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Why our boycott campaign against Israel makes sense #BDS

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Mahmoud Abbas does NOT support BDS:



The pentium chip was developed in Israel & there is a 99.9999999999999999999% certainty that it is powering the computer you are using to read this, right now.


Using a smartphone? The technology was developed in Israel.


The memory stick? developed in Israel.


If you continue to use these products you are supporting Israel. The largest employer in Israel is Intel - where the biggest Intel facilities outside the US are located.


---------- Post added 13-08-2014 at 05:20 ----------


Here is a great list of products to boycott:




The Body Shop

Estee Lauder

Vistoria's Secret

Intel - ie ALL computers, smartphones and memory sticks


Veolia (rubbish collection)



Cherry tomatoes (invented in Israel)



Black & Decker




Early Learning Centre

John Lewis



All the products mentioned are made / grown in Israel. All those stores support Israel either outwardly or covertly.


But the key one is Intel. The whole world, if you really care about supporting Hamas, you must refuse to buy or use the computers and smartphones and memory sticks. You must do this to show you really support ALL divestment from anything to do with Israel.

Even though Mahmoud Abbas disagrees, you must stand firm


Why Black and Decker as everything I've ever purchased has been made in the EU with the exception of the Mouse sanding sheets which are made in Switzerland - all the black and decker tools I have are made in China or Taiwan so I really don't understand your statement so please explain further?


In regards to Intel how many forums users have Intel processors who are against Israel but STILL using their computers??? not all forum users have Apple Macs surely?


You may wish to include local grocery stores and corner shops as well as not all produce is UK grown.... so do we starve in the meantime?


---------- Post added 13-08-2014 at 19:14 ----------





Originally Posted by HelenOster View Post


if you really care about supporting Hamas, you must refuse to buy or use the computers and smartphones and memory sticks.


As Hamas is a designated terrorist organisation and I have no intention of supporting them. So thanks for providing the list. If I need any of the products that they make I'll be sure to buy from them.


Me too

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Why Black and Decker as everything I've ever purchased has been made in the EU with the exception of the Mouse sanding sheets which are made in Switzerland - all the black and decker tools I have are made in China or Taiwan so I really don't understand your statement so please explain further?


In regards to Intel how many forums users have Intel processors who are against Israel but STILL using their computers??? not all forum users have Apple Macs surely?


You may wish to include local grocery stores and corner shops as well as not all produce is UK grown.... so do we starve in the meantime?


Israel’s Keter Group is one of the world’s leading manufacturers and marketers of plastic consumer products. The Israeli plastics giant is privately owned and has a turnover of $1.1 billion, 90% of which is derived from overseas sales.

Keter products are also sold under the Black & Decker, B&Q and Homebase brands.

Whilst ALL the profits end up in Israel, not all the products are produced in Israel, Some are produced in France, Belgium, Poland & Hungary.


I don't think you can be truly supporting a boycott of everything made by Israel if you use a computer with an Intel processor, just sayin'.....


My husband is Israeli and he works for Intel. Thanks for paying his wages!

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If you are a BDS supporter, why are you using the 'evil Zionist technology'?


I support Israel's right to exist in peace without the threat of violence from Islamic terrorists. If they attack Israel then they can expect something back however this is quite pointless because it doesn't go anywhere and Mafya will get involved again spouting Islamic whatever you want to call it.


I have a Mac and an Intel powered computer and will continue to use these. I don't have a problem with this


I've bought Israeli fruit and veg for years and certainly will not buy produce from Islamic countries never have never will, just how much of the money then gets 'donated' to Islamic factions?


A few years ago there was an article in the major newspapers that the Saudi's were giving $100 million dollars to terrorist organisations, when the west kicked off the said money was 'donated' to Islamic charities yeah right. The money for guns and rockets comes from somewhere they're not cheap


---------- Post added 13-08-2014 at 19:34 ----------


Israel’s Keter Group is one of the world’s leading manufacturers and marketers of plastic consumer products. The Israeli plastics giant is privately owned and has a turnover of $1.1 billion, 90% of which is derived from overseas sales.

