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Why aren't you creative?

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Anyone thinking of trying to be more creative?




I'm a spoken word poet and have written and performed regularly for the last couple of years. I am also in the national poetry slam final at the Albert Hall in September (hasn't quite sunk in :hihi:). I've written this article about how to write spoken word poetry although the principles apply to other forms of writing so many interest anyone thinking about writing creatively.


I mention it in the blog as i'm particularly interested in why people aren't creative. So I ask: Are you creative? If not, do you remember a time, perhaps as a child, when you were? What do you think might have happened to change things?


Also any thoughts on the article itself would be cool, but i'm mainly interested in how people lose their creativity. What do you think about it? So many children can express themsleves without too much trouble - what do you think changes as they get older?

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A lot of it comes down to poverty. If a child comes from a poor family and only has access to a single pack of loom bands, all of which are the same colour, they can hardly experiment to make different patterns and what not.


Whilst the rich child can command it's servants to make all different kinds of bracelets.

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I think it's sad that people lose their childhood innocence and imagination as they grow older. Obviously you have to become more balanced as an adult. You have more responsibility as an adult. That said, I've always believed in staying young at heart. I've never stopped being creative. I will try my hardest to install the same beliefs into my children.

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Increased consumerism has put paid to much creativity. Why knit a jumper with wool costing £30, when you can buy one that's been made in China for £10? My parents used to do, make and mend everything in the house. A lot of these skills have been lost, over quite a short period of time.

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Increased consumerism has put paid to much creativity. Why knit a jumper with wool costing £30, when you can buy one that's been made in China for £10? My parents used to do, make and mend everything in the house. A lot of these skills have been lost, over quite a short period of time.


Yes, I have to agree. I'm a crafter and what I pay for materials can barely be recouped by selling items, let alone pay for my time and effort as well.


I also think a lot of people are too busy working to put food on the table, to have the time for creative pursuits these days, which is a great shame.

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Yes, I have to agree. I'm a crafter and what I pay for materials can barely be recouped by selling items, let alone pay for my time and effort as well.


I also think a lot of people are too busy working to put food on the table, to have the time for creative pursuits these days, which is a great shame.


Sort if disagree there Anna. There has been a big upswing in crafting in the past 10 years or so if the appearance of various shops and at least one dedicated tv channel is anything to go by.


Older kids are creative in different ways too - minecraft being one example, a big increase in street dance another one. New and innovative music is often a young persons thing as well. Arguably some sports allow for a large degree of creativity too. People aren't queuing up to be poets but I think it's down to being a bit of a dead medium in my opinion.

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I guess creativity is subjective. I don't see myself as at all creative, whilst others see me the opposite.


It depends on what you do I suppose. You wouldn't descibe me as being creative if you stick me in front of an easel and a paintbox, but I've been told that my coding is another matter allegedly...

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