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Tooth abcess advice

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I have had a tooth abcess I went to the dentist and they wanted to charge me upto £60 to have a look at it. I can't afford that so came home and it burst. it has been like that for 2 days will it heal up by itself. anyone else had the same problem?


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It won't heal by itself - will just keep coming back and each time it will be worse than the time before. Actually believe it or not a dentist's prescription is cheaper than a doctors but obviously you need to pay for the dentist's appointment first.


If it's abcessing the chances are it will have to come out but get some anti-biotics, calm it down and go to the dentist soon as you can.

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I'm amazed you can stand the pain frankly. I had a friend in tears with one.


But why is if you break a leg you get that fixed for free or get an abscess somewhere else on your body you can get that sorted for free but as soon as it's tooth related it's serious money time despite being in a tremendous amount of pain.

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I'm amazed you can stand the pain frankly. I had a friend in tears with one.


But why is if you break a leg you get that fixed for free or get an abscess somewhere else on your body you can get that sorted for free but as soon as it's tooth related it's serious money time despite being in a tremendous amount of pain.


Yep, go in crying, come out crying.


The fact it burst may have temporarily eased the pain but as already mentioned the lull will not last. I'd be down Charles Clifford just to get an appraisal, while there get a prescription.

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I've had two over the years in both cases absolute agony. last one was a root problem so was never going to go away. Started as a tiny sore went away, got bigger, went away over 18 months on and off til I woke up one Sunday like a lop sided hamster. Agony! I had to get dentist out to give me a prescription for heavy duty anti-biotics. Was an NHS one then so didn't cost me anything.


I had it taken out a few days later and when I saw it was obvious why I was having the problem. Cracked right to the tip of the root. The relief from the pain was inexplicable!

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