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Why our boycott campaign against Israel makes sense #BDS

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it is a very odd kind of 'genocide' indeed when the number of Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza has tripled in size in the past 40 years, which it has, and when Palestinian life expectancy in Gaza and the West Bank is 25 years longer, i.e. over 70 years now compared to the less than 50 years it was back then. Gaza life expectancy today is higher than life expectancy is in Egypt, and Iran.


so just where, exactly, is this 'genocide' ????


does anybody know of any other genocides in history where the people who are supposed to be suffering it, i.e. in this case the Palestinians, are living half a lifetime on average longer than they were before the so-called 'genocide' started to happen?



Well said.


And look who started this thread... what a surprise.


Looks suspiciously like... Lets divert averyones attention away from the hamas breach of the ceasefire and everything else the loonier muslims are doing in the middle east.


Lacking the required level of gullibility I will not be supporting such a clearly contrived anti-semitic boycott of israeli products until the conflict with hamas has ended and israel announces that it will not be working towards improving the lot of the citizens of gaza or it fails to agree to do so.


And given that gaza is one of if not the most densely populated area of the world and can scarcely feed itself is it not time they examined their own attitudes to birth rate and immigration. They owe that to themselves unless they actually want to reach a people density that is past the saturation point.



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yes i do

people murdered by terrorists are less fortunate than many who die of natural causes, but the end result is the same.


what are you suggesting> that blowing a packed pub up in Sheffield is no worse than bombing a nest of vipers?

IF you are, you should hang your head in shame for ever at the mere thought of it.

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yes i do

people murdered by terrorists are less fortunate than many who die of natural causes, but the end result is the same.


what are you suggesting> that blowing a packed pub up in Sheffield is no worse than bombing a nest of vipers?

IF you are, you should hang your head in shame for ever at the mere thought of it.


You said this.

Dead is still dead.

You haven't a clue what you're on about have you?

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yes dead sheffielders are worth more than dead others


dont try to be clever when you are obviously borderline special needs,,,,at lest some of the leftists on here spout soemthing that almost makes sense.


That's one of the best posts I've ever seen on here, an absolute classic.

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