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Spacecraft Rosetta arrives at Comet 67-P

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Because there is a one hour time gap between Mission Control telling Rosetta what to do and getting confirmation. Its a way of passing time?


Current situation is:

Philae has separated from Rosetta and is comet bound.

Philae is communicating with Rosetta.

Rosetta is talking to mission control.


Touch down expected 16:02 GMT



1330 GMT Philae has taken a 'selfie'




Why the names Rosetta & Philae? ( the lander is named after Philae island in the Nile, where an obelisk was found that was used along with the Rosetta Stone to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics. Makes eminent sense and is highly appropriate.)


'the effort to understand the Universe is one of the few things that lifts Human life a little above the level of farce, and gives it some of the grace of tragedy'

Steven J. Weinberg. The First Three Minutes.

This is what we can do, collectively, when we work TOGETHER.

Edited by johncocker
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