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Christians now fleeing from the islamists Iraq

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With your extensive military experience what proportionate action would have stopped Gazan terrorists groups from attacking Israel?


You can't stop terrorism solely by military action. Ultimately it requires diplomacy, negotiation and concessions on both sides.

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You can't stop terrorism solely by military action. Ultimately it requires diplomacy, negotiation and concessions on both sides.


The terrorist group Hamas wants to total destruction of Israel, what do you think they would settle for?


Ssome Muslims believe that killing non believers gives them a place in Paradise, what do you think would convince them that that is nonsense?


ISIS is looking to create an Islamic caliphate do you think they will be happy with one that is smaller than the Ottoman empire once was?

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The fate of the Yazidi women and young girls has been reported in todays Independent as being that they must convert to Islam and marry an Isis fighter[rape] or spend the rest of your life in prison or be executed.

It is reported that these brave soldiers of Islam circulate among the women appraising them .

Perhaps we will see a demonstration outside the Town Hall in support of these women some time soon as we all know how Islam reveres its women folk.

Further to this the article states that the information has been obtained from those carrying mobile phone when captured.

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The secret police know who they are though and ports will be on high alert. Of course they could always try and sneak back into the UK, as the 35 did in today's news and probably sheltered by their UK families.


But they don't know who they are,a video of a Brit with an Amercan journalists head in his hand,and they don't know who he is.

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I note that France has decided to the Kurds a load of weapons. I bet fellow NATO partner turkey are just thrilled with that.
A genuine point (will be interesting to see what the US says about it, if anything) though I wouldn't worry too much, it's not going to be first-line equipment. I'd expect mostly small arms (France is phasing out the FAMAS, so old stock may find its way), AT mines, comms gear and, at best, some ATGMs (HOTs and Milans - I doubt France would make the same error as the CIA handing out Stingers to the Talibs way-back-when).
There you go, today's news:

Speaking on French radio on Tuesday, a Kurdish general said French weapons' deliveries so far had not been sophisticated enough and called on Paris to provide anti-tank missiles.


Hollande said that France's weapons' deliveries had been carried out in agreement with the central government in Baghdad to ensure Iraq remained united.



So, not even ATGMs, by the look of things.

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I don't think we can stop fundamentalism. Democracy was hijacked and disfigured by

the usual culprits long ago.

speaking of democracy has there been a thread on SF about the US Journalist or has it been topped?


maybe one way Western Nations can protect themselves from the Islamic Cult is to isolate and quarantine them to their own borders and stop immigration from Islamic states . That means no trade, no foreign aid, no help of any nature. Let them invent their own cell phones. Keep them isolated until they do the Darwin thing and evolve to be civilized people, even if it takes 1,000 years.


Because if we don't, our descendants will point the finger at our generation and say "why didn't you stop Islamic immigration way back in 2014"?

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