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Why our boycott campaign against Israel makes sense #BDS

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Hamas have the world media attention they wanted, they have the opportunity to negotiate with the world looking on, they have successfully sacrificed hundreds of gaza citizens to achieve this.


There appears to be no point in further futile attacks on Israel who will neither give up or stop responding to attacks by hamas, and doubtless killing even more gaza civilians in the process.


The citizens of gaza are now being butchered by Hamas for wanting the violence to end.


Hamas seem to want to continue for ....



To paraphrase from Battle of the Bulge.

A film about a real event ... Hitler's last ditch attempt to stop the allies advance into Germany.


for Col. Martin Hessler read: Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal

for Cpl. Conrad read any random aged war weary citizen of Gaza


Cpl. Conrad: We have won the war.


Col. Martin Hessler: No.


Cpl. Conrad: You mean we have lost?


Col. Martin Hessler: No.


Cpl. Conrad: I don't understand. If we have not won, and we have not lost, than what is happening?


Col. Martin Hessler: The best thing possible is happening - the war will go on.


Cpl. Conrad: For how long?


Col. Martin Hessler: Indefinitely. On, and on, and on!


Cpl. Conrad: But it must come to an end.


Col. Martin Hessler: You're a fool Conrad. Those of us who understand know that we could never win.


Cpl. Conrad: You mean Colonel for three years we have been fighting without any hope of victory?


Col. Martin Hessler: There are many kinds of victory. For Hamas to survive, for us to remain in combat - that is our victory. Conrad, the world is not going to get rid of us after all.


Cpl. Conrad: But, when do we go home?


Col. Martin Hessler: Being in hamas is our home.


Cpl. Conrad: And my sons? When do I see them? What will become of them?


Col. Martin Hessler: They will join Hamas, and you will be proud of them.




You can always tell when one side has realised its losing..

the blame casting and the executions start.


Its not that hamas can't see the futility of continuance ... its just ... who would they be without the war?


Sums it all up for me.


Edited by Tommo68
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Despite the constant rocket fire into Israel during Operation Protective Edge, the Kerem Shalom crossing remained open, providing food and essential supplies for the residents of the Gaza Strip.

Over one million tons of humanitarian supplies were delivered by Israel to the people of Gaza in the past 18 months – that’s equal to nearly one ton of aid for every man, woman and child in Gaza.



Assad is starving Palestinians to death in a Syrian camp, and nobody cares but they do go on and on with their anti Israel rants.


Residents of the besieged Palestinian camp of Yarmouk, queuing to receive food supplies, in Damascus, Syria.

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Assad is starving Palestinians to death in a Syrian camp, and nobody cares but they do go on and on with their anti Israel rants.




the anti Israel crowd have always been like that, even thirty years ago. When other Arabs like the Lebanese were and Assad are oppressing the Palestinian Arabs, not a whimper comes out about them.


they try to make out that they care about the Palestinian Arabs, but they only pretend to care about them when they can use them as a stick to bash Israel and the Jews with. In reality they don't care about the Palestinian Arabs at all.


all they care about is bashing Israel and the Jews. It is so obvious where their true motivation lies.

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The middle east is on fire and where is the middle east peace representative,he's in Italy enjoying himself with his multi millionaire human rights missus.


That man has so much to answer for. Middle east peace envoy? Dont make me laugh the man is a danger to everyone!


---------- Post added 25-08-2014 at 12:00 ----------


Despite the constant rocket fire into Israel during Operation Protective Edge, the Kerem Shalom crossing remained open, providing food and essential supplies for the residents of the Gaza Strip.

Over one million tons of humanitarian supplies were delivered by Israel to the people of Gaza in the past 18 months – that’s equal to nearly one ton of aid for every man, woman and child in Gaza.



Assad is starving Palestinians to death in a Syrian camp, and nobody cares but they do go on and on with their anti Israel rants.


Residents of the besieged Palestinian camp of Yarmouk, queuing to receive food supplies, in Damascus, Syria.