Keter products are also sold under the Black & Decker, B&Q and Homebase brands.

Whilst ALL the profits end up in Israel, not all the products are produced in Israel, Some are produced in France, Belgium, Poland & Hungary.


I don't think you can be truly supporting a boycott of everything made by Israel if you use a computer with an Intel processor, just sayin'.....


My husband is Israeli and he works for Intel. Thanks for paying his wages!


I know about the Keter brand, Black and Decker also come under Stanley tools now

As for your husband, you are most welcome


---------- Post added 13-08-2014 at 19:46 ----------


Israel’s Keter Group is one of the world’s leading manufacturers and marketers of plastic consumer products. The Israeli plastics giant is privately owned and has a turnover of $1.1 billion, 90% of which is derived from overseas sales.

Keter products are also sold under the Black & Decker, B&Q and Homebase brands.

Whilst ALL the profits end up in Israel, not all the products are produced in Israel, Some are produced in France, Belgium, Poland & Hungary.


I don't think you can be truly supporting a boycott of everything made by Israel if you use a computer with an Intel processor, just sayin'.....


My husband is Israeli and he works for Intel. Thanks for paying his wages!


Its ironic, I work indirectly with a Palestinian guy, really nice and I have to say educated and he fled Gaza because of Hamas. He openly admits they are killing the country and the people and he comes from there. Sal is very open about the suicide bombings and everything else going off as he's seen it first hand rather than on TV so you get to see the real thing rather than taking sides whilst watching it on your widescreen tv.


On another point a friend of mine lives and works in Israel and he also points out that he's treated with respect, no nastiness or anything and states the only issues are from the Arab population and rockets coming over from Gaza, other than that he loves living over there.


And before Mafya and Stan Tamudo get involved here I also have a friend who converted to Islam and moved to Malaysia - I don't have a problem with this. We still talk and despite the religion we are still friends. He respects my views and I his.

Edited by Norseman
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I can not see an issue with people using PC's because they may have an Intel chip in them.


The chip has already been purchased so defeats the object. Boycotting future goods is the only way to get any sort of message across.


The argument being put before you by the Israeli employees on here is that you use your PC so therefor your not committed and therefor should chuck the whole Boycott idea out of the window.




It does not matter one bit what you may own from Israel. What money you retain from giving them in the future years is all that will make a difference and make any sort of statement.


---------- Post added 14-08-2014 at 07:36 ----------


I don't think you can be truly supporting a boycott of everything made by Israel if you use a computer with an Intel processor, just sayin'.....


My husband is Israeli and he works for Intel. Thanks for paying his wages!

No your not just saying, your implying that people should not Boycott because they have retrospectively broken that Boycott, which is a stupid notion.


I doubt very much you get any money from Intel and are just coming out with a line or rubbish in order to muddy the water here. I do however believe someone from Israel will be chucking you some crumbs for being here.


If you have an Intel chip or not, it does not make any difference what so ever if you want to show support by Boycotting a selection of Israeli companies or interests.


A lot of PC's do not even have Intel chips in so unless your computer savvy you may be duped into not boycotting by these apologists for nothing as your PC may have another chip in it anyhow !


Its not what you have purchased or consumed in the past, its what you are going to spend your money on in the Future that really matters here. Its what we have seen over the past few months that people don't agree with so why does it matter what you purchased prior to that ?


Edited by clinteastwoo
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I can not see an issue with people using PC's because they may have an Intel chip in them.


The chip has already been purchased so defeats the object. Boycotting future goods is the only way to get any sort of message across.


The argument being put before you by the Israeli employees on here is that you use your PC so therefor your not committed and therefor should chuck the whole Boycott idea out of the window.




It does not matter one bit what you may own from Israel. What money you retain from giving them in the future years is all that will make a difference and make any sort of statement.


