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Camera for cyclists

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I don't see what a camera would have done there, would it have prevented anything?


There have not been many details, to date, only the vehicles involved. Presumably the circumstances will be made public in due course.


As Cyclone said earlier, if he was killed in a crash, a video of the event doesn't really help.


I don't see how they could ever prevent crashes - all they can do is possibly help allocate blame afterwards. I suppose the more people that have them, then the expectation that you could be caught by someone else's camera might make some drivers behave with a little more care.

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In theory they could mean that drivers that are dangerous and cause near misses could be prosecuted and banned.

The driver that nearly took me out earlier in the week in theory was guilty of at least driving without due care, and possibly dangerous driving (given the risk they put me in).


But the police don't seem keen to prosecute on the basis of such footage, and the courts seem reluctant to take action against people who only kill cyclists.

I was about to say it's different if you kill a pedestrian, but I don't think it is actually. Only the most extreme cases of people being caught racing and then killing someone is strong action taken.

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Probably. Don't get me wrong, I see the point, it's just that I think a lot of people see a camera as a form of self-defence, it isn't.
it has to help though there are cases where a irate driver has lept out of his car and beat the cyclist up, this proved he was guilty of assault but even if it's deterent its done its job
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