I do try not to throw around the Anti Israel label but its very hard not to feel persecuted by some people. Especially when you rightly point out that Assad is being so cruel yet it escapes almost everyones attention.

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That man has so much to answer for. Middle east peace envoy? Dont make me laugh the man is a danger to everyone!


---------- Post added 25-08-2014 at 12:00 ----------


I do try not to throw around the Anti Israel label but its very hard not to feel persecuted by some people. Especially when you rightly point out that Assad is being so cruel yet it escapes almost everyones attention.


This is an interesting link.


Anti-Israel Propaganda DEBUNKED


Follow if you have had enough of Anti-Israel Propaganda

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The children killed in Gaza during 50 days of conflict

As a ceasefire is agreed after 50 days of conflict between Israel and Hamas, the Al-Mezan Centre for Human Rights has compiled a list of 504 children killed in Gaza, comprising almost quarter of the total Palestinian dead



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The children killed in Gaza during 50 days of conflict

As a ceasefire is agreed after 50 days of conflict between Israel and Hamas, the Al-Mezan Centre for Human Rights has compiled a list of 504 children killed in Gaza, comprising almost quarter of the total Palestinian dead




Children represent 50% of the population, children age 14 and over do fight for Hamas and younger children dig tunnels for Hamas, so if only 25% of the casualties are children then it is clear that Israel have gone out of their way to avoid killing children, also bare in mind that many of those dead children will have been killed by Hamas and put in harms way by Hamas.

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That man has so much to answer for. Middle east peace envoy? Dont make me laugh the man is a danger to everyone!


---------- Post added 25-08-2014 at 12:00 ----------


I do try not to throw around the Anti Israel label but its very hard not to feel persecuted by some people. Especially when you rightly point out that Assad is being so cruel yet it escapes almost everyones attention.


It hasn't escaped everyone's attention. As far as I know, we don't supply arms to Assad. As far as I know, our prime minister isn't the poster boy for an organisation formed to prop up the Syrian regime involving several senior government figures called 'Friends of Syria'


As far as I know we don't have extensive trading links with the Assad regime.

As far as I know, the BBC doesn't change its editorial line to favour the Assad regime under pressure from a powerful pro-Assad lobby.


So, these facts - which are out in the public domain for all who don't conciously choose to ignore them to see - demonstate that there are good reasons - other than anti-semitism - why many British people -including Jewish ones - feel more directly involved with the slaughter in Gaza, than that in Syria, or in Timbuktu, Mali or Burma.

Furthermore, labling the people opposed to what Israel are doing to the civilians of Gaza as 'anti-semitic' is the logical equivalent of labling the western opponents of ISIS as 'Islamophobes.'

Lets face it, that old 'Anti-Semite' card is starting to look decidedly frayed round the edges, and if it gets played much more, it is going to fall apart altogether.

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Furthermore, labling the people opposed to what Israel are doing to the civilians of Gaza as 'anti-semitic' is the logical equivalent of labling the western opponents of ISIS as 'Islamophobes.'


No it isn't, the two situations are entirety different, Israel is defending against terrorist aggressors, and ISIS and Hamas are terrorist aggressors that have been attacking Israel from Gaza. Opposing Israels actions against terrorists give the terrorists a boost to keep fighting, the terrorists of Gaza see opposition against Israel as support for them.

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No it isn't, the two situations are entirety different, Israel is defending against terrorist aggressors, and ISIS and Hamas are terrorist aggressors that have been attacking Israel from Gaza. Opposing Israels actions against terrorists give the terrorists a boost to keep fighting, the terrorists of Gaza see opposition against Israel as support for them.


I can see how you might think that if you choose to ignore the fact that Israel is engaged in a long term strategy of driving the Palestinans off their land through illegal settlements enforced by violence from the IDF and the settlers themselves, and the cruel and inhuman seige of Gaza, which has been going on for years now.

Edited by donkey
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