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Christians now fleeing from the islamists Iraq

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Ddidnt see much of one when he started the war on innocent people with is lies though.


You didn't see the 100s of thousands of people taking to the streets?


Or is it that you think most people who were protesting the Iraq war were Tories? :hihi:

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out of all the superpowers I think the US is the least worsts we can have.


the US may have been wrong some times, but that doesn’t make it wrong all times. When Europe showed its incompetence in dealing with ex-Yugoslavia,


the US under Clinton stepped in and managed to pacify the region (not only through military force, but also through diplomatic negotiations). And don’t forget that Clinton’s 1999 bomb campaign was to save a Muslim population from being terrorized by a Christian population.

the US will always be damned if it does, damned if it doesn’t.


All the US bashers in the west,

would’ve damned the US if it bombed Syria last year. And would damn it if it didn’t bomb ISIS now.

when the US despite its faults finally stops being the world policeman (and its definitley on the cards ) and leaves it to someone else ,china or russia then you will have something to whinge about

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You didn't see the 100s of thousands of people taking to the streets?


Or is it that you think most people who were protesting the Iraq war were Tories? :hihi:


The irony there is that if Blair was a Tory a few on here would be hailing him as another Thatcher. The double whammy is Blair was perceived more thatcher than Thatcher in some instaces. You're right though, 100s of thousands on the streets.

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It was on the news. I remember it well.


Iraq is the reason I stopped voting for Labour. :)


So do I [remember it well], I went to several anti-war protests at the time.


Wasn't actually old enough to vote yet so it was the only way I had of engaging.

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If I remember the Tories gave unequivocal support...and still do.


If I remember right Blair brought a dodgy dossier to the commons and told everyone a series of lies to bring them on board. Most folk who supported the war were taken in by Blair's bare faced lies. Blair wasn't taken in because he knew the truth but that didn't stop him spreading the deception.

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If Blair and Bush hadn't invaded Iraq that country could have held together. Overthrowing Saddam, destroying the Iraqi state and replacing it with incompetent and sectarian governments has allowed Iraq to fall apart. The West can't now put it all back together. It can only randomly bomb selected targets, something which won't prevent Iraq from becoming a breeding ground for Islamists. Ye reap what ye sow.



the routine muslim-on-muslim slaughter has been going on for centuries, since the very advent of the religion, in fact.

destroying the iraq state , are you serious? Sunni and Shia, who can barely be in the same room as each other and who are now murdering each other en masse in what was 'Iraq' and 'Syria', they're going to just forget their religious differences and build an empire, are they?:huh:

Where you and I live in a 21st Century secular democracy, pursuing our (mostly rational) individual careers and concerns, these superstitious, credulous folk are effectively living in the iron age, except with access to 21st Century weapons and IT. Those religious differences are the whole point; nothing is more important to them; they are strangers to reason.you're right the islamists will reap what they sow

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If I remember right Blair brought a dodgy dossier to the commons and told everyone a series of lies to bring them on board. Most folk who supported the war were taken in by Blair's bare faced lies. Blair wasn't taken in because he knew the truth but that didn't stop him spreading the deception.


The bare faced lies were only discovered after the fact. I'm wondering how you knew they were lies before they were discovered as lies? A guess? It's Labour so it must be a lie?


Regardless of lies there was massive demonstrations on the street, those demonstrations were a response to the prospect of another war.

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The bare faced lies were only discovered after the fact. I'm wondering how you knew they were lies before they were discovered as lies? A guess? It's Labour so it must be a lie?


Regardless of lies there was massive demonstrations on the street, those demonstrations were a response to the prospect of another war.


I didn't say that I knew they were bare faced lies, particularly as I'm not an MP who was shown the dossier of lies. It was Blair who knew that it was lies. He used the "sexed up" dossier to get support for the war he had planned and agreed to fight alongside Bush. That was where the WMD that were a threat to the UK and could be deplyed in 45 minutes came from.





The dossier was dodgy. Is there any doubt?

The Cabinet Office has released more papers showing how the 2002 WMD dossier was 'sexed-up' against the wishes of experts

Not another smoking gun.


Nearly four years after I first asked for the documents – and presumably relying on Iraq fatigue – the Cabinet Office has released more papers showing how Tony Blair's 2002 WMD dossier was "sexed-up" against the wishes of the intelligence community.


The official line is that opposition from within the intelligence community to the dossier's exaggerated claims was limited. The new emails show it was widespread:

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