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Why our boycott campaign against Israel makes sense #BDS

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Not to the intellectually challenged and morally sick, no.


No I won't.


Life can present you with many moral dilemma's, but burying your head in the sand when presented with one won't make it go away.


---------- Post added 11-08-2014 at 15:31 ----------


And his people are the only voices he wants to listen to, so the quicker their businesses feel it the quicker they can start to question if killing children is actually beneficial to the country and try get him to stop.


You may think its futile but hey what can people do ? at least we will feel like we did something and not have the death of women and children on our conscience.


Boycotting may do little, but its doing something.


So feeling better about yourself is more important than the Palestinians that might loose their jobs because of your actions, that's just selfish.

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So feeling better about yourself is more important than the Palestinians that might loose their jobs because of your actions, that's just selfish.


I wouldn't worry to much about the loud mouthed minority who claim that this Christmas they won't buy that pack of dates. The Russians seem very keen to buy anything that Israel has to offer including pilotless drones. Its not a matter of preventing Israels trade, more a question of where you want it diverting. India has its share of problems from Islamists. I doubt that they will be too bothered about Israel taking them on when it comes to buying military hardware.




Even though India continues to maintain extensive relations with the Arab world, its commitment to the Palestinian cause seems to have slackened in the past two decades. Nowadays, its leaders make do with periodic lip service to the Palestinian plight, and they have long since stopped clashing with Israel over the subject. At the same time, the areas of dialogue with Israel are expanding, and include: fighting terrorism, security-related deals, and Israeli aid in areas such as agriculture and water desalination.


It’s in the defense sales realm that the trade balance between the two countries has leaped upward. A decade ago, the Indian army declared its intention to implement a modernization program, to which resources of tens of billions of dollars have been allocated. India has immense security forces: 1.3 million people in the regular army, 1.1 million in the reserves and another 1.3 million in other organizations, such as the Border Security Force. But the modernization project is proceeding lackadaisically, due to the long-standing weakness of the bureaucracy in India and the attempt by its Ministry of Defense to reduce bribery and corruption and introduce tougher oversight.


India is now the No. 1 export target of Israel’s defense industries. The two countries. Both India and Israel avoid revealing details about the scale and nature of their security trade. However, in 2012 Israel’s Defense Ministry announced that the country’s total defense exports stood at $7 billion annually. India’s share of that is probably between $1 billion and $1.5 billion. And the potential for growth exists.



I note that yesterday India’s Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) voted to purchase 262 Barak-I anti-ship missiles and spare parts from Tel Aviv for $163 million

Edited by Anna Glypta
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I wouldn't worry to much about the loud mouthed minority who claim that this Christmas they won't buy that pack of dates. The Russians seem very keen to buy anything that Israel has to offer including pilotless drones. Its not a matter of preventing Israels trade, more a question of where you want it diverting. India has its share of problems from Islamists. I doubt that they will be too bothered about Israel taking them on when it comes to buying military hardware.




I agree, they don't appear to be doing too bad at all considering the neighbors they have.



In honor of Israel’s Independence Day, the Israel Export Institute issued a retrospective on the country’s accomplishments in exports since its founding 66 years ago. The institute reported that exports climbed several thousandfold during the period.


With a relatively minuscule domestic market and hostile neighbors, Israel was forced to develop a strong export-oriented economy early on. What seemed to be a near-impossible situation in the early days of the state has enabled Israel to develop a prosperous, advanced economy. In 1948, Israel exported a total of $6 million in goods and services, while in 2013, exports totaled $95 billion, representing a 16,000-fold increase in 66 years.


Read more: 66 years later, Israel's exports up 16,000% | The Times of Israel http://www.timesofisrael.com/66-years-later-israels-exports-up-16000/#ixzz3A5wUCtnM

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Hamas weren't even voted into power properly 8 years ago the last time there was an election. They only won control of the lower house the legislature but they did not get the executive, the presidency.


the PLO president was supposed to govern Gaza anyway, however he or it (the executive) couldn't, and that is why Hamas staged a violent coup in 2007 to gain full control, of Gaza. Everything fell apart in Gaza, following the 2005 Israeli pullout.


this casual leftist and Islamist I don't like Israel and Jews brigade don't know their ass from their elbow.


---------- Post added 11-08-2014 at 16:31 ----------


I wouldn't worry to much about the loud mouthed minority who claim that this Christmas they won't buy that pack of dates.


I thought Saudi dates, were supposed to be the best.

Edited by blake
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So they have many of the problems facing most other countries

You wouldn't think so considering your bias link.


just think what they could do if they didn't have to spend £50,000 to knock each on those rockets out of the sky.


No one is firing nuclear weapons at them, maybe stop spending billions and proliferating their nuclear programme...they don't have, in order for it's poor citizens not to live in tents...

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You CAN not like Israels action without hating the Israeli people or siding with the 'Islamist's'.


You CAN condemn Israel without being 'pro' Hamas.


You DON'T have to be on either side of the fence to state that killing civilians is wrong on the scale that we have seen.


And you CAN do something even if your Government won't speak out.



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You can not like Israels action without hating the Israeli people or siding with the 'Islamists'.


You can condemn Israel without being 'pro' Hamas.


You don't have to be on either side of the fence to state that killing civilians is wrong on the scale that we have seen.


And you can do something even if your Government won't speak out.




Nicely put Clint.

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You wouldn't think so considering your bias link.




No one is firing nuclear weapons at them, maybe stop spending billions and proliferating their nuclear programme...they don't have, in order for it's poor citizens not to live in tents...


But Hamas would if they had one, no doubt they would leave Gaza before firing it and they would tell the Gazan civilians their plans, then they would blame the blast on Israel.

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If they had somewhere to go to, and the lot of them said to Israel that they would leave, then I can say without a shadow of a doubt that Israel would fear they were going to Nuke the place and would not let any of them go until they have interrogated everyone.


If Egypt opened the border tomorrow and everyone set off to leave then we would see the biggest Israeli mobilization of arms that we have ever seen :hihi:

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