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Bargain booze charges student 1p for checking her ID.

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A teenager went to buy alcohol in Bargain booze and was charged 1p for showing her ID. The 1p appeared on the till receipt as successful ID shown. What will they think of next, charging a fee for shopping there.

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It proves they checked the ID of a customer who was old enough to purchase alcohol. Why would such proof (on a till receipt) be required when no offence is being committed How is it going to prove anything about selling to under age customers. An under age customer is not going to have a suitable ID for alcohol purchase.

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A teenager went to buy alcohol in Bargain booze and was charged 1p for showing her ID. The 1p appeared on the till receipt as successful ID shown. What will they think of next, charging a fee for shopping there.


Hang on there. Before this becomes a 20 page thread about rip off britain, disgraceful Bargain Booze etc etc....


I assume this article is from the Daily Fail or one of their sister papers which the frothy mouthed commentors have neglected to read properly.




It states clearly:


A spokesperson for Bargain Booze said the situation was an isolated incident and should not have happened.


The spokesperson said: 'This is an isolated incident. We never charge customers for ID checks.


'They are registered through our till system against transactions for audit purposes.


'We are working closely with our Eastbourne store to ensure this doesn't happen again and customers who have been charged a penny have been refunded


"Story" over. In fact why the hell it even became a "story" in the first place astounds me.


Its perfectly reasonable for a retailer to have some form of documented check on a sales receipt to ensure that they comply with the relevant ID checks. Its clearly an system error which marked up such as a 1p charge.


Its been resolved. Matter over.

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Its been resolved. Matter over.


How long have you been a wannabe moderator:roll:


Most young people don't even bother with copper coins in any case, they either don't bother taking them in change, put them in the charity or box, or put them in the bin at home.


I agree, they probably wouldn`t bend down to pick a copper coin up. You are missing the principle issue.

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Most young people don't even bother with copper coins in any case, they either don't bother taking them in change, put them in the charity or box, or put them in the bin at home.


People put coins in the bin? :o

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How long have you been a wannabe moderator:roll:


Errr, never.


But I do read things properly and get really wound up about so called "news" outlets making a drama out of nothing to sell their papers... which then of course have the obligatory "outrage" comments from every Tom Dick and Harry who never bothers to read the actual article and then get spun around the internet for more "outrage" comments from people who know even less about the "story"


Its an admin error. The company spotted it. Resolved it. What more is there to be reported or said?


All this hype makes you wonder whether this horse crap story about Bargain Booze making a mistake in one of their Bargain Booze stores on a Bargain Booze customer's purchase which is then splashed all over the mail and sister papers with the big Bargain Booze headline and obligatory sad face photograph from the customer outside Bargain Booze store which is then spun across the internet with everyone commenting about "disgraceful" Bargain Booze is somehow deliberate.


After all what possibly could Bargain Booze gain from having Bargain Booze splashed across the papers and internet??

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