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Is the Home Scretary running the H.O. efficiently?

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A killer from Bangladesh is being allowed to come and live in this country after he was first refused then given permission after he appealed that it was against his human rights. The home Office lawyers did not lodge an appeal in time and now it is too late so the man is allowed to come here. On the other hand last week, on Look North there was a man in West Yorkshire who came here several years ago and has been working as a caretaker at a school. His marriage has broken down and now the Govt is going to kick him out. He has worked and paid taxes, what about his human rights? He has children and deporting him means he will not see them, typical that they let the wrong people in and kick out the easy ones the ones they can easily find.



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Surely we should be allowed to dictate who can and can not cross into our country???


Violent criminals and such should be top of the 'no' list.


No, Qatada was cleared of all charges therefore there is little basis on to call him a terrorist. I suppose he could be refused a visa on grounds of not being conducive to the public good or on grounds of public incitement but it’s very difficult to make those kind of charges stick. I looked him up on wiki to see on what grounds he could be refused entry, but it all seems too subjective and as of yet, refusing visas on subjectivity are easily overturned.



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A killer from Bangladesh is being allowed to come and live in this country after he was first refused then given permission after he appealed that it was against his human rights. The home Office lawyers did not lodge an appeal in time and now it is too late so the man is allowed to come here. On the other hand last week, on Look North there was a man in West Yorkshire who came here several years ago and has been working as a caretaker at a school. His marriage has broken down and now the Govt is going to kick him out. He has worked and paid taxes, what about his human rights? He has children and deporting him means he will not see them, typical that they let the wrong people in and kick out the easy ones the ones they can easily find.




Has any home office minister been for for purpose over the last 30 years? You can find examples like this going back years and years.

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