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Why our boycott campaign against Israel makes sense #BDS

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antisemites like you always want to point to what they think of as being the 'good' Jews, who oppose Israel. Which is why the oaf George Galloway wheels out Neuteri Karta at his public meetings. They are like the 'house blacks' that used to work in the house and not in the fields, as slaves in the United States, when slavery was still legal.


it is all fantasy. In reality 90% plus of Jewish people worldwide, like the idea of a Jewish national home in the Middle East.


and try as you might, you will never be able to say which precise 'international law' you claim Israel is in contravention of, re the settlements. You are obviously not familiar with, or have invented a different take on that everyone else did, about UNSCR 242.


Such vitriol. You really can't stand people having a different opinion to you, can you? That is because your position can't be defended with logic and reason, so all you have is insults, hysterical accusations and bile.


All I've done is voiced my opposition to the slaughter of nearly 2,000 civilians by Israel - in the past few weeks alone - and debunked the myth that Israel is merely 'defending' itself by pointing out that, as we speak, the Israeli armed forces are complicit in a campaign to drive Palestinians from their land in an ongoing campaign of colonisation in the West Bank.


It is an inconvenient fact, but when you are engaged in a campaign of forced dis-placement and colonisation, you are engaged in aggression, which is different from 'defending' yourself.


Pointing these facts out does not make me an 'antisemite' and the fact that you think it does only shows you are unable to debate this issue in a rational way.

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Such vitriol. You really can't stand people having a different opinion to you, can you? That is because your position can't be defended with logic and reason, so all you have is insults, hysterical accusations and bile.


All I've done is voiced my opposition to the slaughter of nearly 2,000 civilians by Israel - in the past few weeks alone - and debunked the myth that Israel is merely 'defending' itself by pointing out that, as we speak, the Israeli armed forces are complicit in a campaign to drive Palestinians from their land in an ongoing campaign of colonisation in the West Bank.


It is an inconvenient fact, but when you are engaged in a campaign of forced dis-placement and colonisation, you are engaged in aggression, which is different from 'defending' yourself.


Pointing these facts out does not make me an 'antisemite' and the fact that you think it does only shows you are unable to debate this issue in a rational way.


Eloquently put.

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Is everyone who opposes Israel's behaviour towards Palestinians an antisemite?




of course they aren't. Millions of Israelis and Jews worldwide oppose specific actions of the Israeli government at any one time. That does mean that they want Israel to be done away with.


however I do think most people that seek to demonise Israel on internet forums are antisemites.


anyway, now that we are here, perhaps you will be the one that tries to argue that Israel is in contravention of 'international law' re the West Bank settlements on an internet forum?


which particular 'international law', would that be?

Edited by blake
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The fact that Muslim Arabs got a significantly larger portion of what was once Palestine after the Ottoman empire was split up, seems completely irreverent to some.


If we accept that as true, does that mean it's alright for the Israeli government to kick people off land and out of homes they've lived in for generations?

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If we accept that as true, does that mean it's alright for the Israeli government to kick people off land and out of homes they've lived in for generations?


That goes both ways, Muslim Arabs kicked Jews off land and out of homes they've lived in for generations, Jews lived in many Arabs countries but they were persecuted and kicked out and fled to Israel.

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