---------- Post added 14-08-2014 at 07:36 ----------


No your not just saying, your implying that people should not Boycott because they have retrospectively broken that Boycott, which is a stupid notion.


I doubt very much you get any money from Intel and are just coming out with a line or rubbish in order to muddy the water here. I do however believe someone from Israel will be chucking you some crumbs for being here.


If you have an Intel chip or not, it does not make any difference what so ever if you want to show support by Boycotting a selection of Israeli companies or interests.


A lot of PC's do not even have Intel chips in so unless your computer savvy you may be duped into not boycotting by these apologists for nothing as your PC may have another chip in it anyhow !


Its not what you have purchased or consumed in the past, its what you are going to spend your money on in the Future that really matters here. Its what we have seen over the past few months that people don't agree with so why does it matter what you purchased prior to that ?



What do you mean, we don't get any money from Israel? My husband is one of the most senior property managers for Intel and he lives in Israel, and his office is in Haifa (see below). And so do I. Oh, that makes me Israeli too.


And he earns a very nice salary, thank you for asking.


An analogy; if you found (Israeli-invented) cherry tomatoes in your fridge, would you eat them?


If you discovered that any of your hygiene products were manufactured in Israel, would you use them, chuck them or give them to charity?


Will you choose your next PC, smartphone or memory stick based on whether it uses Intel technology?


If you or a member of your family needs a life-saving drug, which has been developed in Israel, will you take it?



Read the lists below (which are by no means fully comprehensive) but aim to show just what a boycott should mean in the realms of science, technology, computers, medicine, the environment and accepting aid in disasters. They do not mention the role played in music, entertainment, art etc. To boycott Israel means not using mobile phones, computers, many medicines and medical procedures to mention but a few.




This is what Israel, a country the size of Ecuador with a smaller population than London has given to the world.


Now ask yourself, what have Hamas given to the world? Or ISIS, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, Islamic Jihad, Boko Haram, Global Jihad, The Taliban?


What have any of these groups ever done that benefits the world, or you or your children?


Answer honestly, if you had to pick ONe of the above to rule over you, or pick Israel, which would it be?


Would you honestly prefer to live in a society that condones female genital mutilation and severe beatings to the point of death for homosexuals? A society that supports honour killings, that prevents women from driving, that takes children from the age of 5 and teaches them to hate, to shoot a gun, and to glorify death the way that 'the West' glorifies life?


Or a country that gives...............




High Technology:


The first cell phone in the world was developed in Haifa, Israel.

Israel developed the first camera chip used in cell phones.

Israeli companies invented the SMS and voice mail systems.

Israel holds the most High-Tech industries per population.

Invention of Safety Centre, a device to assess driving habits and improve them. Helps cut accidents.

Iron Dome – a mobile system that detects incoming short range missiles and assesses where they will land. If the target site is unpopulated no counter attack is mounted, if it will hit a populated area then small, guided missiles are fired to destroy the incoming missile mid air

The Arrow missile “Interceptor” is another Israeli project. This is a first of its kind – the only one that can intercept a ballistic missile. The arrow manoeuvres and destroys the attacker missile.

The IDF’s creative thinking has produced the Air Mule, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) which helps with medical rescue and evacuation.

Urban Aeronautics has developed propellers which are installed inside the aircraft instead of outside. This enables the aircraft to carry out different operations in narrow places that are inaccessible to conventional planes and helicopters.

Invention of largest unmanned aircraft named Eitan. Can fly up to 45,000 feet carrying high-tech cameras and sensors which will give more precise information of ground activity during conflicts or in general monitoring of nations eg Iran

Israeli invention of “Earthquake Alert”, a home device to give early warning of earthquakes. Analyzes movement and determines if it is because of an earthquake or some other cause

Xaver 400 /800. These devices give 2D (400) or 3D (800) images below rubble. Used in searching for people following earthquakes who otherwise might not be found, or in hostage situations where the police need to see what is happening within buildings

Israeli company Satec, a world leader in electrical power products, has developed a system called ExpertPower for monitoring and preventing power breakdowns and blackouts. The system monitors energy distribution and use, and provides real-time reports via the Internet to assist in avoiding power system overloading.





