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What's the point in spouting political prose on here?

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It occurs to me that whatever political persuasion you are affiliated with, if you come one the forum and go on about your favourite political affiliation (or not), then it's bound to attract vehement opposing opinions. You're never going to agree, so what's the point? Unless of course you're someone who loves confrontation and argument (or a troll).


Got my tin hat handy....Going to hide in the Anderson shelter now.....

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Why should debating politics be any different from any other topic? Recently we've had fair old ding-dongs over the Tour de France and Castle Market which have nothing to do with politics but have involved people taking diametrically opposed and entrenched positions with no one budging an inch. And I rarely go on the Sheffield Football page.

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Because politics seems to 'invite' the most argument, which everyone knows nobody will ever win, or come out on top. It just seems a bit pointless to me. Why start an argument that you know you're never going to win?....It's like arguing with a woman....oops...should I have said that?

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How many people post on a forum with the idea that they are going to convert someone to their way of thinking?


Anyone who does is going to be sadly disappointed.


All that most people are doing is putting across their own viewpoint and finding out other peoples views.


The only exception to that is where someone can provide a fact that you were previously unaware of and it puts a different perspective on the subject.


In which case a change of view would be in order.


That rarely happens in political debates as a lot of people tend to have entrenched views.


As a supporter of no political party, with what I believe to be a healthy scepticism ( and some view as cynicism ) toward all politicians of whatever stripe I tend to take part out of a simple love of a bit of a row. :o:D

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As Mecky would always say, it's about influencing public opinion.


I don't see anything inherently wrong with that, we'd all like to see our world moulded to our own vision wouldn't we.


I'm a self confessed and proud Ukipper. If I can put forward various arguments that can persuade undecideds to come to my way of thinking and vote UKIP, I've done my job and got the world one step closer to how I want it to be. But to be honest its more because I'm genuinely passionate about some subjects I think are affecting our country and people want to discuss those kinds of topics.

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As Mecky would always say, it's about influencing public opinion.


I don't see anything inherently wrong with that, we'd all like to see our world moulded to our own vision wouldn't we.


I'm a self confessed and proud Ukipper. If I can put forward various arguments that can persuade undecideds to come to my way of thinking and vote UKIP, I've done my job and got the world one step closer to how I want it to be. But to be honest its more because I'm genuinely passionate about some subjects I think are affecting our country and people want to discuss those kinds of topics.


How eloquently put, one might vote UKIP.

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