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Christians now fleeing from the islamists Iraq

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Your many arguments through constant recitals of the word of the Quran and your deep seated knowledge of it is that all Muslims believe in global domination. Which town or city in the UK do you propose we start this Islamic cleansing?







You may find this interesting....if you can be bothered to read it....


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Courtesy of whom?




Your many arguments through constant recitals of the word of the Quran and your deep seated knowledge of it is that all Muslims believe in global domination. Which town or city in the UK do you propose we start this Islamic cleansing?




Perfect, you can now go on a slaughter spree and feel vindicated, plus effectively reducing the global population crisis, your other pet hobby..




Like under your bed?



The discussion is about ISIS, its not about all Muslims.


So just to be clear, when I say destroy ISIS or Hamas or Al-Qaeda, or any one of the many Islamist terrorist organisation, I don't mean kill every single Muslims in the world, which is something you very likley already know.


Indonesian authorities are intensifying their efforts to clamp down on the activities of an Islamist group calling itself the Islamic State. Formerly known as ISIS, the group has been banned by the government but the country's counter terrorism agency said Indonesians are still being lured into extremist activities.








Jihadist fighters from the Islamic State militant group are swallowing up territory in Iraq and Syria. Officials fear the group is now trying to make ideological inroads in Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim nation.


Meetings of radical Indonesian groups declaring their support for the Islamic State (IS, also called Isis) have been held in Jakarta, Solo in Central Java and Bima in West Nusa Tenggara.


Most of these meetings are accompanied by public marches of young men and women carrying the IS flag through towns and villages, shouting out slogans.


Last week a video emerged on YouTube of young Indonesian men dressed in IS garb, presumably in Syria, encouraging their countrymen to join the cause.



Jordan's Officials Worry ISIS May Target It Next, After Iraq, Amid Growing Support From Locals





Islamic State's support spreads into Asia

The Islamic State's growing popularity in the Far East could pose a long-term threat, experts warn.



Growing support for the Islamic State in Syria (ISIS) in Gaza.

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How do you work that out. 12 months ago they didn't have tanks. Now they have dozens of them.


Where are they going to get more from? And what about a Navy or Air Force - You can't conquer this modern world without them can you?


All the money their have looted from banks, and oil fields they hold, won't help them get the hardware they'd need because nobody is going to trade with them.


Any of the Western nations could easily drive IS into the hills and reclaim the territory they currently hold. Trouble is it costs money, lives and wouldn't make the problem go away. It would mean an ongoing commitment to contain the problem and that is a price people will only pay if there is something in it for them. That is why I say it is a case of all in or all out... colonise and take the spoils of war or leave them to it.

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Where are they going to get more from? And what about a Navy or Air Force - You can't conquer this modern world without them can you?


All the money their have looted from banks, and oil fields they hold, won't help them get the hardware they'd need because nobody is going to trade with them.


Any of the Western nations could easily drive IS into the hills and reclaim the territory they currently hold. Trouble is it costs money, lives and wouldn't make the problem go away. It would mean an ongoing commitment to contain the problem and that is a price people will only pay if there is something in it for them. That is why I say it is a case of all in or all out... colonise and take the spoils of war or leave them to it.


ISIS will pose the biggest threat to the West if they become the governing power of a country, if they take control of several countries the threat increases for the West and the civilian populations of those countries. Once they control a country it will be very difficult to dislodge them without killing innocents, so its best to do it now.

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Where are they going to get more from? And what about a Navy or Air Force - You can't conquer this modern world without them can you?


All the money their have looted from banks, and oil fields they hold, won't help them get the hardware they'd need because nobody is going to trade with them.


Any of the Western nations could easily drive IS into the hills and reclaim the territory they currently hold. Trouble is it costs money, lives and wouldn't make the problem go away. It would mean an ongoing commitment to contain the problem and that is a price people will only pay if there is something in it for them. That is why I say it is a case of all in or all out... colonise and take the spoils of war or leave them to it.


Where do you think they got their current weapons and money? They got them by over running Iraq's and Syria's military bases and banks. I believe both Syria and Iraq have rather large stocks of weapons of all sorts including nerve gases, aircraft, balistic misiles etc. They also have oil to sell.


Isis don't seem to have any quarms about killing the civilian population and stealing everything they possess so having cash isn't a problem. Stopping them spending it certainly is. Remember Sadam Hussein and the super gun.


I don't think you need a Navy to overrun another country. Turkey has a land border, so does Jordan. Greece has a land border with Turkey. etc etc.


It is best to swat a fly before it lays eggs and becomes a swarm.

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ISIS will pose the biggest threat to the West if they become the governing power of a country, if they take control of several countries the threat increases for the West and the civilian populations of those countries. Once they control a country it will be very difficult to dislodge them without killing innocents, so its best to do it now.


How would IS threaten the west if it controlled Iraq? What would they do exactly?

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Where do you think they got their current weapons and money? They got them by over running Iraq's and Syria's military bases and banks. I believe both Syria and Iraq have rather large stocks of weapons of all sorts including nerve gases, aircraft, balistic misiles etc. They also have oil to sell.


Isis don't seem to have any quarms about killing the civilian population and stealing everything they possess so having cash isn't a problem. Stopping them spending it certainly is. Remember Sadam Hussein and the super gun.


I don't think you need a Navy to overrun another country. Turkey has a land border, so does Jordan. Greece has a land border with Turkey. etc etc.


It is best to swat a fly before it lays eggs and becomes a swarm.


I'm no military expert but I an pretty certain your assessment is wrong. You would most certainly need a Navy and Air Force to have any success against any western power and they are never going to get that. They can't capture it, they can't buy it (nobody will/can sell it to them) and the will not have the skills and knowledge to use it effectively. IS is a guerrilla group and no threat to the West.


So, if they are no real threat, what is in it for us to swat the IS fly? We lose money, lives and make ourselves a target... just as we did when we invade Iraq the first time. Unless we are going to take the spoils of war there is no point in going to war with them... leave them to it.

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How would IS threaten the west if it controlled Iraq? What would they do exactly?


They would use Iraq as a base of operation for acts of terrorism against the West, they would try to consolidate their position and expand into other Islamic countries, they would try to buy weapons from countries like North Korea. Its far better to squash what is at the moment a very small but very affective fighting force, than to wait until they are a much larger force.



Hamas support ISIS and ISIS support Hamas.


Hamas militants are attempting to negotiate a new arms deal with North Korea for missiles and communications equipment that will allow them to maintain their offensive against Israel, according to Western security sources.




Security officials say the deal between Hamas and North Korea is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and is being handled by a Lebanese-based trading company with close ties to the militant Palestinian organisation based in east Beirut.



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I'm no military expert but I an pretty certain your assessment is wrong. You would most certainly need a Navy and Air Force to have any success against any western power and they are never going to get that. They can't capture it, they can't buy it (nobody will/can sell it to them) and the will not have the skills and knowledge to use it effectively.
There's a rotund Korean kid with a country's worth of air-, sea- and land-going military hardware, a perennial requirement for hard currency (the sort grabbed in Syrian and Iraqi banks) and the moral fibre of a gnat, that begs to differ. Just sayin'.

IS is a guerrilla group and no threat to the West.
The families of all those innocents killed by Muslim terrorists in the West beg to differ. There's a few thousands of them across the US and the EU since 2001 (but we could go earlier). Just sayin'.
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