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Why aren't you creative?

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?... People aren't queuing up to be poets but I think it's down to being a bit of a dead medium in my opinion.


Benjamin Zephaniah? John Cooper Clarke? Pam Ayres? :hihi:


---------- Post added 11-08-2014 at 01:56 ----------


I make "Stone Age" stuff. :hihi:

It's very niche. :D


What, square wheels and the like? :hihi:

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A lot of it comes down to poverty. If a child comes from a poor family and only has access to a single pack of loom bands, all of which are the same colour, they can hardly experiment to make different patterns and what not.


Whilst the rich child can command it's servants to make all different kinds of bracelets.


You have to be creative if all you can use is Royal Mail rubber bands. It's forced by poverty.


It's the rich child's servants being creative, but it doesn't matter because the rich kid gets the credit anyway.

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If a lack of creativity is due to poverty, surely it's poverty of imagination rather than material poverty? They are linked perhaps in that even these days in this country many of the materially 'poor' still have the kinds of consumer goods (games consoles, TVs, etc.,) which can stifle, rather than fire, the imagination and creativity.


It also depends I suppose, how narrowly you define 'creativity' and on the opportunities you give children (and others) to show it.

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Ummmm....Aren't we all creative, to a more or lesser degree? It doesn't 'have' to be something you make or prose you write. Something that is designed to make others admire your creativity.


I dunno, things like cooking for instance! No I'm not talking about restaurant cooking, but something you might try at home, that's different from the norm. Something only 'you' appreciate.


Posting interesting threads on an internet forum? (Jees I'm gonna get some flak for that one)

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Ummmm....Aren't we all creative, to a more or lesser degree? It doesn't 'have' to be something you make or prose you write. Something that is designed to make others admire your creativity.


I dunno, things like cooking for instance! No I'm not talking about restaurant cooking, but something you might try at home, that's different from the norm. Something only 'you' appreciate.


Posting interesting threads on an internet forum? (Jees I'm gonna get some flak for that one)


Absolutely pete, some threads on here do make you think. Are the long running "make a story following on a sentence" type threads creative? Memes - that's another more modern phenomena - someone has to dream them up.

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Yeah I think many people are creative in ways that they don't even see as creative. I've met a lot of people though who insist they that 'just aren't' creative and I've always wondered how people can be so insistent.


I think that belief is often a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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