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Why our boycott campaign against Israel makes sense #BDS

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No they didn't, you really should do a little research before posting these false twitter stories. Unless of cause you are the author of these false twitter stories.


Huge new Israeli settlement in West Bank condemned by US and UK

British foreign secretary urges Israel to reverse decision to seize 990 acres of Palestinian land near Gvaot to create new city


The UK and US governments have criticised, in unusually strong language, Israel's decision to approve one of the largest appropriations of Palestinian land for settlement in recent decades.




---------- Post added 01-09-2014 at 22:00 ----------


Israel appropriates massive tract of West Bank land

Takeover from five Palestinian villages is biggest West Bank land appropriation in 30 years, says Peace Now; settlers laud Netanyahu, Ya'alon, government.



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Huge new Israeli settlement in West Bank condemned by US and UK

British foreign secretary urges Israel to reverse decision to seize 990 acres of Palestinian land near Gvaot to create new city


The UK and US governments have criticised, in unusually strong language, Israel's decision to approve one of the largest appropriations of Palestinian land for settlement in recent decades.




---------- Post added 01-09-2014 at 22:00 ----------


Israel appropriates massive tract of West Bank land

Takeover from five Palestinian villages is biggest West Bank land appropriation in 30 years, says Peace Now; settlers laud Netanyahu, Ya'alon, government.




That's 2 new settlements not 1472.

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Huge new Israeli settlement in West Bank condemned by US and UK

British foreign secretary urges Israel to reverse decision to seize 990 acres of Palestinian land near Gvaot to create new city


The UK and US governments have criticised, in unusually strong language, Israel's decision to approve one of the largest appropriations of Palestinian land for settlement in recent decades.




---------- Post added 01-09-2014 at 22:00 ----------


Israel appropriates massive tract of West Bank land

Takeover from five Palestinian villages is biggest West Bank land appropriation in 30 years, says Peace Now; settlers laud Netanyahu, Ya'alon, government.




Aren't they just a lovely bunch of folk! Netanyahu will probably get the Nobel Peace Prize next year.

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As world watched Gaza, Israel announced 1472 new settlements in West Bank



Perhaps they meant to say that israel has wanted a settlement in the west bank since 1472 not that that would make a deal of sense either.





HARDtalk early hours of monday morning. An interview with the Secretary General of the Palestine Liberation Organisation Executive Committee, Yasser Abed Rabbo.


Taking an overview of the whole of the interview, beacuse they did talk in circles rather a lot.


They have peace there now for however long that lasts.

To get a permanent peace that will satisfy it would seem that both israel and the people of gaza that are both going to have to reconsider their traditional sticking points.


The occupation of gaza will have to end and a date for that agreed, the west bank buffer zone is practically redundant now hamas can launch rockets with a much longer range and they are pretty ineffectual in comparison to israeli ordanance.


gaza will have to kick out hamas and really police their side of the border they share with israel themselves and guarantee a halt to the tunnels.


hamas will have to agree to leave gaza and really do it. maybe they could go and fight isis or something useful ..who knows they might even just hang up their AKs and retire, if a long term strategy for peace is agreed then hamas are not really needed anymore.


If those things can be put on the table they have a chance of negotiating a long term peace.


If not then a new spate of conflict is inevitable and fairly soon too I imagine.



But you never know..


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As world watched Gaza, Israel announced 1472 new settlements in West Bank



Perhaps they meant to say that israel has wanted a settlement in the west bank since 1472 not that that would make a deal of sense either.





HARDtalk early hours of monday morning. An interview with the Secretary General of the Palestine Liberation Organisation Executive Committee, Yasser Abed Rabbo.


Taking an overview of the whole of the interview, beacuse they did talk in circles rather a lot.


They have peace there now for however long that lasts.

To get a permanent peace that will satisfy it would seem that both israel and the people of gaza that are both going to have to reconsider their traditional sticking points.


The occupation of gaza will have to end and a date for that agreed, the west bank buffer zone is practically redundant now hamas can launch rockets with a much longer range and they are pretty ineffectual in comparison to israeli ordanance.


gaza will have to kick out hamas and really police their side of the border they share with israel themselves and guarantee a halt to the tunnels.


hamas will have to agree to leave gaza and really do it. maybe they could go and fight isis or something useful ..who knows they might even just hang up their AKs and retire, if a long term strategy for peace is agreed then hamas are not really needed anymore.


If those things can be put on the table they have a chance of negotiating a long term peace.


If not then a new spate of conflict is inevitable and fairly soon too I imagine.



But you never know..



The problem with these Islamist terrorist groups is they have an habit of disappearing into the general population only to rise against in the future when conditions are more favorable for them to achieve their long term goals.


How can Israel ever trust the people that want to destroy them?


Co-founder Sheik Ahmed Yassin stated in 1987, and the Hamas Charter affirmed in 1988, that Hamas was founded to liberate Palestine, including modern-day Israel, from Israeli occupation and to establish an Islamic state in the area that is now Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

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Militant group Hamas would sweep Palestinian elections if they were held today after its support soared during seven weeks of war with Israel in Gaza, an opinion poll published on Tuesday found.


The Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research said the poll showed Islamists clearly leading presidential and parliamentary polls for the first time since Palestinans last voted eight years ago, when Hamas won power in Gaza.


Most Palestinians surveyed said they preferred Hamas's strategy of armed struggle against Israel rather than peace negotiations, which are favoured by Fatah, once the dominant Palestinian political movement and one backed by the West.


Fatah, a largely secular party that governs from Ramallah in the West Bank, accused Hamas on Saturday of putting hundreds of its supporters in Gaza under house arrest during the war and shooting at those who tried to flee Israeli bombings.


The two parties fought street battles in Gaza in 2007, a year after Hamas won parliamentary polls. The fighting left hundreds dead and hardened animosity between the parties.


Hamas's charter does not recognise Israel and seeks a state in the whole of ancient Palestine, including Israel.





So there you have it, Palestinians want to fight, not negotiate.



From the Hamas charter for those that don't think the conflict is religious.


"Israel will rise and will remain erect until Islam eliminates it as it had eliminated its predecessors."


“The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them)”

Edited by firemanbob
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Co-founder Sheik Ahmed Yassin stated in 1987, and the Hamas Charter affirmed in 1988, that Hamas was founded to liberate Palestine, including modern-day Israel, from Israeli occupation and to establish an Islamic state in the area that is now Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.


Peace for Hamas may not be the long term goal.

Perhaps the long term goal of Hamas is really to use israel as cause for which they can become marytrs and their children, their children's children the children of etc etc ...... Oh and volunteer thousands of non-hamas members too like they did in gaza.


We in the west believe any form of genocide is completely unacceptable yet as far as israel and hamsas seem to be concerned the eradication of one or the other.. or both ..is the only way there will be peace between them.


If so, long term peace is not going to happen any time soon.



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Peace for Hamas may not be the long term goal.

Perhaps the long term goal of Hamas is really to use israel as cause for which they can become marytrs and their children, their children's children the children of etc etc ...... Oh and volunteer thousands of non-hamas members too like they did in gaza.


We in the west believe any form of genocide is completely unacceptable yet as far as israel and hamsas seem to be concerned the eradication of one or the other.. or both ..is the only way there will be peace between them.


If so, long term peace is not going to happen any time soon.




Long term peace is their goal, sadly it won't come with the destruction of Israel, the idea is that the world will only achieve peace when everyone submits to Islam, but we can see just by looking round the globe that that won't even bring peace.

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