Israelis hold more patents per person than citizens of any other nation.

Israel is one out of only 8 countries that are capable of launching their own satellites into space.

Israel has more scientists and engineers per capita than any other country.

Israeli scientists publish more scientific papers than any other nation.

A computer chip – made of living organisms and DNA. And it can also produce 330 trillion (330,000,000,000,000) actions in a second!

Cherry Tomatoes were developed in Israel 15 years ago by a few research groups.

The Galanit is a new flower that grows in blue and white – the colors of the Israeli flag. The flower had been developed in Israel by the Ministry of Agriculture during the last eight years!

Epilady (or epilator) – this hair removal device was invented by two Israelis from a Kibbutz who wanted to make their wives’ lives easier and came up with an idea for electronic tweezers. It might not be life saving, but for millions of girls all over the world it’s definitely an essential device!!

An Israeli company has developed a revolutionary new drug that could solve the problem of Colony Collapse Disorder, the disturbing syndrome that has been wiping out bee communities and threatening agricultural production all over the world.





Most of the components of the Windows XP operating system were developed in Israel.

An Israeli company invented the technology behind ICQ instant messaging.

An Israeli company invented the network security technology, such as the firewall.

The first PC anti-virus was invented in Israel.

A virtual keyboard – a laser projector with a sensor that radiates a hologram of letters on any straight surface, and the sensor senses your fingers moving and translates it into real typing.

The algorithm (code) that’s used today for sending e-mails, was made by an Israeli who worked at the Ben-Gurion University in Be’er-Sheva in 1980

DiskOnKey (or USB flash drive) was developed by Dov Mor, the CEO of MSystems.

One of the more recent developments is sending medical images (like ultrasound exams) through the cellular phone. This invention was made by Professor Boris Rubinsky and his team at Hebrew University and the University of California, Berkeley.

Modu (an Israeli invention) is the smallest and the smartest mobile phone on earth because it is not only a mobile phone – it can be also a games console, a palm computer, a laptop and many other things.

Using the internet and a PC has depended in the past on being able to manipulate a mouse by hand to navigate the screen. Israeli company Commodio has now developed the world’s first Voice Mouse – the screen responds to commands from the human voice. Using the voicemouse (called QPointer Handsfree ), the user can write and send email, use the Internet, and create and edit documents, without using his or her hands. The product is expected to be of particular value to those who suffer from Parkinson’s disease, paralysis or other physical disabilities. Microsoft has chosen Commodio as its business partner for voice operations

Scientists at Israel ‘s Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot have created the world’s smallest computing device. The device uses so-called DNA (or biological) computing instead of silicon microchips, and marks a breakthrough in biological computing methods. The device operates at a computing speed equivalent to 15 trillion computers, and is more than one million times more energy-efficient than a PC. In the future, DNA computing is set to move from the realm of near-science-fiction, to transform pharmaceutical research

In March 2003 Intel, the world’s leading chip manufacturer, unveiled its new microchip, the Centrino, in a worldwide marketing campaign. The Centrino’s key advantage is its low electricity consumption, making it highly suitable for laptop PCs, notebooks, the new generation of mobile phones, and other mobile devices. The Centrino was developed at Intel’s Israeli R&D facility in Haifa , Northern Israel . Intel’s Haifa centre is working with a second Intel Israel facility, in Petach Tikva, on the next generation of processors for cellular networks.


Attacks by hackers on websites is one of the most serious challenges facing companies and non-profit organisations on the internet. In 2002, US company Sanctum was recognised by industry consultants as the “de facto” leader in meeting this challenge. Sanctum markets products which enhance website “firewalls” by adding a further layer of security against attack. Sanctum’s two products AppScan and AppShield were developed in Sanctum’s research centre in Herzliya in central Israel.





