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Christians now fleeing from the islamists Iraq

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the routine muslim-on-muslim slaughter has been going on for centuries, since the very advent of the religion, in fact.

destroying the iraq state , are you serious? Sunni and Shia, who can barely be in the same room as each other and who are now murdering each other en masse in what was 'Iraq' and 'Syria', they're going to just forget their religious differences and build an empire, are they?:huh:

Where you and I live in a 21st Century secular democracy, pursuing our (mostly rational) individual careers and concerns, these superstitious, credulous folk are effectively living in the iron age, except with access to 21st Century weapons and IT. Those religious differences are the whole point; nothing is more important to them; they are strangers to reason.you're right the islamists will reap what they sow

Except that this is about muslims slaughtering Christians[ if they will not convert to Islam that is] how sad is that even for the God nutters of all faiths.

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I mentioned the probable massacre about to happen and the leftist humanitarians when it comes to terrorists in gaza rold me to take it elsewhere, like it didnt matter.


Didnt they Ronthenekred ? ...shame on such people forever for being hypocritical antisemitic haters

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I do. It means you're solely responsible for the fiasco they now call Iraq.


and oldprune isn't.


Is that true though? If the tories had been incharge at the time they would have done exactly the same thing. You seem to forget the tories also backed the 2003 invasion and quite rightly so IMO. Also, the ISIS idiots are crossing the Syrian boarder into Iraq, the very same terrorists William Hague wanted to arm a few weeks ago; why do you think he was shuffled?


---------- Post added 08-08-2014 at 16:50 ----------


I mentioned the probable massacre about to happen and the leftist humanitarians when it comes to terrorists in gaza rold me to take it elsewhere, like it didnt matter.


Didnt they Ronthenekred ? ...shame on such people forever for being hypocritical antisemitic haters


I believe I said I'm a leftist humanitarian and I don't want my tax money going to hamas

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I mentioned the probable massacre about to happen and the leftist humanitarians when it comes to terrorists in gaza rold me to take it elsewhere, like it didnt matter.


Didnt they Ronthenekred ? ...shame on such people forever for being hypocritical antisemitic haters


Check this out.




I have a friend and student serving with Christian Peacemaker Teams in Iraqi Kurdistan - the team there reports:



A humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding in Iraqi Kurdistan and is reaching disastrous proportions. Tens of thousands of Yazidi people (a religious minority in Iraq) are trapped by ISIS-Islamic State (IS) forces in the Sinjar Mountains without food and water. According to reports, 70 children have died so far of heat and dehydration. Hundreds more are likely to die in the coming days. An estimated 100,000 Iraqi Arabs along with Christians, Shabak, Yazidi and other minorities have fled their homes, under threat, and are attempting to enter the area of northern Iraq controlled by the Kurdistan Regional Government, a region already stretched beyond capacity with over 1 million of internally displaced persons from the conflict with IS and refugees from Syria. Those who cannot leave their homes risk kidnapping, rape, torture and gruesome death.

Such a situation is intolerable. The international community needs to move quickly to provide help and support to the Yazidi people before more people die.

Christian Peacemaker Team – Iraqi Kurdistan asks people everywhere to join a nonviolent army of voices to call for aid and assistance for this beleaguered region. Please contact everyone you know—individuals, groups, faith communities—to contact their governments and other leaders for an outpouring of aid and support!

Ask for:

• Governments and people in power to negotiate with forces within and beyond IS to cease attacks on civilians

• For international agencies-government to deliver water, food and humanitarian assistance to the Yazidi people trapped on the Sinjar mountain

• For additional aid to relief agencies such as the United Nations and others as well as individual support of other reputable groups.

Take further action:

• Hold a public event or vigil in your community to show support for the Yazidi and other Iraqi people who suffer from the violence and depravation.

• Remain informed about the on going crisis and be alert to ways you can bring change.

• Encourage everyone possible to do the above!

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It woukl be better if Obama sanctioned the air strikes against ISIS with the intention of completely destroying it's ability to operate as a military fighting force and it's future existence as an entity


ISIS are scum, the ultimate sickness in a part of the world already plagued with sectarian strife and violence

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I didn't say that I knew they were bare faced lies,


Well what were you implying with the following


Well I didn't vote for either of them. How about you?


You were implying sarcastically ((how about you?) that those that voted for Blair, voted in favour of the conflict on the pretext that they knew lies were being told, and you didn't vote..smugly, because you had far superior knowledge that the general public didn't...until after the fact.


If I show a vote of confidence by introducing someone in my family and that same person takes advantage of that which runs counter to my previous evaluation, then by your reasoning I am to blame?





If I remember right Blair brought a dodgy dossier to the commons and told everyone a series of lies to bring them on board. Most folk who supported the war were taken in by Blair's bare faced lies. Blair wasn't taken in because he knew the truth but that didn't stop him spreading the deception.


Yes we know that now:roll:


Most folk who supported the war were taken in by Blair's bare faced lies.


Why was it that you weren't "taken in"? What were you privy to that the rest of us Schmuck's weren't?

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Well what were you implying with the following




You were implying sarcastically that those that voted for Blair, voted in favour of the conflict on the pretext that they knew lies were being told, and you didn't vote because you had far superior knowledge that the general public didn't...until after the fact.


If I show a vote of confidence by introducing someone in my family and that same person takes advantage of that which runs counter to my previous evaluation, then by your reasoning I am to blame?







Yes we know that now:roll:




Why was it that you weren't "taken in"? What were you privy to that the rest of us Schmuck's weren't?


You can try to manipulate other folks posting any way that you like. I posted what I posted in plain English. You can try to read whatever you like into them if it helps you to ease your concience.


---------- Post added 08-08-2014 at 17:19 ----------


It woukl be better if Obama sanctioned the air strikes against ISIS with the intention of completely destroying it's ability to operate as a military fighting force and it's future existence as an entity


ISIS are scum, the ultimate sickness in a part of the world already plagued with sectarian strife and violence


That sounds like a good plan. There are quite a number of "ours" over there on the IS team and most folks over here will be happy for them not to come back.

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You can try to manipulate other folks posting any way that you like. I posted what I posted in plain English. You can try to read whatever you like into them if it helps you to ease your concience.


---------- Post added 08-08-2014 at 17:19 ----------



That sounds like a good plan. There are quite a number of "ours" over there on the IS team and most folks over here will be happy for them not to come back.


That could be easily rectified by the UK Govt revising the citizenship laws which would null and void the rights and privileges of citizenship of any UK citizen (even those born in UK) who enlist and fight in any known terrorist organisation

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