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Why our boycott campaign against Israel makes sense #BDS

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My query is that if you believe all the Jews in Israel deserve punishing and all their products need boycotting, then what do you feel of the idea on Facebook that is gathering momentum that because of the ongoing enquiry in Rotherham re. the 1400 sexually abused children by Asians that everyone should boycott Asian owned stores, market stalls and garages etc?


Quite a lot of people who migrate to this country do so with the intention of having a better life ...one can safely assume. Part of that better life includes money. Some migrants are able to obtain more money than is sufficent for their needs, perhaps some have a good job or a profitable business or recieve more benefits than they need, and are in a position to send money to family members or friends back in their country of origin.


Once that money reaches the recipients we have no idea how that money may be used. Some countries are well known for the fact that some of their people choose to become terrorists and others choose to to support terrorists through financial contributions.


Some of those terrorists have sworn to attack and eventually bring down the UK and some of our allies. Some of theose terrorists have attacked killed, maimed and wounded UK citizens and members of our military and possibly they have carried out similar acts upon our allies.


It follows logically that some of those terrorists are partly funded through money that has been sent from the UK.


I came to the realisation that by purchasing the goods and or hiring the services of some immigrants I could be indirectly and inadvertently committing treason by supporting our enemies and/or those that wish us harm.


As a consequence of that realisation I made the conscious decision, more than a decade ago, that when and wherever possible I would endevour to avoid allowing money I was spending to fall indirectly into the hands of people who's choices may result in what was my money being used to support terrorism and terrorists.


Some people do not follow this policy of mine, some through ignorance or because they have not made the same connections that I have, I do not blame them for their ignorance. Some people are aware of the reasons why I have chosen to adopt this policy of mine and still consciously choose not be as careful about where their money may end up as I am IMHO they are potentially committing treason.


There are other countries who's national ethics I do not wholly approve of and some international companies too of and I adopt a similar policy towards them, when I can. Those are just personal moral choices.


I was not prepared to boycott israel for their chosen method of defending themselves against terrorist attacks. I do now boycott israeli and of course palestinian goods and services and will continue to do so until they can work out a reasonably permanent peace agreement.


The idea on facebook that you refer to I have not seen but it does sound as though I could agree with it in principle were the potential benefits of doing so acceptable to me. As yet I see no benefit to be gained in regard to the related paedaphile activities of boycotting anyone.


I would however welcome an explanation as to the desired outcome of such a boycott.



Edited by Tommo68
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I apologise if you think that my post is going off topic but I would really appreciate your imput on the following.


I have followed this thread with great interest and the passion the argument has fired on both sides of the divide is admirable.


My query is that if you believe all the Jews in Israel deserve punishing and all their products need boycotting, then what do you feel of the idea on Facebook that is gathering momentum that because of the ongoing enquiry in Rotherham re. the 1400 sexually abused children by Asians that everyone should boycott Asian owned stores, market stalls and garages etc?


This is not a race issue and trying to justify the appalling treatment of humans by using it as an excuse is beyond most people. Jews in Israel are punished for supporting human rights. Pay a visit and you will find out...


Rotherham is failed policing but why not blame and boycott all four billion Asians in the world :)

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This is not a race issue and trying to justify the appalling treatment of humans by using it as an excuse is beyond most people. Jews in Israel are punished for supporting human rights. Pay a visit and you will find out...


Rotherham is failed policing but why not blame and boycott all four billion Asians in the world :)


Failed police seems a bit of a glib way to describe the trauma of 1400 children, and that could be the tip of the iceberg nationally.

I have visited Israel several times (no, I'm not Jewish ) simply because of it's history.

I seem to have derailed the thread which wasn't my intention but I would still like to hear anyone elses definition of the differences between the boycotts.

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  • 1 month later...
I apologise if you think that my post is going off topic but I would really appreciate your imput on the following.


I have followed this thread with great interest and the passion the argument has fired on both sides of the divide is admirable.


My query is that if you believe all the Jews in Israel deserve punishing and all their products need boycotting, then what do you feel of the idea on Facebook that is gathering momentum that because of the ongoing enquiry in Rotherham re. the 1400 sexually abused children by Asians that everyone should boycott Asian owned stores, market stalls and garages etc?



If any Asian businesses go under due to an Asian business boycott then I'm sure they will be eligible to claim benefits.

Now that you have bought this boycot that is gathering momentum on facebook to my attention then maybe I should consider whether in retaliation I should serve notice on the 7 white non muslim families living in my properties. :rolleyes:

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If any Asian businesses go under due to an Asian business boycott then I'm sure they will be eligible to claim benefits.

Now that you have bought this boycot that is gathering momentum on facebook to my attention then maybe I should consider whether in retaliation I should serve notice on the 7 white non muslim families living in my properties. :rolleyes:


I would sue you if you tried.

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I would sue you if you tried.


I wouldn't have you as a tenant in the first place so how would you sue me? :hihi:


---------- Post added 16-10-2014 at 22:12 ----------


I would sue you if you tried.


I wouldn't have you as a tenant in the first place so how would you sue me? :hihi:

By the way I said it to make a point in response to RossyRooney bringing up this Asian business boycot that is apparently gathering momentum on Facebook in response to the Rotherham abuse scandal but never mind.......

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