Israelis invented the camera that patients swallow to help doctors diagnose digestive tract diseases and save lives.

Babysense, the system that protect babies from the sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) was invented in Israel.

Israeli scientists developed the first radiation free method to discover breast cancer.

The first Anti Virus was created in Israel in 1988 by 3 computer experts at the Hebrew University. This anti-virus was the basis for many other anti viruses that came later.

The first blood bank was built at Beilinson hospital 10 years before the state was established.

In 1997 the first artificial heart transplant was made at the Sheba hospital. It was made to function as the left ventricle

In 1999 Israel used the first brain pacemaker, which stopped the tremor that comes with Parkinson’s disease.

In 2010 a kidney transplant was made from a person with one blood type to another with a different blood type, a transplant which, until now, was very dangerous because the kidney works with blood.

Israeli scientists created new ways to fight cancer and increased the efficiency of medicines.

One of the greatest achievements of 2006: the research made by Israeli scientist Shulamit Levenberg got us one step closer to creating new organs for transplant.

Israeli scientists also developed the first DNA computers, leading the way to even more efficient ways to fight diseases.

Israel has been responsible for huge breakthroughs in treatment of AIDS:

Developing Hypericin, a drug whose antiviral properties were documented at the Weizmann Institute. Vimrxyn, a hypericin-based drug is now being tested for the treatment of AIDS.

Making progress on a new type of artificial blood that could potentially help slow the spread of the AIDS virus.

An Israeli-American firm, Pharmos/Pharmatec, developing an improved method for delivering AZT to the brain.

Hebrew University researchers developing what they believe is a means to help AIDS patients overcome serious infections and neurological problems.

Israeli scientists have developed new devices for measuring and injecting Insulin for diabetics, which are both less painful and more efficient.

Israel’s head of neurology at Rabin Medical Centre has developed a means of treating Parkinson’s disease using the person’s own bone marrow stem cells

Researchers at Ben Gurion University are working on a new delivery system for drugs used in cancer and Parkinson’s disease. The drugs are delivered directly to the affected part of the body and, in so doing, eliminates unwanted side effects

A program that can help a deaf man use a cell phone! This program, “Lipcell” can translate the words from the other speaker into a three dimensional exhibition of a human face. In this way the deaf man can read the lips of the other speaker. It is a collaboration of Israel’s largest phone company, Cellcom, and a company called SpeechView.

A computerized model has been developed that allows living cells to be scanned to see how they respond to friction, pressure etc. This will eliminate, or certainly lessen, the need to use animals in this area of medical research

The medical company Deep Breeze has developed a device for instantly diagnosing the state of a patient’s lungs enabling the immediate diagnosis of asthma

The Copaxone (also known as Glatiramer acetate), one of the most efficient medicines, and the only non interferon agent, for Multiple Sclerosis, was developed by Israeli Teva Pharmaceuticals

Discovery of Bti- an environmentally-friendly bacteria which eradicates mosquitoes and black flies, and reduces the incidence of mosquito-borne diseases, notably malaria. Since Bti was introduced along the Yangtze river in China , malarial infections from mosquitoes have dropped by 90%. Professor Margalith is currently involved in projects in the Central Asian Republics. Bti has also been used to control river blindness in eleven African countries, reportedly saving the sight of millions.

Drug Velcade developed over a period of 30 years by scientists at Haifa. Has significant results in treatment of Myeloma

Imaging device for carrying out radiation free xrays on patients with spinal deformities developed in Israel

First vaccine against West Nile virus developed by Israelis

Researchers in southern Israel developed new vaccines to combat germs eg pneumococcus, that are prevalent in children and easily spread in day care centres.

Israeli researchers believe that a biological ‘switch’ found in plants may hold the secret for a new cancer treatment for humans. Scientists believe a process in plants to switch on cell growth, could be used in humans to switch off tumour growth.

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