight onto their prime ministers direct line and make the war end. Nice try, wrong target.


The only person probably willing to stand by Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad al-Malki who said “We must do everything in our power to enable the ICC to bring to justice those responsible,” in order to get the Hague to look at war crimes was Baroness Warsi, the only British minister to publicly show they get it.

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it is a very odd kind of 'genocide' indeed when the number of Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza has tripled in size in the past 40 years, which it has, and when Palestinian life expectancy in Gaza and the West Bank is 25 years longer, i.e. over 70 years now compared to the less than 50 years it was back then. Gaza life expectancy today is higher than life expectancy is in Egypt, and Iran.


so just where, exactly, is this 'genocide' ????


does anybody know of any other genocides in history where the people who are supposed to be suffering it, i.e. in this case the Palestinians, are living half a lifetime on average longer than they were before the so-called 'genocide' started to happen?


I always find it odd that they use such term when the number of Muslims Arabs is growing and now exceeds the number of Jews.

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Yes because I care more about animals than people.[b/] You won`t like that answer but I`ve answered honestly so tough :roll:


In that case, stop commenting on a thread about people. Go and eat your dog food!

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I've boycotted Israeli agricultural goods ever since they built that atrocious wall around Gaza. Boycotting them for a week doesn't help anybody.


Really? I thought you were a muslim and therefore hate Jews. I heard it said on here that some muslims are taking the jewish side in this squabble. That may be so in the short term, but the next target down the line and the jews and then everyone else. There's a saying that goes something like, "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer."

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Israeli businesses permeate the UK, particularly in the security industry. The security firm who work for Yorkshire Water are Israeli owned, the one that's works for Tesco is Israeli owned.


What better way to influence our country than by the ability to turn off our water and control the distribution of our food? Never mind Gaza, we are also controlled and manipulated.

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