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Fire fighters to strike..again

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1) If you want a logical argument you need to know the market worth of a firefighter and compare this to the value of the contract they have.


2) Because everyone else has to. There are millions of workers who do active jobs that they probably wont be able to do when they are older. Why aren't you calling for plumbers, personal trainers, brickies, dockers etc to go on strike so that they don't have to get another job?



Only a few of the banks have state ownership, most are fully private. The banks are an easy target for blame but in reality it is so much more complex. Our economy did remarkably well considering we are probably the major nation that relies on its financial centre the most.


It isn't as easy to lose talented firefighters to foreign companies as it would be to lose talented bankers. The reality is that a good banker that can make lots of money is more important to society than a single firefighter, however absurd and unfortunate that may sound. We need a strong financial centre to pay for things like firefighters wages.


So the raise in mandatory pension payments isn't going to fund the defects of the banks?

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So the raise in mandatory pension payments isn't going to fund the defects of the banks?


No, the banks have already been bailed. It is part of a cost cutting exercise. Do you even know what is being cut? The current pension is matched 5 to 1 by the taxpayer. Every £1 put in by a firefighter is met with £5 from the tax payer. That is too much

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No, the banks have already been bailed. It is part of a cost cutting exercise. Do you even know what is being cut? The current pension is matched 5 to 1 by the taxpayer. Every £1 put in by a firefighter is met with £5 from the tax payer. That is too much


If your house was on fire who would you rather have saving you, a 34 year old fireman, a 60 year old fireman or a banker. The banks are still making money despite ruining the country whilst public servants, care workers and decent human beings are getting their take home pay cut.


Wall. Up Against.

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If your house was on fire who would you rather have saving you, a 34 year old fireman, a 60 year old fireman or a banker. The banks are still making money despite ruining the country whilst public servants, care workers and decent human beings are getting their take home pay cut.


Wall. Up Against.


It all seems pretty black and white to me. Why people are against the fire service on this is beyond me!


---------- Post added 10-08-2014 at 23:59 ----------


No, the banks have already been bailed. It is part of a cost cutting exercise. Do you even know what is being cut? The current pension is matched 5 to 1 by the taxpayer. Every £1 put in by a firefighter is met with £5 from the tax payer. That is too much


So where is the money coming from to pay back the deficit caused by the banks?

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It's our money that is paying for these wages and pensions. Not the governments. I think firefighters are very well paid for the job they do. Public sector pay and pensions should be based on private sector pay and pensions. If unions want them to rise, they have to rise across the board, not just in public sector.


Compared to whom? Certainly not the army of government cronies, bankers, etc on their massively inflated salaries plus million pound bonuses.


And how are the lowly paid workers in the private sector going to get better pay if not for the unions pushing for it? Bosses are not generally known for their generosity to their workers unless someone has a gun to their head - which is why many private sector workers now have to have their pay subsidised by our taxes in benefits.


The gap between rich and poor has never been so wide, and is still growing, engulfing more and more workers at the 'poor' end.


Something has to be done.

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It all seems pretty black and white to me. Why people are against the fire service on this is beyond me!


---------- Post added 10-08-2014 at 23:59 ----------




Totally agree, the problem is the Government are intent on demonising the unions, if No.10 was on fire am sure Cameron would rather have Sam carried down a ladder by a 30 year old fire-fighter than a 60 year old one. As for the bankers and the Govt saying they will go abroad and we will lose them, what a joke, if these people were so good they would not be here they would have been head hunted and gone for more money.

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It all seems pretty black and white to me. Why people are against the fire service on this is beyond me!


---------- Post added 10-08-2014 at 23:59 ----------




Totally agree, the problem is the Government are intent on demonising the unions, if No.10 was on fire am sure Cameron would rather have Sam carried down a ladder by a 30 year old fire-fighter than a 60 year old one. As for the bankers and the Govt saying they will go abroad and we will lose them, what a joke, if these people were so good they would not be here they would have been head hunted and gone for more money.


Sad thing is, I doubt there will be any 60 year old firemen/women. If they've not already been sacked for not being fit enough to do the job, they will have either been forced into early retirement and had a chunk of their pension taken away, or if they're lucky enough, they'll have been moved to a desk job for the last few years and probably forced into taking a pay cut!


Totally agree about the bankers too. They can threaten to leave the UK all they want. They're obviously crap at their job, let them leave.

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If your house was on fire who would you rather have saving you, a 34 year old fireman, a 60 year old fireman or a banker. The banks are still making money despite ruining the country whilst public servants, care workers and decent human beings are getting their take home pay cut.


Wall. Up Against.



This may be the most ridiculous post ever. Who would you rather managing your financial interests, a banker or a fireman?


The banks did not ruin the country.


It all seems pretty black and white to me. Why people are against the fire service on this is beyond me!


---------- Post added 10-08-2014 at 23:59 ----------



So where is the money coming from to pay back the deficit caused by the banks?


I am not against the fire service, I just think that there current pension package to too generous. Their employer puts in £5 for every £1 they put in. If you are familiar with pension schemes you will know that this is beyond generous.



Sad thing is, I doubt there will be any 60 year old firemen/women. If they've not already been sacked for not being fit enough to do the job, they will have either been forced into early retirement and had a chunk of their pension taken away, or if they're lucky enough, they'll have been moved to a desk job for the last few years and probably forced into taking a pay cut!


Totally agree about the bankers too. They can threaten to leave the UK all they want. They're obviously crap at their job, let them leave.


The bankers aren't crap at their job, London is the financial centre of the world. You are misunderstanding the point, I am not sure if you are doing it deliberately or not? The firefighters will still have to do the same length of service to get their pension, they will not have to do more years with the Fireservice to qualify.


Thre change is that the age at which they can claim has been pushed back. I do not believe that they should be able to retire in their 50's on full pension. They should get a job they can do like everyone else.

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Read my post and get your facts right before saying things I didn't say, if you are going to quote me quote what I say not what has been copied into a post.


This is what I said:


Totally agree, the problem is the Government are intent on demonising the unions, if No.10 was on fire am sure Cameron would rather have Sam carried down a ladder by a 30 year old fire-fighter than a 60 year old one. As for the bankers and the Govt saying they will go abroad and we will lose them, what a joke, if these people were so good they would not be here they would have been head hunted and gone for more money.

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